‘P ut the gun down, Ricky.’ Finn kept his voice calm, rational, though he felt neither. The sight of Casey running towards him, relieved at knowing she was alive, but also wondering what the hell Ricky had put her through, had his heart racing and anger raging. ‘There are more police on the way.’

‘Let go of her and step away.’

Casey twisted in Finn’s arms, spotting the gun that was aimed at both of them, and he felt her stiffen. Ricky was sick, crazy even, and Finn didn’t doubt he would shoot them both if he had to. He had found out enough on the drive over here and had called in the location, requesting patrol cars to attend urgently. Unfortunately, the location meant it would take them a little while to get here. ‘It’s over. Drop the gun.’

‘Let go of her and step away,’ Ricky repeated. When Finn didn’t comply, he took aim at Casey, firing a shot that grazed just past her leg, making her flinch. ‘The next one hits her. Step away. I won’t ask again and I will give you the count of five to do it. Five… four…’


Finn hugged Casey tight to him. She was trembling and he didn’t want to let go of her, but he couldn’t risk getting her shot. He whispered against her ear. ‘If you get a chance, there’s cuff keys in my jacket pocket.’

‘Three… two…’

He squeezed her arm in reassurance before releasing her and taking a reluctant step back, promised himself that the second he got the opportunity, he was going to knock Ricky’s head clean off. ‘You’re not going to get away with this. You have five minutes if you’re lucky. Even if you shoot us both, Ricky. What’s your plan then? How will you explain all of this?’

Finn glanced at Casey. He could see that she was a nervous wreck and as she watched Ricky pointing the gun at him, her eyes were wide with horror, fresh tears streaming down her face. Frustration burned in his gut, knowing that he couldn’t do anything to comfort her.

‘I’m not going to shoot you, as long as you do as you’re told.’ Ricky smiled slyly. ‘In fact, you showing up here is perfect, DC Murphy. Casey and I were about to go on a little trip. I think you should come with us. It will be quite fitting to have you there at the end given your history and how the pair of you betrayed Gareth.’

Finn exchanged a wary glance with Casey. What did Ricky have planned?

‘I was trying to get you kids back together for years, but things never quite worked out. When I saw the apartment come up for sale in Kimberley House, I knew it was perfect for Casey, especially given that you would be her new neighbour. I didn’t know if she would go for it, but I guess it was fate. As is you showing up here. I wanted you to mourn her, but now you can watch me kill her. That’s even better. Now come on, let’s get going before your colleagues arrive.’

Finn didn’t move. ‘We’re not going anywhere you sick, twisted fuck.’

‘Well I guess you won’t be if I put a bullet in your head.’

Either brave or reckless, Finn decided to call his bluff, taking a bold step forward, his eyes never leaving Ricky’s. ‘Really? You’re going to shoot me?’

Casey started mumbling frantically against her gag. Finn couldn’t make out what she was saying, but was fairly certain she was trying to tell him not to challenge Ricky.

Ricky seemed to hesitate, consider, and for one awful moment he was certain he was about to pull the trigger, but then he gave a cold smile, shifted the gun so it was pointing at Casey, and everything inside Finn went cold.

‘Nope, but if you don’t do as I tell you, I will shoot her.’


Now it was Finn’s turn to hesitate, unsure if it was a bluff call. ‘You’ve gone to all this trouble to get back at her, I doubt you would do that, Ricky. Or am I supposed to call you Rod, Roderick? Which one do you prefer?’

Ricky’s lips thinned and Finn could tell he had scored a point. He didn’t respond to the question though, the gun still pointed at Casey. ‘She’s going to die tonight regardless. I have a preferred way, but if it has to be with this gun, I know exactly which shot to make that will leave her to suffer in agony. It will be a slow and painful death.’

Finn couldn’t decide if that was true or not, but it was a risk he wasn’t willing to take. He scowled at Ricky, though didn’t challenge him further.

Sensing he had won this battle, Ricky grinned broadly, took a step towards Casey, grabbing her by the arm and keeping the gun aimed on her. ‘After you, DC Murphy.’ He nodded to the bottom of the garden where Finn could see another woman on the ground. Amanda Haines, he assumed. Was she still alive?

Reluctantly, Finn did as instructed, staying alert for the slightest concentration slip from Ricky. He suspected his chances would be few and far between and knew he would have to take one if it presented itself.

‘Your showing up was quite good timing in more ways than one,’ Ricky commented, conversationally, seeming almost jovial now he had the upper hand. ‘Poor Amanda doesn’t seem up for walking, so I’m thinking perhaps you can carry her.’

Finn glanced at the woman lying on the ground. She had been stripped to her underwear and the marks on her body suggested she had been extensively tortured. Sick fuck.

One way or another, he would find a way to get Ricky for what he had done. Had he hurt Casey? Finn had spotted the cut on her face that had been bleeding. If Ricky had done anything else to her, Finn was going to kill him.

He bent down, checked Amanda’s pulse. She was still alive and he wondered if perhaps she had just shut down. Her eyes fluttered open as he picked her up and she stared up at him with one haunted eye. The other one was swollen shut.

‘I’m going to get you out of this,’ he promised, his tone hushed, hating that it could be a lie.

Ricky made Finn walk ahead with Amanda, while he kept hold of Casey and the torch. With Amanda in his arms, there was zero opportunity for Finn to try anything and he knew he would have to wait until they came to a stop.

After walking for about ten minutes, Ricky directed him to take a narrow path that led off the main track. It was dark and strewn with brambles, stinging nettles and tiny flies, but eventually the track opened out into a small clearing.

‘We’re here,’ Ricky announced, seeming pleased with himself. ‘You can stop.’

Finn set Amanda down on the ground and watched as Ricky dropped his duffle bag, then dragged Casey with him towards a large oak tree, returning a few seconds later with a shovel. Seeing it, Finn’s heart sank, and suddenly he had a very good idea what the sick bastard had planned for Casey and Amanda.

Ricky threw the shovel so it landed at Finn’s feet, then sat himself down beside Amanda, pulling Casey down with him. He slipped his arm around her, pressed the gun against her temple.

‘Okay then, Casanova. Dig.’

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