Dear Soldier, Put Your Gun Down
Chapter 84 You Can Only Cry on My Bed

Winona was flustered yet amused, and she pulled her hand out of his grip swiftly, which made him gasped, "Ouch..."

She asked worriedly, "What's wrong? Should I summon the doctor to give you some examination?"

He grabbed her hand again and revealed a smug smile on his face, "You are my doctor, and now the patient wants you to look after him twenty-four seven."

Only then did she realize that this man was just pretending to be hurt. She replied exasperatedly, "Matt, you only know how to bully me."

"You little devil, I took a bullet for you. Wouldn't you feel bad in your heart? Let me get a feel of it."

She wanted to dodge his hand from touching her body, but she was afraid that he would aggravate his injury, so she could only allow him to do it. When he touched something soft and tender, he began laughing, "This, here, belongs to me. Nobody else can touch them!"

After some time, his face grew red, and Winona asked worriedly again, "Do you feel any discomfort? I will go get a thermometer to check your temperature."

He answered with a serious face, "I don't feel anything wrong, but my dick seems to be stirring."

Winona saw the slightly bulging blanket and swatted his hand away, "Matt, do you only know how to make a fool out of me all day long?"

"I... will feel suffocated!"

She rolled her eyes at him and then backed off with the chair, keeping a far distance in between them. He immediately got angry, "I will count to three, and you need to come back here, or else..." Damn, this damned injury. He couldn't just move as he pleased after a surgery.

She smirked at him, "What's that?"

"Or else once I recover, I won't give you a chance to get off your bed."

This man was a man of his words, so Winona had no choice but to move closer and then stated her conditions, "You can't move around freely, you can't simply touch me, and you can't think lecherous thoughts!"

He glanced at her with a disappointed look and thought that she was right, he shouldn't move at all. He decided to stop messing around, but he didn't make her life easy.

"Little devil, I need water."

"You can't drink water after a surgery."

"I want to eat an apple."

"You can't eat apple too. Endure for a little more."

"Peel one for me now!"

"You can only look at it but you can't eat it!"

"That's fine. I'll watch you eating it."

Winona helplessly took an apple and slowly peeled the skin to kill some time. He watched her silently, and found that her hands were really beautiful. They were delicate, fair, slim and long fingers. The red apple seemed to have magically turned into something tasty. If she could serve him using those two hands... How fantastic could it be.

Winona dangled the now-peeled apple in front of his eyes, and then she began munching on it. Her red lips were moist with apple juice, which only made them sexier. He couldn't help but swallow. "Hmph! Who asked you to took a bullet for me? You deserve to be in this much pain!"

"Little devil, if I didn't do the dirty work, who could do it?"

He was right. If he didn't appear at that moment and stood in the way of the bullet, perhaps those bodyguards would have all come out and shot her to her death. She suddenly found this apple tasteless. Looking down, she murmured, "Matt, you fool!"

"Girl, you are the silly here!"

"That's my personal grudge which has nothing to do with you. I just didn't want to involve you."

"We are husband and wife, and we are one. If something were to happen to you, do you think I can just think of it as nothing to do with me?"

"You can use that chance to draw a clear line in between us. After all, you knew nothing about all these."

"Nonsense! As if I can draw a line to separate us. If you went to hell, I would have followed you!"

She bit her lips and glared at him, "You bastard... You're making me cry again."

He raised his hand to wipe away her tears, "Good girl, stop crying. You can only cry on my bed, and one more thing, don't do stupid things anymore from now on."

"What choice do I have? He's the president of Coscana, and he has total dominance over the affairs and power in this country. The only way I could get revenge is to assassinate him."

"By doing that, you would sacrifice yourself. Have you ever thought about my feelings?"

"I have."

"Is that why you suggest a divorce?"

Winona nodded wordlessly. Besides this method, she couldn't come up with any other better way.

"You fool. Why wouldn't you wait for me?"

He took up his phone and sent a text message, and then he said to her, "I will let you meet someone later on. You will know why I have stopped you from killing him.”

The news about the president's assassination became the talk of town, and rumors had it that this had everything to do with General Matt Snider of Coscana. In an instant, the presidential office and the Snider residence were flooded with reporters. With the president's escape and Matt's silence on the matter, it almost proved that the speculation was true. Immediately, all sorts of rumors were flying around, and some of the media even claimed that it was Matt himself who was responsible for this assassination incident because he was ambitious and ruthless. Now that he chose to maintain silent, which made all the bystanders feel confused.

In the residence, Felix was so anxious that he's scratching his ears, "Herman, what happened to Matt? You should at least ask about that."

Samuel consoled him, "Everyone, calm down. You guys know him too well. He can overcome this danger without any problems."

Kevin was scratching his head while squatting, "If something were to happen to Matt, I will bring my men to crush those people!"

Woody spat at him, "Are you cursing Matt? Let's hear what Herman has to say."

All of them turned their gaze at Herman, but they saw him calmly closing the newspaper, "There must be a reason for Matt to do what he has done. Let's just standby."

He had a feeling that a thunderstorm was coming. At this moment, whoever be the most restless would die a horrible death.

This was because the attempted assassination on Abram Cohen had thrown the whole Coscana into a frenzy. The presidential race which happened once in four years was brought forward and besides the two designated candidates, Christopher has come out of nowhere and topped the standings firmly.

With the president seat in sight, Elizabeth felt like she could strut on her high horses and she came to the Larson family arrogantly to discuss about the divorce. She was almost insulting Benjamin, "I can't believe what kind of trick you were playing on my daughter that you could make her fall head over heels for you. From this moment on, I am the boss here. My daughter is divorcing you no matter what!" Benjamin cracked a smile and retorted, "I can't wish for more!"

Hazel pulled him to one side and advised him, "Christopher is going to be the president of Coscana very soon. Since your dad's road to a resurgence is in sight, you can't do anything stupid now!" He shrugged her away and yelled clearly, "Mum, I want to live for myself this time!"

With a loud slap, Hazel landed a slap on her son's cheeks, "You unfilial son!"

He wiped the blood on his lips and then turned around to leave, without looking back.

Hazel cupped her forehead, trying to calm herself down. She put on a smiley face and served Elizabeth some tea. Elizabeth didn't care about formalities now. She warned, "Hazel Madron, who would've thought that you could stoop so low. Let me tell you, it's too late! Even if you lick my boots today, the divorce is already set in stone. From now on, the Winston family is way beyond your reach!"☐☐☐☐

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