Even Angels Fall (Book 3)
Dion- Deal with the Devil


What was the point?

I sit in Sheol with two bullets sucking the life from my Soul and all I see are the deaths of my children. Each life I brought into this world and each life God snuffed out.

I keep asking what had been the point but after nine thousand years I scoff at my stupidity. God will never answer me. She never answered when I was in Heaven and She will not answer now that I am here.

Abasi, my first born son, was brought into this world against the predictions of the gods. He was stalwart and relentless, determined to make his mark on the world careless on whom he had to cut through to do it.

In every training session, he succeeded in becoming the best. He spoke to no one, became no one’s friend and was no one’s enemy. He simply wanted to prove himself worthy as a man even though he was only five. He didn’t learn to smile until his sister Femi coerced his lips when she crawled her way onto his lap forcing down his blade.

Abasi was my shadow. He followed me each morning and would copy my movements on the sidelines with a wooden sword. The other kids would be playing, chasing each other through the marketplace but he would do none of that unless his sister provoked him.

At ten, when Khepri was born, his training finally became second and he took on the role of being their protector. By that time, he had finished all of his classes and soon was promoted to a soldier. Everyone expected us to be proud and outwardly, of course we were, but as parents we were terrified of allowing him to fight on the battlefield.

In preparation for that day, I trained with Abasi vigilantly every night until the moon hung high and he would surrender his blade. He became more skilled than I was with multiple weapons and soon, it was I that surrendered in defeat.

By twelve, he was a perfect soldier that could defeat any opponent in front of him. I had no fear the day he went off to battle or the numerous times after that. He always returned with a strong back and a healthy heart, unscathed and mentally unharmed.

The day of the ambush, Isis and I had left the village on the request of our leader. Every month he conducted long and drawn out meetings that spoke about food production, military growth, and expansion. I decided while sitting there in the meeting, the next one I would bring Abasi along. He was man enough now to come to the city. Isis was probably thinking about what gifts she was going to get the girls. She always bought them something while we were there. It took an extra hour to my annoyance but it made them extremely happy and was worth it in the end.

On our way back, we could see the black smoke rising from our homes. Our friends and neighbors all dropped their carts and wagons and ran the sandy pathways to their burnt and destroyed huts. We needn’t run so far. Our home wasn’t important. Our material items could be taken and traded and burned.

Abasi had tried to escape with the two girls in tow, fighting off his opponents one by one but eventually they had been surrounded. The three of them were piled on top of one another. Their limbs were bloody and broken. He had been relentless until the bitter end.

And it had been for nothing.

I suck in breath like a dying man. I don’t need to breathe but my Soul is clawing for any form of life it can grasp. It resorts to a basic instinct. I haven’t breathed in over seven thousand years and the action is tiring. I rest my head back, looking over the red lands of Hell and the emptiness in front of me. I’m relieved that I am alone.

I have been lucky that I have died alone in the multiple lives I’ve lived.

Except for my second life.

Isis was with me.

Our relationship was torn apart by her inability to have children. She thought it mattered and I couldn’t prove it otherwise. Then from the north the clan I betrayed to be with her came seeking our lives.

She was the bravest I have ever seen her as they forced us upon our knees and cut our throats.

I smile now remembering it. She looked up at me with the knife pressed against her skin and I knew that there were no regrets. Despite the distance between us, she loved me still and proudly died beside me.

I swallow harshly. Pain is a terrible thing. I had forgotten it over the eons. Now I can’t believe I could have let this slip my mind. It vibrates in every single nerve ending. The wound through my chest radiates down into my left arm, all the way to my fingertips and my hand lays useless at my side. The bullet hole in my hip emits pulses right into my very toes. This body weighs a ton and even sitting up as I am, leaned against the castle doors, it’s taxing. I flip my eyes to the space beside me wondering how much effort it would take to lie down.

An Angel, a weak, newborn Angel has managed to kill me. If I hadn’t lived for as long as I have I wouldn’t have believed it. It hasn’t been the first time though since an Angel has attacked me. I was there during the malevolent birth of the Blades of Light. Before I knew how to fight them and before I dared to lift a violent hand in defense, I ran. From God’s pure and pious breed, I feared for my life for two centuries, and yet it is now, after thousands of years, mirthless minutes, sinful seconds, and so many pointless memories, an Angel has finally gotten to me.

The wind whirls around me and up from the red sands a woman forms. Lilith becomes whole as she knells beside me. She wears a leather outfit that extends down to her ankles and encircles up to her wrists. I believe it’s the most I’ve ever seen her dressed. I smile at the thought of it and would chuckle if she weren’t looking at me with the saddest crystal eyes. Her black hair drapes over her shoulder as she leans over, her fingers reaching out, uncertain on what to do.

I shake my head, as little as I can, “No. Don’t.”

“Let me get my brother.”

I snatch her wrist, “You will not.”

Tears begin to swell in her eyes, like the most gorgeous ocean. “How can I do this? How can I lose you? Do not ask this of me.” She bows her head and her shoulders shake with suppressed sobs. It is rare that I witness her so fragile.

“Do you mourn for me?”

“Of course.” She wails, grasping my hand in her tiny fingers raising it to her pale cheek. “You are as a father I’ve never known. Please. Let me get my brother.”

I pant heavily, my eyes drifting. A father, I am. I’ve been a father to many, but none of them grew to be adults. I’ve watched each child wither and die before they could pass adolescents. What sort of father outlives their child? I’m not worthy of that title.

“Go.” My hand drops from her hold, alerting her bright gaze. “No one must see you with me. Stay the course, Lilith.” I take a deep breath despite the pain. “Destroy the human race with Lucius’ Army. Then overthrow him and put Tymician on the thrown. Do not allow our plans to go to ruin.”

She nods rubbing the tears from her cheek, standing and swiftly turning away, allowing the wind to curl around her and take her far away from me. I stare after her. I know she works for the Sins but it is a false game she plays. I wonder whom she will rely on now. She needs someone. Lilith is a weak and pitiable creature. She needs strength from someone, to guide her, to care for her.

Despite her fallacies, she is the first child of God and she has a beautiful Light. For so long I didn’t understand what Tymician saw in her. He courted her and even became her lover, betraying his Soul Mate, ruining his hard won reputation, all for the favors of Eve’s daughter. I would believe it if it was for her body, but Ty is Fallen, he has no need for the wails of a woman. No, he actually fell in love.

I will miss her.But she will make my dreams materialize. I have no doubt.

Footsteps hasten on the stone of the castle stairs. Nina and Polina clamber and upon spotting me, fasten to my sides with diligence. Nina is less than caring, she is an emotionless creature but Polina looks over me as if she can actually cry.

I ignore their fears. “I haven’t much time.” I begin before they can utter words. “Hamilton isn’t to be trusted now. Without me, he isn’t safe. Stay away from him.” I shift, wincing. Blood gathers around me.

Nina won’t come near me, sneering at the blood at her feet. I stare at her and she refuses to meet my gaze. “I know your secret, Nina.” Her eyes shoot up. I smirk, exhausted. “You helped Kyla get away. I do not hold blame. But you must decide which side you are on.” I bring Polina’s hand to my lips, keeping her attention from questioning. “You’ve both done well. Don’t return to camp. They will kill you for your loyalties. Tiya is now your enemy.”

My energy depletes.

Nina comes to her sister, grabbing her, pulling her back to her feet. She glares at me but I can see the sorrow in her gaze. Nina plays on Tymician’s team. She has been his soldier but I’ve allowed her presence because Polina seems to genuinely love me for some odd reason. Nina thinks I mean to harm Tymician and she reported most of my misgivings to him. But she doesn’t understand me at all.

Everything I have done has been to secure Tymician’s place. He should be the ruler of Sheol. Lucius is not the man we desire any longer.

Lucius desires to rule but that cannot be. He thinks there will be a Utopia, a perfect unity of Souls after he enslaves the human race. He is a simple man to believe that such a state will exist. After the humans are dead, the Angels and Fallen will be left over and what will become of them?

Another war even bigger than the last. This one will be to decide the authority and if it isn’t stopped, Darkness will destroy it.

But I’ve a plan to control it.

Lilith will ensnare Lucius in Sheol. Tymician will become the newfound king and there will be ten new rulers to control the Earth. That is our future and that is what I stretch for. I was hoping to be a part of that new team but now it seems I cannot make it there.

I flip my eyes up and I am disappointed when I see the Lord of Hell coming up the steps. His ferocious white wings cast off a glow that brightens the area around him, dispelling the hue of red drenching the sand and sky. His liquid red pants shimmer and reflect the glint of his wings. He stretches them once to readjust the three sets as he stands before me.

I lift my gaze up to meet the blue crystal of his eyes. White hair sticks to his neck from sweat. I wonder if he has just come from whipping Tymician.

“Your death will upset me, Dion.” His voice vibrates deep in his chest.

I go to reply but only end up with an airless cough. I sink lower to the ground, gravity forcing me to lie down. “Only your plans, Lucius.” I smirk knowingly. “Go. I will make no deals with you. I have no wish to save my Soul.”

He is as impassive as ever. Tymician sees Lucius differently than I do. He sees a man. I see a shell of a ghost.

I have become Lucius’ Second but it is all a farce. It is a ritual game. Everyone is a two-sided coin and if you aren’t, you’re a fool and you will die quickly. Alexander is learning this well. I commend him. I didn’t think he knew the game. I thought he was as transparent as glass. I was ignorant of his intentions. Just as I was ignorant of how little I cared for my life.

Did Isis ruin me? Did she get the last laugh in our malicious game of love? She is as strong and as unyielding as she has always been. I should have known I would lose in the end. Even if I won, what would my prize be? I never thought of it. Has she?

There is no victor. Our children are dead. We hate each other and fight each other for no gain.

I keep my eyes on Lucius. He stares at me, perhaps trying to figure out a way to ensnare my Soul. I have been around the game far too long to be captured now. He is looking in the wrong place. Sure, I wish I could make things right with Isis but that is one thing Fate will never allow so I do not bother with that hope. I don’t care about the world, the humans, Kyla, or even Tymician at this point. I have lost my desire to live.

“I cannot let you die, Dion.” He reaches down with a large white hand and presses it flat against my chest.

I shake my head staring up at him in question. It’s what I want. I want to die. I don’t want to think about my dead children anymore. I don’t want to think about my mistakes, or my betrayals. I don’t want to hear the terrible voices in my head or listen to the constant screams of Isis’ cries. I only want to die and rest at last.


“You must fulfill my goal.”

Light engulfs me and I scream.

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