Book 1 Chapter 3

I’d been giving him a lap dance for god sake! He must think I m a s lut. It didn’t matter I probably wouldn’t ever see him again. He was probably going to disown me now anyways. I gasped startled when I felt someone’s hand on my arm. I looked up to see Adrain’s concerned face. It was really weird seeing another emotion on his face instead of his trademark semel

“Emma whats wrong? He asked sitting down beside me making the couch dip Doing a very unEmma move 1 hurled my face in his chest and cried like a whiny baby letting his warmth comfort me. After I finally calmed down I pulled away red fared, Tm worry you had to deal with that.” I whispered embarrassed. Great now he was going to act even weirder around me.

He smirked at me and ruffled my hair. “Don’t worry about it short stuff. You want to talk about it? I blushed again and quickly thook my head “No it’s nothing I can’t handle I mumbled mortified. He frowned. I know I don’t act like it, but I care about youi and well you can come to me with anything alright? He said awkwardly rubbing the hack of his n*eck “Your like a little sister to ma ”

His face was slightly pink shocking me to the core. Adrain hadn’t spoken more than a sentence to me since I moved in and now be was blushing? Calling me his little sister?

Not knowing what to say I nodded “thank you I whispered. He smiled and stood up, but I grasped his arm halting him I wanted to ask you something. He sat back down frowning slightly, his guard hack up I wanted you to know that I know you’re a werewolf 1 started but gasped as he suddenly stood up his eyes black “Did the hunters send you?” he growled claws springing from his fingers as he dieged them into my arm. I shook my head quickly not wanting to set his wolf off “No! I’m a wolf too!”

He paused then sniffed the air confused I blushed realizing I’d have to tell him I lied about my age

“My 18th birthday is in two months. His eyes widen and barked out a laugh shocking me. I’d never seen him laugh before

“Alihh I knew you smelt too innocent to be 19,” he grinned.

I blushed again. “I was wondering if you would help me through my first shift?” I whispered afraid of his answer

It was silent for a long pause and I couldn’t take it anymore. I looked to see him staring at me oddly Emma, shouldn’t your family or mate be there. The first shift is really intense and its really a private thing I mean I’m just a loner I don’t know….he trailed off

“My family’s dead and I haven’t met my mate I don’t want to do it alone Adrain please.” I whispered. A long pause followed. Then 1 felt him grab my chin and lift my face up Td be honored Emma,” he smirked “Woah! I leave for a couple hours and come home to find thast I thought I could trust you!” I rolled my eyes as Andy stepped in the living room and grasped his chest dramatically

“I thought we had something Emma why?” he cried slapping a hand over his eyes. I grabbed a pillow and threw at his face

“Looks like our linde roommate was keeping a secret,” Adrain smirked at me. My eyes widen, Andy knew Audy frowned and fosted hús keys on the counter “What do you mean? Oh god she’s not married is she? Oh wait no are you pregnant?” He whispered in horror

Jus eyes wide

“No you dork the’s a wolf Adrain rolled his eyes and walked past a wide Andy and grabbed a beer from the trage

The look on Andy’s face was priceles

“Wait if she’s a wolf shouldn’t you be able to smell it on her soning? He woked Adrams

“I would if she’d actually stated yet, but shut stuff here only 17

I winced as Andy’s eyes widened en more. You were only to when you moved ini

The screamed clearly about to have a heart



Book 1 Chapter!

“What the hell is a 16 year o took a sip of his beer.


doing looking

like that?! Does she want me to go to jail?!” He yelled at Adrain. Adrain snickered and

“She’s a wolf we all look older then we are. Don’t freak out you haven’t done anything worth going t eyes widening.

ng to jail….have you?!” he asked his

“What?! No!” Andy yelled.

“Good cause then as a fellow wolf I would have had to kick your a ss, he chuckled. I rolled my eyes and lay down. They continued to talk for awhile the sound of their voices soothing me. Suddenly I felt Andy sit near my head his scent rolling over me.

“Have you been crying Em?” Andy asked frowning his eyes softening

I opened my eyes and sat up looking away. “I’m fine Andy it’s nothing I can’t deal with.”

“Was it some as shole at work? I told you, you don’t have to work there anymore Em you can help me at the shop.”

Andy worked at a surf shop that sold everything you needed to go surfing. But I didn’t want to be a burden. But what if Luke went looking for me at the club? I couldn’t face him again not after all this time. Maybe I could just work at Andy’s till I knew it was safe to

go back to work. I smiled at Andy. “Tll take you up on that offer.”

Andy smiled brightly and k*ssed my cheek. “I knew you couldn’t resist this fine b*dy. It’s just so good looking you can’t bear to be separated from it for even a few hours,” he said flexing. I rolled my eyes and laid my head on his shoulder as Adrain put in a movie.

It hurt so much to see Luke after what he did to me. But what was worse was how much it hurt my heart. I had always cared about Luke maybe too much. When he’d grabbed the back of my n*eck tonight a part of my mind wanted him to k*ss me and that was sick. He was my brother for god’s sake! I mean not really but until a year ago I thought we shared the same DNA. I guess a part of me knew he really wasn’t my brother. I was so different from the others especilly Luke. Different colored hair and eyes, different noses and mouth. How had I not known I was adopted?

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