Devil's Love
Chapter Eleven

From Blade's Point of View

I watch Drax take notes. I haven't been invading his space but I do occasionally watch him.

He scribbles another thought. His eyes scan the book he's working from.

He looks over at me, "what do you want?"

I brush my fingers through my hair, "I just miss touching you Drax. Please stop being mad at me. I am sorry for making you mad. I know it hurt your feelings when I said no. I just don't know that right now while you are mourning the loss of your dad and while I am going through training is the time to be planning to get married."

He sighs and brushes his finger over his father's ring, "yeah. It was my mistake to ask you. It won't be happening again so don't worry about it. I have things to do. So if you wouldn't mind just not staring and perhaps find a hobby to occupy your time since you insist on living in my house."

He looks on the shelves, before pulling off a rather large red book.

He sits in his chair and reads some. He scribbles some more notes for his classes.

I sigh, "Drax, please. I just want you to touch me already. Just the tiniest bit at this point."

He clears his throat, "I am busy if you couldn't tell. I am not going to done for a while so you might as well head to bed."

I walk across the room and grab his chain, "you can't ignore me forever now can you?"

He stands up and pushes me back towards the couch. His eyes flash that red color meaning he's about to go into a rage fit.

I stare at him, "Drax, you are going to lose control."

He pins me on the couch aggressively, "you want me?"

I bite my lip, "I... do just not like this."

He moves away from me, "you want me all the time or not at all. There is no in between. You have chosen what you do and don't want. And it isn't me. It is the job that I pulled strings for you to get. It was the last nice thing I will give you. You broke my heart because you didn't want to marry me. Which is fine. I frankly don't need a husband. So let me be."

I look up at him, getting down on my knees, "Drax, don't shut me off. I am working on it okay. I will marry you."

He turns to face away, "I wanted you to marry me because you love me not because you want me to not be angry anymore. I don't care how horny and lonely you feel right now."

I stare at him, "you know Drax you are a real fucking asshole."

He turns to look over his should a little, "I know."

I stare at him, "if you don't want me around anymore, I will just leave."

He nods, "well then do that. Don't threaten me Blade. I am not in the mood. I am not scared of you just ditching me."

I stand up, "you're like a giant fucking baby. You don't get your way and you fucking throw a temper tantrum. Like what are you?"

He turns and looks into my eyes, "I am the king. I am master of these lands. It literally is that if I wish it, I have it. It's a perk of being a bad guy. It's about time that people realize that it doesn't matter if they find my demands dumb, it will be done by my fucking will."

His eyes change color and he growls softly, "I am so fucking sick of you acting like I am the bad guy for wanting things my way when that is literally how my life is supposed to work. So why don't you take your fucking stupid ass opinion and shove it where the fucking sun doesn't shine."

I stare at him, "your rage form transformations have been coming on more often then usual. Maybe you should seek some help for that."

He growls and shoves me hard, "shut your fucking mouth. You don't know fucking know anything for fucks sake."

I stand up and go to my room. I pack my things and leave the house.

I look back at the house, "goodbye Drax."

And so, I leave. That night was the last time I looked back and I haven't seen him since.

I have been awarded my full guardship role now. The last months of training were really hard but I did get through them.

I do understand that Drax was the reason I got in but he didn't interfere with me making it all the way to being a full time guard.

I have begun staying in the guard quarters.

Chief has been giving me orders. As he is the leader of the guard I don't think anything of it until he gives me a very oddly specific order to stay away from the school and the castle.

I look at Chief, "why?"

He looks at the orders, "because that is what it says here. With your name on it. And my seal on it. So you will be assigned duties outside of those areas because that's what the orders say."

I huff, "it's because King Brat baby said so right?"

He sighs, "he doesn't want to see you and as king it is my job to make sure he is happy. So you will follow your orders or leave the guard. With all the training you went through, it would be a poor decision to leave now. We just suck up the orders, even if we think they are bullshit. So shut the fuck up and deal with it okay?"

I decide to keep my job. It's fine anyway because I am over Drax and he's clearly over me too.

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