“He’s overworking it.” Dominic shakes his head and takes another sip of beer.

“How do you know that? Have you seen this episode before?” King asks Dom from his spot on the couch between Savannah and Aspen.

Dom gestures to the television. “First, I have not seen this episode. Second, any half-rate baker can see he’s about to overwork that dough. It’s gonna be like rubber when he’s done.”

I can’t stop my snicker over how disgusted Dominic sounds.

My laugh makes the arm he has around my waist tighten.

After what turned out to be a rather pleasant dinner, we moved to the living room to watch a marathon of Second Bite holiday episodes.

I think we were all surprised when Aspen, of all people, demanded that we watch the televised baking competition. But apparently, it’s her favorite show. She claims it helps her relax.

“How do you know this shit?” King can’t seem to let this go. And the way his jaw goes tight every time he looks this way, it doesn’t seem like he can let go of me sitting on Dominic’s lap either.

“I know it because I’m not a caveman,” Dom replies. “How do you not know this shit?”

Nero shoves a handful of popcorn into his mouth, looking back and forth between the guys before he tips his head to Dom. “Kitchen is fully stocked if you want to prove yourself, Chicago. Make me some cookies.”

“Nah.” Dom runs a hand up my arm. “I’m good where I am.”

I settle back even farther and rest my head against Dominic’s shoulder.

I’ve never seen Dominic bake. I don’t think I’ve even seen him cook beyond heating up leftovers. But every time I’ve been around his mom, she’s brought up something or another about baking. So I’m guessing he gets his expertise from her.

The contestant Dominic was talking about is now shaking his head, and when the good-looking male host comes over to ask what’s wrong, the guy says he has to start his dough over because he ruined it.

“Told ya,” Dominic says to no one in particular before he lowers his head to talk just to me. “You feeling okay?”

I nod and shift my arms until I’m hugging the arm he has around me.

I feel a little bad about making him, and everyone else, think I wasn’t feeling well.

But it’s not like it was a total lie. Ever since I saw that damn pregnancy test this morning and realized I was late, I can’t get it out of my head that I might be. And on the slight possibility that I am, I can’t drink.

And then, on top of that, I feel like maybe I’m crazy because there’s a part of me—a rather large part of me—that’s excited at the prospect.

But what sort of lunatic would be excited about having a baby with a guy she practically just met, who lied and tricked her into a marriage?

My mind clings to the word tricked, and I wonder…

Then I brush away the thought.

It’s not like Dom would have a way to screw up my pills. Unless he’s been feeding me antibiotics without my knowledge. But I don’t know how he’d manage that. Plus, he promised not to drug me again. And that seems like it would count as drugging.

I take a deep, slow breath.

There’s no point in stressing about babies and what-ifs tonight. Tonight is for relaxation.

Dom shifts around me. “Want to go to bed?”

I shake my head. “Not yet. I’m comfortable.”

Dom accepts this and settles back to watch the baking drama unfold.

When we first got here and Dom punched King, I about had a heart attack.

I know them both well enough that I was certain neither would back down until the other was dead. And then when Dominic started talking and I realized he was attacking King because of me—for me—the tears just started.

Because no one has ever stood up for me like that.

And hearing King apologize. And then Aspen. And seeing Savannah’s tears…

I didn’t know how much I needed that.

I thought the past was something that I just had to get over, that I was stuck dealing with. But Dominic… He’s only known me, truly known me, for a couple of months. And in ten minutes, and with a few punches, he was able to lift a lifetime of weight off my shoulders.

It shouldn’t have worked. And having those simple apologies shouldn’t have made such a difference to me. But they did. Because I could tell they meant it. And I could see the self-loathing written all over King’s face when Dominic laid it out.

I know they never meant to hurt me. I can’t even imagine what it was like for them, finding out you have some much younger half sister, a product of an affair. So really, the fact that we’re friendly at all is probably a miracle.

I nuzzle my cheek against Dom.

This man.

He’s done plenty wrong. But he’s also done so much right. He’s made such a difference in my life already.

And ready or not, I think I’m in love with him.

I squeeze his arm tighter, and the movement causes my new diamond bracelet to catch in the light.

A freaking diamond importer. Why am I not even surprised?

I reach up and touch my tiny heart earrings.

“You know…” I tip my head back so I can look at my husband. “I could use some earrings to match my new bracelet.”

Something jostles me, and I groan.

The body against mine vibrates. “Keep sleeping, Angel. I’m just bringing us to bed.”

I feel myself being lifted into the air and blink my eyes open. “Dominic?”

I don’t know why I say his name. There’s no one else that would hold me like this, carrying me like a bride through the dark living room.

“Yeah, it’s me, Valentine.”

“I love when you say my full name.”

“I love saying it.” Lips press against my forehead.

“I can walk,” I mumble.

“I know you can.” Dominic’s words rumble through me. “But I want to hold you.”

So I let him.

And it’s the last thing I remember.

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