I’m not even surprised by the private elevator with only one button for the PH level. Figures.

The car ascends rapidly before opening into a small hallway on the top floor of the building. There’s only one door. But there is a second elevator, which must have access to another part of the building.

With little choice, I stand beside Dominic, who has my backpack slung over his shoulder, while he presses his whole hand to a black screen next to the door.

I briefly wonder if he uses Nero’s company for his security system when a heavy thunk announces the door unlocking.

I try to keep my expression unimpressed when we enter Dominic’s condo, but it’s hard.

The space is huge. Industrial looking, with concrete floors so dark they look black and exposed metal on ceilings that have to be thirty feet high. All of which is overshadowed by the wall of floor-to-ceiling windows on my left, running the length of the space.

On the far side of the great room is a hallway that runs along the wall of windows and disappears out of view. And next to that hallway is an exposed flight of stairs leading up to another hallway on the second level.

Night has fallen, and the city skyline beyond the glass is breathtaking. But I refuse to move closer to admire it.

I’m still staring, though, when a shadow moves on the other side of the glass, making me jump.

“Just one of my men,” Dom explains, seeing where I’m looking.

And I realize there’s a door hidden in the windows, meaning there’s some sort of outdoor patio space here at the tippy top of the building. Just the thought of being out there, that high up, makes me want to hurl.

When I tear my eyes away from the glass, I notice that we’re not alone in here either.

A man is sitting on one of the couches between us and the windows, and another man is standing in the kitchen directly in front of us. He’s on the other side of the large marble island, but I can still make out the gun on his hip.

It’s almost funny—the black shirts, black pants, and matching serious expressions… But this is my life, for now, so that makes it less amusing.

“So we share our home with your army?” I ask, making my tone as bland as possible.

“No one sleeps here but us,” Dom answers. “What would you like for dinner?”

The question is so bizarre I don’t answer right away.

“Valentine,” Dom prompts.

“I want to go to bed.”

“You need to eat.”

I fist my hands at my sides. “You need to let me go to bed.”

Dom moves closer, his chest nearly touching mine. “Or what?”

“Or… Or I’ll steal one of those guns off one of your guys and shoot you.”

I don’t think I could actually get a gun off someone, but if I did, I’d definitely shoot him.

The edge of his mouth pulls up. “Where would you shoot me, Shorty?”

I narrow my eyes. “Your shin.”

Dominic barks out a laugh.

And it pisses me off.

“You wouldn’t be laughing with a bullet in your shinbone,” I snap and stomp toward the set of stairs, assuming the bedrooms are on the upper level.

Dom’s chuckle follows me. “I’ll give you that.”

I’ll give you that. I mouth the sentence before catching the movement of the guy outside again.

Whatever. It shouldn’t be a surprise to his men that I’m not happy to be here. At least some of them were clearly in on the plot.

Since Dom doesn’t do anything to direct me elsewhere, I start up the stairs, keeping my hand on the black iron railing.

When I reach the top, I pause. The hallway is much longer than I expected.

Dom stops beside me. “Would you like a tour?”

I shake my head. The full gravity of my situation is finally starting to sink in.

This fancy penthouse… This city that isn’t mine… This is my life.

At least until I can figure a way out of it. But since I don’t want to get locked in like the prisoner he claims I’m not, I’ll play along. Better a gilded cage than a real one.

“Door at the end.” Dom lifts a hand to point at the wide partially open door at the very end of the hall.

“That’s my room?” I clarify.

“That’s where you sleep,” he responds.

I let out a sigh at his cryptic answer, positive it’s his room and that he still expects us to share a bed. “I think I can find it from here.”

I expect Dom to argue, but he doesn’t. He just holds my backpack out in front of me.

The sight of it shouldn’t hurt my heart so much. But it does.

I take it.

But neither of us moves.

“The airport?” My question is a whisper as I stare at the bag Dominic bought me.

I don’t know what I think I’ll get out of having every last shred of our history destroyed.

I shouldn’t have asked.

Dom’s fingers brush lightly over my ponytail. “Go to bed, Valentine.”

My feet comply, and I stride forward without sparing him another look.

I pass three rooms, then reach the door at the end of the hall.

Keeping my hand on the edge of the door, I push it open enough to step inside, then let it shut behind me.

The room is obviously large. And as I stare at the platform bed, nicely made in dark gray bedding and facing yet another wall of windows, I have no doubt that this is the master bedroom. Dom’s bedroom.

I will anger to fully overtake the pain that hasn’t left my chest since King revealed Dom’s identity.

I don’t want to hurt anymore.

Not tonight.

I carry my backpack to the open doorway on this side of the headboard and find a luxurious bathroom that runs the length of the room. Oversized double vanity. Huge glassed-in shower stall with marbled walls. A separate room with a toilet. And a deep soaking tub in front of another large window.

Does no one worry about people with binoculars around here?

When I turn around to shut the bathroom door, I find a giant walk-in closet hidden behind the door.

Sure, I’m being paranoid, but not wanting a peeping tom to catch sight of me on my first night here, I take my backpack into the little toilet room and change into my pajamas.

While I wash my face, I don’t think about how I packed my bag this afternoon while blissfully thinking I was about to start my happily ever after with my new husband.

While I dab on my under-eye cream, I don’t think about how Dom encouraged me to pack an overnight bag with a day’s worth of essentials because it might be hard to sort through your stuff when we get home.

While I redo my ponytail with more force than necessary, I don’t think about how Dom drove so calmly to King’s house, knowing my world was about to crumble.

“He’s an asshole,” I tell my reflection. “A total fucking asshole.”

The burning sensation behind my eyes lessens, just the smallest bit.

“He’s a slimy piece of shit. A total fucking jerk.” I forcefully put toothpaste on the end of my toothbrush. “I hate him.”

I hold on to my anger as best I can while I practically scrub the enamel off my teeth.

I spit into the sink. “He’s a… a… prick.” I slam my toothbrush down on the edge of the sink and leave it there. Just like I leave my dirty clothes on the floor. And my backpack open on the edge of the tub.

They are small acts of defiance in his pristine living space, but they make me feel better.

I found my phone tucked into the side pocket of my bag, not sure when Dom stuck it there, but I carry it with me to bed.

A band of recessed lights built into the crown molding surrounding the room gives a nice soft glow. But even without it, there’s enough ambient light from the city beyond the windows to light my path. Not that there’s much to dodge in this room. The bed looks bigger than a normal king-size mattress with a large padded leather headboard. Matching—simple but, I’m sure, expensive—nightstands flank either side of the bed.

As I walk around the foot of the bed, circling to the far side, I untuck the blankets. I don’t know what sort of person sleeps with their feet trapped like that, but it’s not me.

With nothing left to do, I climb into the bed and sit with my legs under the blankets.

It’s not even that late, but with winter almost here, it’s already dark outside. And emotional exhaustion is real and upon me.

But before I lie down, I have one more thing to do.

Letting out a breath, I turn my phone back on.

I owe King more of an explanation.

The screen is just lighting up when it changes to show an incoming call.


I groan.

I’m tempted to turn my phone right back off, but I sort of doubt this is the first time she’s tried calling.

Dragging the walls up around my heart, I hit answer. “Hey, Savannah.”

There’s a pause, followed by a noisy exhale. “Dammit, Val. I’ve been trying to get a hold of you forever.”

“Sorry.” I wince, feeling guilty all over again. “I was having a bit of a, um, moment, so I turned my phone off.”

“I’ll say,” she huffs. “Will you explain to me what’s going on? King hasn’t been real clear on the details.”

I turn the phone to speaker, setting it on the bed in front of me so I can press my hands to my cheeks. “In King’s defense, I kinda blindsided him with it.”

“He’s acting like the whole world is ending.” I can hear Savannah’s eye roll. “And I get that he doesn’t like surprises, but I don’t see the big deal. He trusts Dom. To some degree, at least.”

She doesn’t see the big deal?

“I’m not sure…” I start, but she keeps talking.

“I mean, Dom can be a little scary, but he was nothing but nice to me that time he brought me to his place.”

My mouth drops open.

“Not to mention hot.” Savannah makes a humming sound.

“Wait.” I shake my head. “You know who Dominic is?”

Dominic,” she repeats. “I only met him that one time, so that probably doesn’t qualify as knowing him. But I get it now, why you had a different name in your phone. King would’ve lost his shit about you guys dating.”

“Yeah…” I trail off.

She doesn’t know.

Savannah has no idea that I had no idea who Dominic was. That I was tricked into this marriage for the sake of Dom having access to The Alliance. Whatever that means.

“King said you were pretty upset,” Savannah says cautiously.

Does King know the full extent of it? Would he have put that together? I mean, he had to, right?

I pinch my eyes shut and think back through the interaction.

King was pissed that I married Dom. And he was pissed that Dom was demanding entry into The Alliance, which is when he made that comment about Dom tricking me into bed.

And King knew I was crying. He saw me.

But did he put it all together? Or does he think I was just upset over them not getting along?

Could King really think I’ve known who Dom was all along and that I’ve kept it a secret because I thought he’d be mad?

“Val?” Savannah says, probably concerned over my silence.

I could tell her.

I could tell her everything.

Then she’d go to King and demand he free me. And then King and The Alliance and Dominic and the Chicago mafia would go to war.

For what?

For me?

I’m not worth that.

“Sor—I mean, yeah, I was. Having both those guys yelling at each other was kinda a lot.” I try for a light tone. “I overreacted to them overreacting.”

“You sure you’re okay?” Her sincerity almost breaks me.

“I’m sure.”

Savannah says something that’s muffled before she speaks back into the phone. “King is asking to talk to you.”

My eyes widen as I stare down at the phone. “Uh, can you tell him that I’ll call tomorrow night? It’s been a long day, flying in from Vegas this morning and then driving all the way down here.” It’s hard to believe that’s all happened today.

“Of course. I’ll tell him.” Savannah sighs. “I’m sure you’ll be busy settling in, but I definitely want to hear more about Dominic soon.” She makes a sound of disbelief. “I still can’t believe you live in Chicago. But if nothing else, the holidays are coming up. So we’ll see you then.”

It’s November. If she’s talking about Christmas, that’s still so far away. And a long time to spend with strangers.

I swallow. “For sure.”

“Night, Mrs. Gonzalez,” she teases, then hangs up the call.

Mrs. Gonzalez.

A fresh round of sorrow fills my heart.

Why’d it have to be like this?

“Why’d you lie?” Dom’s voice damn near gives me a heart attack.

“Jesus!” I slap a hand to my chest and turn my head as Dom pushes off the doorway. “How long have you been there?”

“Long enough.” He starts to undo his shirt buttons while toeing off his shoes. “Why didn’t you tell her the truth?”

I set my phone on the nightstand and shift down the bed until I’m lying under the covers. “To what end?”

Dom cocks his head at me. “To have her go to bat for you with King. Have her demand I let you go home.”

“And you’d just let that happen?”

Dom slowly shakes his head.

“Like I said.” I roll away from him, giving him my back. “To what end?”


I cut him off. “Is there any chance you’ll let me sleep in another room?”

“No.” His answer is swift.

I nod against the pillow. It’s what I expected. “Then please turn off the ceiling lights and shut the fuck up so I can sleep.”

His steps are quiet, but I hear them as he circles around the foot of the bed toward me.

My eyes are still open, but I don’t move my gaze from straight ahead.

Dom’s hips are right in front of me, but then he turns and reaches for something on the nightstand. “There’s a button here. Press it once to turn them on and off. Hold it down to adjust the brightness. There’s also a gun in this drawer.” I hear him tap the wood. “But you need my palm to unlock it. Because this used to be my side of the bed.” Used to be. “And I’ll shut the fuck up in a moment. But understand that you’re the only person who can get away with talking to me like that. And only in private.” He crouches before me, his chest completely bare. “I’m not sure what I’d do as punishment if you did it in public. But I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t enjoy it.”

I close my eyes, ignoring him.

“Get some sleep.” Warm lips press against my forehead. “We have a big day tomorrow.”

I hold as still as possible until I hear him rounding the bed again.

When I hear the bathroom door shut, I let the last tear of the night slip from my eye and soak into the pillow.

How was I so wrong about everything?

It’s nearly comical. All my mom’s lectures growing up. How men will only want to use me. How I’m too stupid to understand them. How I’ll end up ruined and alone. I really should have paid attention.

Wallowing in regrets, listening for Dom to return to bed, I finally slip into the escape of sleep.

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