Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski
Ex-Husband Goes Money Comes By Yvone Zabielski Chapter 196

Chapter 196 Stay for Three Days



When he saw Orlando's car coming over, he anxiously ran over and sat in the passenger seat.

He whispered, “Mr. Caffrey... Someone from Salt Lake City is coming!”

Orlando frowned

He thought, why did the person have to come at this time?

With a serious expression, le started the car again and drove to the meeting place Todd mentioned. Driving all the way to the abandoned construction site, they silently entered the most remote and dilapidated house

Just as Orlando entered, Viola received a call from Jimmy.

Jimmy reported Orlando's strange whereabouts to Viola in detail.

“Why did he go there? Did you see who was inside? What did he say?” Viola asked suspiciously. ILI UFLILLVILLES LEIL HILL

“No, I found that there are people guarding the area 165 feet away from the construction site. There are quite a few people, so I can't get close to him.”

Viola was silent for a moment.

She thought, he suddenly ran to the abandoned construction site. Who is he going to meet? There are actually people guarding it. His secret is indeed not simple.

"Alright, I got it. Ill go take a look later.”

At the same time, Orlando entered the house with Todd.

Three men were already standing inside.

The man in the lead was in his forties. When he saw Orlando come in, he smiled and bowed respectfully.

"Hello, Mr. Caffrey.”

“Eason, what happened?” Orlando's expression was cold.

The expression of the man who was called Eason Allen gradually became serious, and Eason explained seriously, “The internal strife of the clan happened. You have to leave immediately and go back with me to control the overall situation.”


Such a hurry.

Chapter 196 Stav for Three Days


“No, I have a private matter to deal with in Washington. I will go back in a few days. “Orlando said without thinking

Eason’s expression became weer “Mr. Calirry, this is an emergency recall order. You must go back with me. This is the legi tunity for you to win the hearts of the people and take control!”

Orlando wat ditent

He had attrinally thought that he could stay ly Viola's side for the last seven days.

He didn’le

that eventuen days was an extravagant hope

He suppteceed the culfocating feeling in his heart and recalled the plan that Nell had mentioned in the morning

“Give me three more days I still have one last thing to do when the time comes, I will personally to bachandapologize”

Lason's expression was serious “Mr. Caffrey, you know how strict the rules of the family are. If you disobey the emergency recall order, you know well what punishment you will receive today!” Orlando said with a calm expression, “I know. Thirty lashes for staying for three days.”

Orlando undid his tic withionchand He undid the buttons on his suit and shirt at the same time, then took them off together, and tossed them to Todd in a carefree manner.

“Mt. Caffrey...”

Todd steadily caught his clothes, his eyes were full of worry.

Todd thought, wharif he couldn't hold on and the suppressed virus in his body is activated? Orlando ignored him He turned around indifferently and knelt on one knee. His broad and smooth back was particularly straight, and his tone was a bit arrogant.

“Do it.”

Eason let out alongsigh and said, “As expected, Mr. Caffrey knows you best. He knew that you would dennitely stay and refuse to go back immediately.”

The bodyguard who stood quietly at the side stepped forward and handed over a dark black and Valuable box

Eason slowly opened it and look out the what he had brought from the ancestralhall

The whip was dark and had gold threads inside it. The whip was covered with fine little barbs. It didn't even need to be used at full strength to make one bleed. It was an extremely heavy family rule.

Chapter 196 Stay for Three Days


Get Elcinius

“Mr. Caffrey, the family is in chaos, and the situation is urgent, I will ask you one last time. Do you really want to stay for another three days?"

Orlando did not hesitate and said, “Yes.”

“Then don’t blame me for not being merciful. The rules cannot be violated. Sorry.”

Orlando nodded.

In fact, he was extremely unconvinced of these rules.

The first thing he would do when he took full control of the family would be to destroy these stubborn and harsh old rules in the ancestral hall!

Just as he was pondering, a sharp sound rang out behind him.

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