Chapter 0236

"Ava Sharp" I almost shout when I get to the nurse's station.

One of the nods and motions for me. "Come this way, she was brought in about ten minutes ago.

currently in the emergency room"

"How is she? How is the baby?"


"I'm sorry Mr. Woods, but I don't know. The doctors are with her and I was given directions to guide her family to the waiting room when they arrive"

I want to scream and yell at her, but I know that won't do a thing. It won't help in anyway.

She leads me to the waiting room, and then proceeds to leave a few second later. I'm left with my racing thoughts and a dam full of worry. Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore, I feel small arms wrap

around me.

I turn to face the intruder only to find my mom staring back at me.

"Mom" I whisper. I feel my eyes tear up, but I refuse to let the tears fall.

I've never felt so helpless. So weak.

"She's going to be fine. You just have to have faith"

I nod my head unable to force any word out of my mouth.

"Have you heard anything from the doctors?" it's only when I hear Letty's voice, that I realize that

everyone was here.

Travis, Kate, my dad, Gabe, Corrine and even Emma. The only ones that were missing were Nora and Theo.

"No" I answer. "Have you informed her parents?"

"Yes. They traveled yesterday on a business trip, but they are on their way back. It will probably take them at least four hours before they are back"

I turn to face my brother as something hits me. I couldn't let Noah hear it from teachers. If someone was going to tell him, then it will have to be me. "Gabe, get one of our contacts to take the video down"

"On it he says, before taking out his phone and stepping a few feet away.

"I need someone to get Noah" I murmur, my eyes focused on the emergency door.

Corrine answers. "I've already talked to Calvin. He'll pick him up and bring him here as soon as possible"

I see Emma going still at the mention of Calvin's name, but I honestly don't care. Her issues with him

weren't important right now.

The door to ER burst open and a doctor comes out. We all stand and face him.

"Are you all Ava's family?"

"Yes" I answer. "How is she?"

"Her wounds are extensive, but our main concern is the baby and the bullet that is lodged in her skull" he answers truthfully.

I hear the women's gasps, but I don't pay them any attention. My focus is on what the doctor is saying.

"Since Ava is unconscious, we need permission to perform a C-section"

months along Co

"But she's only six cries.

"Yes. I failed to mention that one of the bullet hit her stomach causing the amniotic sac to rapture. If we don't do something, we might lose the baby"

My breathing becomes labored and it literally becomes hard to breathe. Fuck. This is worse than I imagined. Worry for both mother and baby consumes me.

"Go ahead" I murmur. If it was the only way to save the baby, then so be it.

The moment those words are out of my mouth, an alarm starts blaring and the lights on top of the emergency turns red. I knew what that meant. It was a code fucking red.

A nurse rushes outside and whispers something in the doctor's ears. I see the panic in both their eyes right before the doctor turns to face us.

"Ava just went into cardiac arrest. The rest of the doctors are doing everything they can but we need to be prepared. In these cases we may need to make a decision and that's where you come in" he says and "Given Ava's injury both may not survive, so we can only save one of them. Who will you have us save? The mother or the baby?"

The blow of her words hit me square in the chest. How can they ask me to choose? I can't lose Ava, but choosing her over her baby is a sure way to make her hate me for life.

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