Chapter 0231

He glares at me, but within seconds, his features soften. He grabs my hand, turns it, and kisses my palm in a really gentle kiss.

"I don't know when I fell in love with you or how; all I know is that I love you, Ava. I didn't see it back then. I was so overcome with bitterness and anger that I didn't realize what a true gem I had married. In the I few months, it's been hard to be without you. Seeing you in pain or hurt destroys me every time. It has taken me time to realize that I'm in love with you, but here I am, begging you to give me a chance to show I watch completely stunned, as he gets out of the chair and kneels before me. This all seems like a

dream. It's like I am in a completely different world right now.

"Oh, Rowan," I start, trying to make my brain function. "You don't love me. You've never loved me. Emmal

is your one and only love. She's the one that has your heart, remember?"

Pain and regret flash in his eyes. I feel bad for him, but I know that maybe he's just confused about things.

It just doesn't make sense. How can he be in love with me when he hates me so much?

"You're not listening to me Ava" he says as the pain changes to frustration.

"I am; you're the one that's confused, Rowan. How can you be in love with me now? You've hated me up until a few months ago. You have proven over and over again how little you care for me. You have hurt The familiar pain creeps back up, but I force it down. I have no time or energy to feel the constant


"I know, and you'll never know how much I regret hurting you, but if you could only give me a chance, I promise I'll never hurt you again and that I'll heal the wounds I caused." He whispers brokenly, his eyes st "You have to realize that just because you say you love me doesn't make it true, Rowan. You had nine years with me, but not once did you

give me a chance. I loved you with everything I was, yet you broke me with everything you had. How do you expect me to overcome that? Why would I give you a chance when you never gave me one?" shift my eyes away from his. I didn't want to see his pain. I didn't want to see the regret and guilt. It was too much.


"Why now, Rowan? Answer me that. If you're being truthful, what has made you love me now and not years ago?" I ask him.

He stares at me for a while before looking at the floor. He couldn't answer m

that would make sense. ↑

because he had no answer

I sigh. "You have to see just how unbelievable all this sounds. I'm sorry, but no. You can't expect me to believe you love me when, for nine years, all you saw was Emma. You lived and breathed her, it's hard to I watch as his shoulders slump. If it wasn't for the fact that my ankles were killing me, I would be pacing

all over the floor.

It only takes a minute for the heartbroken look in his eyes to turn into determination. He leans forwards and cups my cheek.

"I know this is a lot to take in, and I understand why you don't believe me, but I am not giving up. I'll prove

to you that I love you, Ava, even if it takes me a fucking lifetime to do it. I won't stop until you're

convinced that what I feel for you is true." His voice takes on a deep tone as he vows to me. 1

He bends soon after and gives me a quick kiss before he stands up and leaves. I stay rooted in my chair, still unable to understand all that just happened.

He said he loved me, could it be true? And should I believe him or am I setting myself up for more


disappointment and heartache?

Whether I believe him or not, something told me that my choice would soon be taken away from me concerning that matter.

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