The look on Valentine’s face makes every second I spent under the needle worth it.

Her eyes are locked on my lap, and when I pull the band of my boxers low enough for my dick to spring free, she sucks in an inhale. Like she was holding her breath, waiting to see it.

I know I haven’t done enough to earn another taste of her sweetness. So I won’t take it. Not yet. But after the last twenty-four hours, I need a fucking release.

And so does she.

My hand closes around the base of my dick. Squeezing.

“You’re gonna stay right there, Valentine,” I say when I see her glance to the other side of the room, as if she’s thinking about making a break for it. “It’s been a long day.” I drag my hand up my length, squeezing even tighter just below the tip. “And if you run, I’m chasing.”

Val makes a sound—somewhere between worry and excitement.

I grip my base with my other hand as I start to stroke. “Now, slide your hand down all that soft skin and touch yourself.”

“Dominic…” She wants to protest. To tell me she’s not turned on. But I can see it in her eyes. I can see it in the way she can’t look away from my dick. I can see it in the rise and fall of her chest.

“You’re wearing my fucking shirt. And you’re going to touch yourself in it.” I keep my strokes slow.

She hesitates.

“If you haven’t come by the time I finish, I’m going to take care of you myself. So if you don’t want me shoving my fingers in your pussy tonight, you’re gonna do as I say.”

She’s torn. I know she is. Because she secretly wants me to touch her. She wants me to fuck her. She’s just not ready to admit it yet.

“Do it now, Mama. Put your hand in your panties and tell me how wet you are.”

My Valentine tips her head back and closes her eyes.

I’m about to tell her to keep watching me. But then she kicks off the blankets that were over her legs.

It’s my turn to hold my breath as she pulls up the hem of my sweatshirt. She doesn’t pull it off; she doesn’t even pull it up enough to show me her amazing tits; she just pulls it up enough to expose the waistband of her pants.

Her outfit, head-to-toe thick cotton, shouldn’t be sexy. But she’s already squirming, and it doesn’t matter what she’s fucking wearing because I’m ready to blow just from looking at her.

Her fingers wiggle to slide under the band.

I can’t see what’s happening, but I can see the outline of her hand in her pants as it moves lower. And then her knees fall open.

“That’s it,” I groan. “Spread those legs. Give yourself room to work that little clit.”

She whimpers. Fucking whimpers. And I sit up.

Her eyes are still closed, but the expression on her face is pure pleasure.

I slide forward so I’m sitting on the edge of the seat, my stance wide, as I keep stroking my cock.

“Tell me,” I demand. “Tell me that you’re wet.”

She shakes her head.

“Tell me, or I’m checking for myself.”

She pinches her eyes shut harder. “I’m wet, okay?”

“How wet?”

Her shoulders twist, and I think she’s trying to reach lower.

Fuck, is she sliding a finger inside?


I groan. “That’s my good wife. Soaked that slit just from looking at my dick.”

“I hate you,” she pants. And it makes me smile.

“You don’t.” I quicken my pace. “And you love this cock.”

She shakes her head.

“Open your eyes, Valentine. Open your eyes and watch me.”

She tries to hesitate, but she’s just as primed as I am. And when her head rolls to the side, and her eyes land on my length, her mouth opens.

I want to stand and shove my dick between those lips.

I want to come all over her pretty face.

I want to suck her tattooed finger into my mouth while she swallows me whole.

“Hurry up and come,” I growl.

My hand feels rough against my dick. The dry skin on skin is nearly painful. But I’m not using anything but Val’s sweet juices to lube my dick ever again.

I tighten my grip even more.

I’m so close, and so is she.

Val’s other hand slides under her shirt, and I can tell she’s playing with her tits.

“Jesus,” I groan at the same time a moan leaves my wife’s lips.

Her eyes are still on my cock, and I start stroking faster.

I’m past the point of stopping. Beyond any sort of decency.

“Keep doing that, Angel. Pinch those pretty nipples. Make yourself come all over your fingers.”

Her breathing hitches. And then her back is arching.

And I explode. The first rope of release hits my chest, and Val’s eyes are locked on it as she tumbles over the edge. A keening sound rolls from her and straight through my balls as they pump out everything I have onto my hand and dick.

Val slams her eyes shut, and her body twitches as her hands still beneath her clothing.

And it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

Even better than the first time. Better than Vegas.

Because this time, she knows who I really am.

She knows who I really am, and she still let go. And even if I didn’t lay a finger on her, she still gave herself over to me.

With her eyes still closed, I stand and close the distance between us.

Because I’ll keep my word. I won’t touch her perfect pussy. But I didn’t promise anything more.

I grip the wrist sticking out of her pants and pull her hand free.

Val makes a startled sound, and her eyes open, but her attempts to pull her hand away from me are weak.

And they don’t work.

I put her three glistening fingers into my mouth. And groan.

Fuck, she tastes like home.

With my hold of her, I slowly drag her fingers out, sucking off every drop of flavor.

She grips my arm with her left hand, and the sight of my name inked on her skin makes me groan again.

When her fingers are free of my lips, I bend down, placing her hand on her stomach.

“I’ve done bad things, Valentine.” I brush my lips over her pinkened cheek. “But I’ll always be good to you.”

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