Ex-husband Goes Money Comes by Yvone Zabielski
Ex-Husband Goes Money Comes By Yvone Zabielski Chapter 125

Chapter 125 You're Acting!

Realizing that something was wrong, Orlando opened the door.

There was no one in front of the desk.

“Viola?” Hearing that, Orlando changed his expression. He walked in and checked. The sound of gas Orlando

suddenly lifted the tablecloth and saw that Viola curled up in the small space with an unusual flush o face.

Orlando squatted down and gently touched violas neck, only to find that she was extremely hot. What's going on?

Half of the coffee on the table was gone, and the sugar bag in the tray had been torn apart. Thinking “Damn it!"

Orlando took Viola out from under the desk.

Feeling his cold body approaching her, Viola felt very comfortable. Driven by the medicine, for the fii Viola wrapped her arms around Orlando's neck tightly. The smell of male hormones drove her nuts. Orlando carried Viola back to the bedroom. He felt that the woman on his body was restless, He was afraid of hurting

her, so he held her gently.

“Viola, hold on. Everything will be fine soon.”

Hearing the familiar voice, Viola struggled to raise her head to look at him.

The moment Viola saw clearly that it was Orlando, she was filled with anger. She suppressed the desi Viola was drugged. The slap wasn't heavy, but Orlando, who was about to go to the bathroom, was « Viola struggled and slipped from his hand, but her hand was still tightly grasping his collar.

The two of them suddenly lost their balance and fell to the ground.

Seeing that Viola's head was about to hit the corner of the bed, Orlando didn’t care about anything ¢ “Ouch!”

His back hit the corner of the bed hard, and the

swollen wound hadn't healed yet. The pain made Orlando sweat profusely and almost

pass out on the spot.

Before Orlando could come back from the sharp pain in his back, she slapped Orlando hard on his fe Viola then broke free from his arms and dragged his upper body, which was

leaning against the edge of the bed, to the floor. She pressed her knees

against his chest and clenched his collar.

When she looked at Orlando, her eyes were filled with great hatred for the first time.

Get Bogor

"Orlando! You are so despicable and shameless! You were really acting by saying those words the other night! Do you think that I cant control myself after you drug me? In your dream!”

“Viola, calm down. This...”


Another slap fell on Orlando's face. This time, Viola used all her strength.

The fire of desire and anger mixed in her heart, almost burning Viola's sanity to ashes.

Orlando's ears were ringing for a while after being slapped, and he felt temporary

dizziness in her brain. The sharp pain of his back hitting the corner of the bed hadn't recovered yet. Orlando was so painful that his

facial features were tightened. When he was about to take a deep breath, Viola's hand, which was hc with killing intent.

"Orlando, I will make your life a living hell!”

Viola let go of him and struggled to press the alarm at the head of the bed. All of a sudden, the desi heart surged up again. She was so uncomfortable that she huddled up on the floor and trembled un But she couldnt! No way!

Viola pressed her skin against the floor, trying to wake herself up with the coolness of the floor. Enduring the pain, Orlando stood up and saw Viola bear the pain alone on the floor.

If she doesnt have sex in time after getting drugged, the desire would make her want to die

Even so, she doesn’t want to pounce on me to release that desire?

Does Viola hate me to the core?

Orlando smiled bitterly and walked toward Viola, trying to pick her up again.

“Don’t touch me! I'll kill you!”

Orlando's hands froze for a second, but he still picked up Viola decisively. “Okay, when the drug effe do whatever you want.”

Viola had no strength to break away from his hands. She was dizzy and could only let him carry her to the bathroom.

Orlando turned on the shower and filled the bathtub with cold water.

Afraid the water might be so cold that Viola's body couldn’t bear it, Orlando put her into the bathtut Lying in the bathtub, Viola felt a coolness all over her body, and the nameless desire in her heart was were slowly relaxed, and she was so exhausted that she fell asleep immediately.

Orlando just sat by the bathtub and waited.

Orlando remembered that the night before their divorce, he wronged Viola for drugging him, and on the second day, he even sneered at Viola

He didn't expect that retribution would come so soon. Now it was his turn to be wronged.

Orlando smiled bitterly.

with Viola's personality, when she regained her consciousness, this matter would not be easily let go This was what he deserved

He came back to his

senses and looked at Viola's sleeping face quietly. Her face was still flushed, and she seemed to be d However, Orlando was not

the kind of man who would take advantage of others when they were not themselves. He withdrew his gaze and focused on observing Viola's state.

Viola's skin was still extremely red and hot.

The effect was too slow. It couldn't go on like this.

Orlando stood up and went out of the bathroom to look for the antidote in the medicine cabinet. He Orlando walked to the garden and shouted outside, “Jimmy, Vincent, Shane! Come out!”

One minute later, Jimmy came out of nowhere and asked Orlando with sleepy eyes, “What are you shouting for? It's late at night.”

"Why are you alone?”

"Vincent and Shane have gone to send Mr. Falcon back. I don't know why, but they haven't come ba Because Viola was a good fighter, they were usually not on duty at night. If there was an emergency, Without hesitation, Orlando went straight to the point. “There are no sedative pills and glucose solut “It's late at night. Where do you want me to find the medicine?”

“No matter what method you use, you must buy these two back as soon as possible! This is very imp cautious.

Seeing that Orlando was serious and anxious, Jimmy chose to believe him this time.

About half an hour later, Jimmy came back and handed the medicine to Orlando, “What kind of dise: you..."

Orlando took the medicine from his hand and rushed to the third floor.


was not until Viola took the medicine that Orlando breathed a sigh of relief. Leaning against the batt was there for her. After tossing and turning for more than half a night, he was almost

exhausted and fell asleep unconsciously

When Viola woke up in a daze, it was just dawn.

The heat on her body had completely dissipated. When Viola opened her eyes, she found herself lyir in the bathtub, while Orlando was leaning against it and sleeping.

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