My reflection stares back at me in the elevator doors, and I want to button my shirt up to my neck.

I’ve been to the office before, and I knew today would be a bit much—because I knew the girls on the conference call yesterday would spill the beans about me marrying Dominic. And I knew the tattooed finger would become a big deal. But I didn’t expect my boss to act so slimy.

Mr. Ritz has always been a little… too friendly. Pushing that line between being socially awkward and something you would report to HR. But today—

I run my hands down the sides of my skirt.

Maybe it was my fault for wearing something more formfitting than usual, but you’d think being recently married would put me in the off-limits category. I mean, every employee should be in that category for Mr. Ritz anyway, but his looks today were more like leers. And more than once, he stood too close to me, and I swear he looked down my shirt.

Rob is standing silently at my side, and I open my mouth to ask him if I should tell Dom about it.

But then I shut my mouth.

If I ask Rob, he’ll tell Dom. And I’m not entirely certain Dominic wouldn’t kill my boss.

In fact, I’m fairly certain Dominic would kill him.

And even though I’m beginning to believe that Mr. Ritz is a sleazeball, I’m not sure he deserves death.

The elevator opens, and I step out ahead of Rob.

I don’t know if he’s been told not to talk to me, but he was silent on the ride to and from work, so I keep up the trend.

All I want is to go upstairs, put on sweatpants, and scream into my pillow for a bit.

Since I get to the door first, I put my hand on the security screen and wait for the sound of it unlocking, then I walk through.

I make it four steps into the condo before I freeze at the same time Rob says “Oh shit” under his breath.

Because standing in my kitchen is a woman. Practically a girl since she looks younger than me. With long black hair, a crop top showing off a trim waist, and leggings so tight I’m surprised she can breathe.

I let my backpack slide off my shoulder.

Rob catches it before it can land on the ground, but I don’t care.

“Who the fuck are you?” I snap.

My feet are killing me, but I’m not about to show weakness in front of this woman, so I keep my shoes on as I stride toward her.

She stops what she’s doing, her eyes going wide as she watches me. “Um, I’m making dinner.”

I refuse to think about how delicious it smells in here.

If Dominic thinks he can hire some sexy woman to make me jealous… Well, it’s working.

“You’re home.” Dom’s voice fills the great room, and my head snaps to the side to see him walking out from the lower hallway in nothing but workout shorts.

Sweat is dripping from his body. His chest is still rising and falling in a way that says he literally just stopped working out.

And he’s letting this random woman see him like this. Practically naked.

“What are you doing?” I hiss.

He runs a hand over his head, and my belly clenches. Because I remember doing that.

“Just gonna go grab a shower,” he says casually, then starts to jog up the stairs. When he reaches the top, he pauses. “Oh, I’m out of towels up here. Could one of you bring some up? I’ll leave the door open.”

Then he’s gone. Disappeared down the hallway toward our bedroom, where he’s going to leave the door open so one of us can bring it to him.

Bring it to the clear glass shower stall.

Fuck this man.

My hands flex.

Fuck him so much.

Spinning on my heel, I stomp into the kitchen.

The woman backs up quickly, trying to get away from me. But I’m not after her. She’s just here as another one of Dom’s pawns. Because he thinks we’re playing games.

I jerk open drawers, one after another, until I finally find the one with the hand towels.

I pull one out, then continue on to the pantry that I found yesterday. It’s a big, beautifully organized room, but I’m here for one thing.

Finding the appliance I need, I grab it off the shelf and storm out of the pantry.

“Uh, Val…” Rob says cautiously. “I can’t let you kill him.”

I huff as I shove the towel into the bread slot on the toaster. “I won’t plug it in.”

I think I hear the girl snicker, but I don’t stop.

My thick shoes sound heavy on the steps, and I’m practically huffing by the time I reach the top.

How dare he.

At the end of the hall, our bedroom door is open.

How fucking dare he.

When I step inside, I find he’s left the bathroom door wide open, just like he said he would.

My anger builds as I think about that other woman being the one to walk in here.

And by the time I enter the bathroom, I’m seething.

Dominic’s naked form is somewhat hidden by the steam building behind the glass, but I can see enough.

And the view is mine alone.

No one else’s.

“Here’s your fucking towel,” I snap, then throw the whole toaster over the top of the glass wall.

I make sure I don’t hit him because I don’t want to actually crack his head open, but the sound of metal meeting marble is satisfying as hell.

“What the—” Dom jumps away from the noise.

I turn and leave.

Message delivered.

Except booming laughter follows me. And it makes me more furious.

And when hot tears fill my eyes, I get even madder.

He’s laughing. And I’m dying inside.

“Wife!” Dom shouts after me.

My inhale is choppy. “Fuck you!”

I have one foot out of the bedroom, wondering if Rob will take me if I ask to leave, when a large wet body collides with my back.

I’m so worked up the shock makes me scream.

“Oh, you’ll fuck me, alright.” Dom lifts me, just like he did this morning, and backs us into the bedroom.

“Get off me!”

I hear him kick the door shut. “No.”

I struggle, but his arms are solid muscle, and his hold doesn’t budge. “Put me down.”

“You don’t hate me.” He walks us straight to the bed, then throws me down. I land on my stomach, but before I can roll over, he’s on top of me. His still-sopping-wet body presses into mine. “You want to.” I try to push up, but he snags my wrists and holds them together in one of his large hands above my head. “But you can’t. Because part of you loves me, Angel. Part of you fucking craves me.”

It’s hard to breathe. But not from the weight of his body. It’s from the weight of his words.

“I don’t love you.” The emotion in my voice makes me question my own words.

I don’t love him.

But I want to.

Teeth scrape against the side of my neck. “Not yet, Mama. But you will.” His hips rock against my ass. “Now let me see how wet that hot little slit is for me.”

He roughly slides his free hand down my side, over my hip, and down to the hem of my skirt.

That movement alone is enough.

I’m already ready for him.

The weight on my back disappears. Then he yanks the tight skirt up and over my hips, showing him the little black thong I wore all day.


I try to push up again. But then his weight is back, and my hands are back above my head.

“Get off me,” I pant.

“No.” Dom is breathing just as heavily as I am. And I can feel his naked body against mine.

“I don’t want to fuck you,” I lie.

He chuckles against my hair as his hips lift.

He pulls aside my thong, and the head of his cock nudges against my slippery entry.

“That’s fine,” he groans. “I’ll fuck you.”

His hips thrust forward, and he buries his length inside me.

My mouth opens in a silent cry.

I’m so full.

So fucking full.

Feeling him inside me again is too much and not enough.

“Just take it.” He slides his cock almost all the way out before shoving it back in. “Take me like the good little wife I know you are.”

I turn my face into the mattress so he can’t see it as I arch my back, letting him in farther.

“God.” Dominic slams into me. “Tell me you love it. Tell me you love when my cock is buried inside you.”

I shake my head.

Dom’s exhale tickles over the back of my neck. “Your pussy is fucking dripping for me.”

His hips never stop. And he’s sliding in and out of me so easily because he’s right. I am fucking dripping for him.

“I love it,” I say into the mattress.

His length slides out of me, and I try to lift my ass to follow him, needing him.

Dom uses his grip on my wrists and a hand on my hip to flip me onto my back.

His eyes are blazing.

“Say it again.” He tears my thong off, then shoves my legs apart.

I shake my head.

Dom leans over me, holding my hands back up over my head. His other hand is between us, lining his cock up with my entrance. “Say. It. Again.” He fills me to the hilt.

“I love it,” I cry. “I love your cock, you stupid bastard.”

Dom falls onto me, crashing his mouth to mine.

He lets go of my hands, and my arms and legs instinctually wrap around him.

I missed this.

I missed him.

I pull at him, needing him closer, needing the taste of him.

He grips my side, then tugs at the material of my shirt.

“Off,” Dom says into my mouth.

We both reach for my shirt. And I hear a tear as Dom rips it up over my head.

Dom slams as deep as he can go, a hand behind my back, undoing my bra.

He’s too good at this.

Then I think of the woman downstairs, and I claw my fingernails down his back.

But he doesn’t recoil. He groans.

And then my bra is gone, and Dom feeds my breast to himself.

He sucks the nipple into his mouth while his cock is dragging over the spot inside me.

I’m so close. So close to losing it completely. So close to losing myself to Dom.

He switches nipples. “Goddamn.”

He sucks the other one into his mouth, and I’m getting wetter. I can hear it.

“Your sweet tits make me fucking salivate.” A hand grips my jaw. “Open up, Angel. Open up and show me you’ll take everything I give you.”

My vision is fuzzy.

My nerves are on fire.

And my clit is begging for a touch. Just one touch, and I’ll be done.

Dominic licks up my cheek, then places his mouth next to my ear. “Open your fucking mouth.”

He widens his legs, pushing mine wider.

Then his cock slams into me so deep I feel the twinge in my stomach, and my mouth opens.

And he spits into it.

My eyelids flutter.

My back arches.

And I feel his claim everywhere.

I feel my submission to him like a chain unlocking around my neck.

The sound of him, the taste of him…

“Swallow.” His growled command spears through me.

And I do it.

I take everything.

And when he rolls his hips, rubbing the base of his dick against my clit, I come.

I don’t even make a sound.

I’m too overwhelmed.

My body shakes and trembles, and I hold Dom against me as tight as I can.

“That’s it,” he tells me as he slips his arms under me. “That’s my girl.”

And then he’s hugging me.

Dominic Gonzalez hugs me back, just as tightly, as his body tenses and he fills me with his release.

He hugs me.

I squeeze him tighter, pretending the dampness on my lashes is from his wet hair and not tears slipping from my eyes. Because as Dominic clings to me, groaning, the last of my defenses shatter.

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