Book 1 Chapter 10

Yeah he’s really cool he’s use to hang out with us all the time before he had to go grow up and all that. Sarah said rolling her eyes. “Apparently once your Alpha you can’t get blind drunk and go striking booorring

I laughed and relaxed

“We’ll be back,” Cameron told them before taking my hand and leading me back into the house.

“He’ll love you I promise.” Cameron grinned.

I hope so.

He led me toward

appeared to be the kitchen where laughter rumbled. I squeezed Cameron’s hand to ease my nerves making

him smile at me.

A group of people a little older than me sat around a table with cups in the hands and cards in front of them.

“Alpha?” Cameron asked.

A handsome man at the head of the table still chuckling glanced our way our eyes connecting

Hell no.

I felt my breath catch and my heart rate speed up. I stumbled back as the Alpha jerked up from his chair surprise on his face. The face I’d seen at the club. The face that had been beside Lukes. Dear lord this was Luke’s friend.

Emma are you okay?” Cameron asked worriedly.

“Don’t even think about it… Grab her! The Alpha yelled as my eyes quickly glanced around the room looking for an exit.

I dodged two older men when they both grabbed for me. I turned and shoved a woman aside and ran for the front door. I felt like an animal that was being hunted and knew that death was quickly coming.

I reached for the handle when large arms wrapped around me lifting me into the air. I struggled violently but it was no use.

reat first impression to leave on someone.

The party had grown quiet everyone gapping at the scene in front of them Yeah what a great

“What the hell is going on?! Let Emma go” Cameron growled confusioned, shock coloring his eyes.

The Alpha sighed and ran a hand through lus hair while I glared at hun hatefully.

“Imma you can’t hide from him anymore he’s going insane, The Alplus told me sadly. A part of my heart ached at the thought of Luke in pain but the bigger part that was bruised and bloody made me laugh harshly. “He’s been fine without me for years now let me go 1 yelled.

“No he’s my best friend and I can’t watch ham suffer like this when how I can fix it When You can fix it. He told me in his Alpha

I snarled at tam making people gasp at the way I had just blatantly respected their Alpha Well they were going to be even more shocked about what I was going to do next

“Screw you! You don’t know anything.” I told him thippang him off


Book 1 Chapter 10

Ha I’m pretty sure some old lady just passed out.

Suddenly I felt like the old me. The smart ass who didn’t take shit from anyone and caused trouble everywhere. Luke had basically been my parole officer back then. After he left I’d grown quiet and painfully shy. The anger I felt now brought the old me hack and well…… felt good.

I speared my elbow back taking the man holding me by surprise making his hold loosen I broke his hold and pressed my fingers against his n*eck hitting a pressure point knocking him out. I jumped over his large b*dy and threw the door open and ran out the house ignoring their calls for me to stop.

I’d hit the last step when the smell hit me.

I froze my heart going a mile a minute.

I looked to my left and saw him. He did look horrible, nothing like the Luke I knew. He had dark circles under his eyes his skin pale

and sickly. He also appeared to have lost some weight.

He stared at me as if he’d seen a ghost

“E-Emma?” He choked out stepping forward. I stood frozen my b*dy refusing to move. God I had missed him so much over the years. I’d prayed for him to come back…for him to find me. Then I’d given up hope and deemed him dead as our parents,

He left me. Left me to deal with the grief of our parents alone. I’d gone into a deep depression because of him. I’d been so hopeless so

ready to leave a world where I felt all alone.

But then I snapped out of it. I’d moved and met Andy…met Adrain. I had a family again people to love. People who cared if I made it home or not. People who cared if I had eaten in days.

Luke had done none of that. Luke had just left.

He was standing in front of me now. Close enough to touch. I could feel the entire’s pack eyes on my back but ignored them.

“Emma,” he breathed reaching up to touch my face.

I punched him.

Right in the jaw making his head jerk to the side with a snap. He held it there for a second before slowly turning it back to me his

eyes dark

I clenched my fist anger still burning inside me.

“I hate you,” I whispered.




Don’t Look Back

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