Valentine gags around my cock, and I can’t take it anymore.

I need to thrust. Need to pound myself into her hole. Any one of them will do. But I can’t throat fuck her.

Not yet.

Not when I need to fill that unprotected pussy with my cum.

I jerk my hips back, dislodging myself from her mouth.

But I don’t let her get up. I drop down to meet her on the floor, shoving her onto her back.

Val’s legs automatically spread, and the shine of her slickness coats her thighs.

This is the first time she’s come to me for sex. And she’s come to me soaking wet.

I grip her knees and shove them even wider.

My bloodied hands are a contrast to the soft, pale skin of her inner thighs. Further proof of my corruption of her life.

Val’s head lifts from the floor, and I know she’s looking at my hands, too.

“Can you teach me to like it?” Her whispered words snap my gaze up to meet hers. “The pain.”

Slowly, I shake my head as I slide my hands higher up her thighs. “I’ll never hurt you, Angel.”

My hands slip up her hips, up her sides.

I rub my thumbs over her nipples as I shift myself between her spread legs.

I slide my hands up her chest. “I’ll never hurt you.”

I move one hand to beside her head as I lean forward, the tip of my cock against her entrance.

With my other hand, I circle the front of her neck. “But I’ll choke you a little. If that’s what you want.”

Val’s eyes widen, and her lips part, and I feel her nod before I see it.

And then I squeeze, knowing exactly where to press.

Val’s eyes flutter shut.

My sweet wife.

My kind, caring woman.

I will never hurt her.

I will never teach her to love pain.

But I will teach her to love me.

Her body shifts under me.

Her hips try to lift to take me inside her.

But I don’t let her. I just squeeze a little harder.

Her eyes open. And her hands reach up to grab at my arm.

But she doesn’t push me away. She clings to me.

She looks up at me with those beautiful eyes, and her body twitches. Once.

I’m leaking all over her slit. So ready to fucking burst. But I need her with me. I need her as feral as I feel.

And when her fingers dig into my arm and she twitches a second time, I tighten my hold the tiniest bit.

Her back arches, and I release my hold on her neck as I slam my entire length inside her.

Val’s orgasm is instant.

An implosion.

Her limbs wrap around me, clutching me.

And I’m lost.

I’m surrounded by her heat, and I’m fucking lost to it.

I rut her into the floor.

Slamming my hips into hers as she whines and whimpers beneath me.

Feeling her channel grip to keep me inside her each time I withdraw.

Feeling her breath on my neck with each thrust forward.

She’s everything.

She’s perfect.

I pull free from her body, and gripping her by her hips, I flip her onto her stomach.

I don’t give her time to catch her breath.

I rip the dress from her shoulders, yank her hips up, and shove into her from behind.

Her orgasm is still trembling through her body, but it’s not enough.

Reaching forward, I grip the front of her neck again and pull her back until she’s upright on her knees before me. And we both stare forward at our reflection.

Her body jiggles and bounces each time my hips slam forward into her ass. And it’s the best fucking thing I’ve ever seen.

My woman at my mercy. Baring herself to me. Asking me to take her.

I tighten my hold on her neck again, starting tighter than I did last time. Because this time, I’m close.

I’m so close to filling her with my seed, and I need her to milk it out of me.

I place my mouth at her ear and slide my other hand down her belly to her slick clit.

“I’m going to come inside you, Valentine. I’m going to come so deep inside you it’ll be dripping out for days.” I rub my fingers in circles around her bundle of nerves. “But I need you to come first. So grab those titties for me. Show me what you like.”

She doesn’t even hesitate. Val’s hands fly up to her chest, and her fingers pinch and pull at her nipples.

Her pussy starts to clench around me.

I try to control my movements, sliding in and out.

But then her eyes start to roll back. And I press harder against her clit. And she comes.

I release her throat, and the sound of her ragged inhale is the last push I need before my balls squeeze and I’m unloading deep inside her.

“Valentine,” I groan as I fill her with my release. “God, you’re so fucking good. So fucking good at doing what you’re told.”

For the final pulse of my cock, I shove myself as far in as I can get, the thrust tipping us forward.

In our reflection, I watch as Val doesn’t even try to brace her fall. But I hook an arm around her waist, putting my other out in time to connect with the floor in a single-arm push-up.

Still buried inside my wife’s pussy, I press her hips down with my own, then lower us the rest of the way.

I’m crushing her.

I know I am.

But I need a moment.

Focusing on my breath, I take my first controlled inhale since I started punching that bag an hour ago.

I take another deep inhale and acknowledge what Valentine did for me, what I couldn’t do for myself.

She centered me.

By willingly giving herself to me, she brought me back.

Steadier than I was, I shift my weight off Val, slipping free from her heat and dropping onto my back beside her with a groan.

“Are you okay?” Val pushes up onto her elbows to look at me.

I know she’s asking about more than my pounding heart.

“Yeah, Angel.” I reach out and drag her up and over me, her bare-naked body against mine.


She tries to roll off, but I hold her in place.

Her struggle is short lived before she relaxes against me, letting her legs part, dropping her knees on either side of my thighs.

“I’m a mess,” she mumbles against my neck.

I pat her on the ass, knowing she’s talking about the stickiness between her thighs. “Yeah, but you’re my mess.”

She shakes her head, and I imagine her rolling her eyes at me.

“Thank you,” I tell her, patting her ass once more.

“You’re welcome.” Her fingertip traces over the letters of her name across my neck. “For what?”

I wrap my arms around her, not wanting her to get cold as the air settles around us.

I close my eyes as I answer her. “For just being you.”

Her fingers still against my skin.

I stroke a palm up her spine. “I haven’t forgotten.”

“Haven’t forgotten what?” she asks me.

“That I don’t deserve your affection.” I flatten my hands against her back, wanting to touch as much of her as possible. “But I appreciate you giving it to me all the same.”

Her back expands with a big breath, and I expect her to push away, but she doesn’t. “What you did was shitty. But it’s hardly the worst thing that’s happened to me.”

I clench my jaw and hold her a little tighter.

I don’t like being compared to all the horrible things from her past, even if I deserve it. And I hate that me drugging her and tricking her into marriage isn’t the worst thing she’s been through.

Val surprises me when she continues. “Doing something shitty doesn’t mean you don’t deserve affection, Dominic.”

Too stunned to say anything, I lie still while her finger starts to trace the V of Valentine again.

“I’ve always wanted a tattoo,” Valentine admits quietly.

I open my eyes and look down at the top of her head. “Yeah?”

“Yeah.” She traces the next letter. “I told myself a hundred times that I’d do it. But I always backed out before I could even make the appointment.”

“Why’s that?”

Her fingertip goes back to the V. “I was afraid of the pain.”

Can you teach me to like it?

I’ll never teach her to like pain because I’ll never allow her to feel enough of it to become used to it.

“What did you want to get?” I ask, assuming it wasn’t a man’s name four times around her finger.

She sighs. “I could never decide. I’d go back and forth between something pretty or something tough.”


She shifts so she can tap her finger to the center of my chest. “Like a skull.”

I grin at the ceiling, picturing my sweet Valentine with a skull tattoo.

“Well, if you want another one, just let me know. I’ll knock you out again so you don’t have to feel it, then do whatever design you want.”

Her head pops up, and she looks at me with wide eyes. “Wait. Did you do it? Like the actual tattooing part?”

I lift a brow. “You really think I was gonna let someone else touch you?”

She huffs out a laugh, dropping her head back down. “You really are a man of many talents.”

“Well, I’d love to demonstrate my talents again, but you need to sleep and we both need to shower.” I pat her ass again, soaking up the lightness of hearing her laugh, as small as it was.

Val groans as she sits up, showing me all her glorious nakedness. “I won’t argue about being tired. But I have a feeling most people won’t be working too hard tomorrow, seeing as it’s the Friday right after the party. Not to mention the no boss thing.”

I grip her soft sides. “If you hear from him, you tell me.”

“I will.”

I feel myself smile. “I kinda like compliant Valentine.”

She darts her hand down to flick my nipple.

“Hey!” My hands slap up to cover them from further assault, and Val takes advantage of my occupied hands by jumping up and hurrying away.

I should chase her. Or do something.

But I just lie naked, lifting my head so I can watch every glorious inch of her as she disappears from the room with a laugh.

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