Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski
Ex-Husband Goes, Money Comes By Yvone Zabielski Chapter 161

Chapter 161 Bury People with Money

Suddenly, everyone looked at Orlando

Orlando was not Mustered at all and joked with a hall smile, “It's nothing. I am impressed

by Captain Townsend's ability to matter ople”

Orlando was secretly roocking Brian for deliberately flattering ferry. It even implied that Orlando lool Orlando and Jenny looked at each other and selt obvious hostility in each other's eyes. If people's eyes could kill people, the two of them would have already died maliy times.

The atmosphere was very tense.

Other people didn't even dare to breathe heavily,

Suddenly, Viola knocked on the table and said, “Guys, let's get back to the business. My time is precious.”

Orlando and Jerry immediately retracted their gazes and consciously put their attention back on the case.

Jerry glanced at the case file again and then looked at Karissa and Jaylin. “Mrs. Haworth, since you ac Karissa bites her lips.

Before Viola left yesterday, Viola's bodyguards had destroyed all the evidence. Apart from Jaylin's inj out anything else.

Karissa had originally thought that with the help of someone in the Washington Police Station, she would be able to lock Viola in prison.

But Karissa didn't expect Jerry would suddenly appear and break her plan.

But Karissa couldn't do anything, She could only glare at Viola with resentment. “Don’t be so arrogant because you have so many big shots behind you. There will be a time when you fail!"

Viola was relaxed and lazy as she looked at her fingers.

Hearing Karissa“s words, Viola raised her eyebrows and said, “Mrs. Haworth, you are right. However, I "You!"

Karissa was so angry. But after thinking that the Haworth Group was established and developed

by her family for generations, Karissa gritted her teeth and asked, “You don’t admit that you delibera family's fortune

tangerines, and that is the truth. The police will find our fortune tangerines in your place. Do you still "Oh. That thing.”

Viola thought about it and generously admitted, “Mrs. Haworth invited me to the Haworth’s house and be her guest, I saw that the oranges on the tree were fresh, so I took some away. If Mrs. Hawortt doesn't agree, willi return them to you, OK?"

Hearing this, Karissa cursed in her heart, bullshit!

You ate all my fortune tangerines!

Karissa said, “Since you have taken them away, you have to pay me with money!”


Viola didn’t hesitate and agreed immediately.

karissa didn't expect Viola to agree so quickly. Karissa was a little stunned and added fiercely, “I want That tree was very expensive, Karissa wanted to double the price and let Viola pay more!

“I will satisfy you, Mrs. Haworth,” Viola smiled casually and sent a text message to Toby. Then, she lo Brian keenly noticed that it was the “bodyguards”. So how many people were going to come? However, with the presence of Jerry, Brian didn't dare to ask. So Brian could only agree, “OK. No problem.”

In the few minutes of waiting for the bodyguards to come, the interrogation room returned to silence.

Jerry and Viola looked at each other silently. Jerry smiled very gently. His pair of azure eyes seemed t Viola, on the other hand, was expressionless. Her eyes were still indifferent.

Orlando was keenly aware that Jerry and Viola were looking at each other.

There seemed to be a story between Jerry and Viola.

Orlando found that every time Viola looked at Jerry, her gaze would be a little complicated.

Chapter 161 Bury People With Money


Get Bonus

When Viola sent Stanley away, she did not have any complicated feelings. So... Could it be that Viola liked Jerry?

Thinking of this possibility, Orlando felt unhappy and coughed angrily

The voice was very loud and abrupt. Even Karissa, laylin, and Brian noticed it.

But for the two who were looking at each other...

Jerry and Viola didn’t have any reaction.

A few moments later, some sounds from outside the interrogation room were heard.

Toby was the first to enter, carrying two large black boxes in his hands.

When Karissa saw this, she was just about to mock that the amount of money was too small. But she another man carrying a black box walk in..

A total of 25 bodyguards in black stood in front of the open

space of the interrogation room in unison. This scene looked a little frightening

Brian was dumbfounded. But Karissa and Jaylin were already used to this kind of scene.

However, Karissa and Jaylin still wanted to express their dissatisfaction and condemnation of Viola's I profile behavior!

Orlando noticed that Todd was also in the bodyguard group.

Todd didnt listen to Orlando's orders. Orlando wondered when Todd became Viola's bodyguard. Todd seemed to

have noticed Orlando's sharp gaze. He took advantage of the fact that he was standing at the back c All the bodyguards had arrived.

Viola saidas she looked at Karissa with a mischievous smile. “Mrs. Haworth, I've brought my money. Karissa felt threatened by Viola's words,

Viola waved her hand. The bodyguards stepped forward and opened the boxes one by one. Each bo: stacks of money on the table in front of Karissa and Jaylin

The sound of cash rustling sounded.

This scene was very dramatic.

The table was too small. Thus, a lot of cash fell to the ground and even smashed Karissa's

and Jaylin's legs and arms. Jaylin’s wound that had just been bandaged was smashed to bleed again Jaylin screamed.

The bodyguards of the Haworth family were not in the interrogation room, so Karissa had no choice but to go forward and block the “attack” for lier daughter

At first, the bodyguards were pouring the cash on the table, but the table was too small and had no bodies.

Karissa and laylin were soon buried with money.

This extravagant scene of pouring money on people stunned all the policemen in the interrogation Toon

Brian noticed that even though jaylin was protected by Karissa, there were still quite a few places

on Taylin's body that were bleeding, Brian looked at Jerry with a little worry in his eyes.

“Mr. Felton, wouldn't this be too..."

This was the first time in history that some people had publicly “buried” some other people with mor This was unprecedented, shocking, and insane!

Jerry was enjoying Viola's happy expression. When he was interrupted, he felt a little unhappy.

Jerry said, “They want inoney, and Viola gives them money. It's just that the amount of money is a lit Since the person with the greatest authority here said there was nothing wrong, Brian could do noth One suitcase carried 200 thousand dollars, and 25 bodyguards carried 50 suitcases in total. The whol This really wasn't something an ordinary person could do.

Brian thought he had to reevaluate Viola,

There was too much money. Karissa and Jaylin finally can out of all their strength. Their entire bodies were buried in the pile of money. Only their heads were exposed. For the first time, they expe A lot of money was scattered on the ground of the interrogation room, but none of the policemen d Cet Bonus

That was

10 million dollars! Those policemen really hoped that they were the ones who were sitting in the pile Viola looked at this scene with satisfaction in her eyes. The smile on her face was evil and teasing She didn't notice that two men were staring at her right now.

Viola got up and walked toward Karissa and Jaylin. Then, she casually picked

up a stack of money from the ground and gently placed it on Jaylin“s head,

Viola's movements were elegant and noble, but her face was cold and arrogant.

This stack of money directly became the last straw that crushed Jaylin's rationality.

Jaylin could not bear the humiliation and shouted angrily and desperately.

Viola shushed Jaylin before saying, “You guys better keep my money well. Soon, I will take back all my inoney with interest!

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