The margarita is perfect.

The spring rolls are perfect.

Conversation with Dominic is perfect.

We talk about his cousin, who drives race cars. We talk about his aunt, who sews wedding dresses.

And I don’t get at all flustered talking to Dom about weddings.

And I press my fingertips to my cheeks to cool down because the drink is making me warm, not the topic.

My next margarita is perfect.

My noodles are perfect.

We talk more. We share more.

I tell him about Hawaii.

I tell him how I missed him.

I tell him that I wished he’d been there with me.

I smile when he looks at me.

I drink the water he hands me.

I take Dom’s hand as he stands.

My vision swirls as I let him walk me to the bathroom.

I sway to the music as I close my stall door. Feeling… good. A little dizzy but good.

I struggle with the double clasp on my pants but get them open.

I struggle a little more putting them back on but manage.

The soap is extra slippery.

The water feels good, and I let the cool liquid flow over my wrists.

The door to the bathroom opens behind me, and it’s him.

My Dominic.

His blue eyes lock on to mine through the mirror, and it feels like a dream. Like a really good dream.

“Come with me, Mama.”

He’s behind me now, holding out a paper towel.

“You shouldn’t be here.” I can’t tell if I whisper it or if I shout it.

Dom wraps his arms around me from behind and dries my hands for me. “For once, we disagree.” I start to close my eyes at his voice. “This is where I need to be.”

Lips press against my temple.

“I really like you.” I make sure I whisper it this time.

Those lips press against my temple once more. “I’m going to remind you that you said that.”

The lights keep changing.

Darker to brighter. Blue to pink. Close to far.

“This way, Shorty.”

My feet shuffle forward. And my hand squeezes around a set of fingers.

Dom’s fingers.

Because we’re together.

“Let’s go in here.” His voice is so far above me.

I follow.

I’m tired, sleepy, but I still feel good.

And I don’t want to leave him.

Until our paths part.

“I don’t want our paths to part.” I think I say it out loud.

The hand in mine squeezes me back.

“I’m not leaving you,” Dominic reassures me.

I glance up, wanting to see where we’re going, but I can’t read the name. I see the letter t.

“Step up for me, Valentine.”

I step up. And the lights are brighter.

I have to squint.

Dominic lets go of my hand, and I let out a little whine, missing the contact.

I hear someone chuckle. But it isn’t Dom, because his hand is now around my shoulder, pulling me into his side, and he feels solid. Still. Not vibrating.

My eyes slide shut all the way as I lean into him.

Lean in.

I think that phrase over and over.

Lean into the warmth.

A shiver runs down my arm.

“Stand still, Shorty,” Dom whispers, then his body moves away.

My mouth opens, wanting him to come back. But then I’m being wrapped in warm silk.

I sigh into the feeling.

Someone is talking.

But I can’t pry my eyes open.

Not yet. Not with Dominic’s scent and warmth surrounding me.

“Say I do, Valentine.”

I smile, sliding my eyes open enough to look up at the man against my side. “Say I do, Big Guy.”

He lifts one hand and brushes the backs of his fingers over my cheek. “To good women.”

His eyes look sad.

I don’t like it.

I don’t want him sad.

I reach up and grab hold of his forearm. “I’ll make you happy.”

Dom lowers his eyelids as the hand against my cheek slides around to the back of my neck. “You are.”

My eyes are closing again as his lips press against mine. Soft. Slow.

Something nudges against my hip.

“Wrap your legs around me.”

I don’t know what he’s talking about, but then he pulls me forward, out of the back seat of the black SUV, and I automatically do as he says.

He smells amazing.

I press my nose into his neck.

His steps rock me against him.

I tighten my hold on his neck.

I think I’m wearing his suit jacket, but I can’t get enough of him.

I can’t get enough Dom.

My hips flex, trying to reach. Trying to feel what I know is there.

We’re in a building. I can feel the change in the air.

My fingers scrape up the back of his head, my nails against his scalp.

Dominic groans, hugging me tighter to his front.

His steps stop, and I open my mouth against his neck.

His skin feels so nice against my lips.

A bell rings. And then Dom’s walking again.

Then he stops.

“You take the next one.”

I blink my eyes open, wondering what he’s talking about.

Then I blink again because, over Dominic’s shoulder, I can see two men behind us. They’re dressed all in black, too.

But they stop.

And the elevator doors slide shut. And we start to rise.

Dom turns and presses my back against the elevator wall.

“Do that again, Angel.”

I scrape my nails from the top of his head down to his neck.

The sound he lets out rolls through my core.

And I want him.

I want him so badly.

My hips roll. “I want you.”

“Fuck,” Dom growls. “You’re making this hard.”

I roll my hips again. “Prove it.”

The arms holding me in place shift until he’s gripping my hips. And then he lowers me. Sliding me down his body just a few inches. And…

My fingers dig into his shoulders when I feel it, and I let out a loud moan. “Dominic.”


One hand slides around my ass, down between my legs, and he cups me there.

He uses his new hold on me to press me harder against him.

Another bell.

I squeeze my eyes shut and cling to Dom tighter.

Each step makes my head spin.

Each rock of his hips makes my core clench.

A door.

Another door.

And Dominic.

His hands.

His mouth.

I fall, but only for a second, onto something soft.

I lift my arms when Dom tugs my shirt up.

I gasp when my pants are yanked off.

I try to help him as my panties are pulled away.

My eyes slide open when I feel the cool air between my legs.

And I groan when fingers slip between my folds.

Dom is over me.

Above me. Pressing his forehead to mine. “So fucking wet for me, Valentine.”

Pleasure swirls.

“Most nights,” I tell him.

“Jesus,” he groans. “Do you touch yourself, Angel?”

His fingers strum against me.

I nod.

“Do you think about me while you do it?”

His touch is getting more insistent.


Sensations overwhelm.

Dom has me so close.

I can’t focus.

He asks me something.

“Dominic,” I whine, too needy to concentrate.

There’s a wet slap against my pussy, and I nearly explode.

“Tell me, and I’ll let you come.”

“Four,” I pant, arching my back. “There’s been four.”

Another slap, but then his palm presses into me harder and a finger slips inside me.

My body shakes.

Colors explode behind my eyes.

I cry out. Trembling. Tensing.

“Fuck,” Dominic curses, and then something warm splashes against my stomach.

A forehead drops against my shoulder.

And I smile into the dark.

I like Dominic a lot.

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