Chapter 0226


I haven't been able to get the freaking note out of my head. It's all I think about.

I wanted to believe that it was nothing but a prank, but I'm not so sure. Not when I get a bad feeling every

time I read it.

I've thought about reporting, but I don't want to make a big deal out of it. It was just one note. What if Cal was right and it turned out that it was just a stupid prank?

My phone rings, making me jump. I put the mop down and pick it up. When I see Rowan's name flashing. I

almost hang up, but I don't.

"Hello." I force my voice to sound emotionless.

"Hey, how are you?" he asks, sounding a bit unsure.

I swear, I'll never get used to this version of Rowan. It was just so unlike him. It's like he woke up one day and was a different person. If he has truly changed, then it's going to take some time to get used to him.

"Did you need anything?"

"Yeah. I just want to let you know that I'll be going on a business trip for a few days," he informs me,

which makes me a bit confused.

"Oh, okay, so you wanted me to let Noah know?"

Noah was at school. He will be disappointed since he doesn't like Rowan going on trips, but he'll

understand nonetheless.

He pauses before answering. "He already knows, but I wanted you to know too."

I'm a bit stunned. Rowan never used to tell me when he went on business trips. He would leave in the morning and not come back. It's as I set aside food for him that Noah would let me know that Rowan wasn't coming back. He used to tell our son, but not me.

It was disrespectful. He never cared about that, though. He knew that it hurt me every time he did it, and that's why he continued doing it.

1 really don't see how that's any of my business, Rowan. I'm not your wife or your keeper." I try to keep. the snappy tone away, but it's hard. Nowadays, he does something nice, and it just reminds me of the opposite action he took before. It's

"I know, but I thought it was a simple courtesy to let you know," he says, slowly as if he were dealing with an unpredictable, rabid animal.

Against my better judgment, I snorted. "Courtesy? You sure lacked it when we were married, so I don't see the need of it now."

We stay quiet after that for a while before I speak up again.

"You know what, It doesn't matter because I don't want to fight with you."

He sighs. "Neither do I," he pauses. "Look, my jet is ready, but when I get back, we need to talk. There is something I have to tell you; it's important."


I immediately get curious. "Can't you tell me now?"

"No. It's something that I need to tell you face-to-face"

One thing about me is that I hate waiting. When you tell me something like that, then you make me wait before you tell me what you want to say, it usually wreaks havoc inside me. I'll spend the entire duration overthinking and coming up with scenarios that may not be true.

"Can't you just tell me? I hate waiting."

"I know, but this will have to wait." He pauses, and I hear other voices on his end. "I have to go. Take care;

we'll talk when I get back."

Before I can say anything more, the line goes dead. I groan in frustration. Damn it. What the hell does he

want to talk about?

"Ava," the shout, brings me out of my musing.

I sigh in defeat. Now I was going to be in a weird state until Rowan tells me what he wanted us to talk


"In the kitchen," I shout back

Thear his footsteps before he walks into the kitchen. I don't know if it's jus Today he had his glasses on, and he looked super nerdy in a hot kind of way. me, but Cal looks out of sorts.

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