Dear Soldier, Put Your Gun Down
Chapter 81 I Will Resign from the Army

Matt stared into her eyes; his eyes were bloodshot, flashing with complicated emotions. He looked lost, furious, and afraid at the same time. He really loved her and truly hoped that she loved him back. If she said that she loved him, he would let go of the past and even apologize to her about his ruthless behavior.

Winona grabbed the bedsheet tightly with her fingers. Her silence stabbed his heart like a poisonous needle. He moved even more savagely as if this was a contest. But she didn't say anything and just bit her lips. Though, the more she acted like this, the more unrelenting he got.

This continued until midnight. They were both exhausted and he was covered with sweat. His sweat dripped on her body, and it scorched. He yelled ferociously with a coarse voice, "Say that you love me!" Her heart hurt looking at him like this, but she couldn't involve him in her personal grudge. She was hurt, but she opened her dry mouth, and a coarse voice came out of her raw throat, "Let's... get a divorce." He clenched his fist, punched the bed harshly and broke the bed frame. He howled word by word, "You... you dare say that again!”

She didn't have the heart to look at him. She closed her eyes and said, "Matt, let me go."

He stood up abruptly, wrapped a towel around his hips and walked out of the room. He slammed the door hard and Winona curled up into a ball on the bed. Her heart was aching, and she was trembling, even breathing was painful, "Matt, I'm sorry..."

She cried silently. She had never felt this helpless before in so many years. Her heart ached tremendously. She loved Matt without a doubt and hence didn't want him to be involved in her problem. He was the best general in Coscana and had a bright future. He achieved everything he had today through his sweat and blood, who was she to ruin his everything because of her personal grudge? She believed that if she told him the truth, Matt would throw away everything and get revenge together with her without any hesitation. But this was too heavy for her, she didn't want to ruin the person she loved. She couldn't sleep well. She sat up even though her body was in pain and looked out of the window. It was nighttime and the wind was howling. The heavy rain was pattering loudly on the window. There were cigarette butts all over the study room, in the ashtray and on the floor. The unpleasant scent filled the room. He sat on the chair like a statue. The ash from the cigarette was scorching his finger but he didn't feel any pain. He couldn't figure out why Winona wanted to get a divorce. Even though he forced her to marry him, but she wouldn't only ask for a divorce at this point even if it was because of Benjamin. He knew that Winona loved him, otherwise, she wouldn't risk her life multiple times just to come to him, to see if he was safe and well.

As dawn was approaching, Matt crushed out a cigarette butt with his foot. He then abruptly stood up and walked towards the bedroom. He felt regretful the moment he saw the bruises on her fair skin. He sat down next to her and ruffled her hair gently, "I've called the doctor. She will give you a full-body checkup later."

Winona felt a tinge on her nose. Did he think that she was leaving him because she was terminally ill? She replied, "Matt, I'm not sick."

"It's okay. The doctor will give you a full-body checkup later."

He grabbed her hand and kissed it softly, "I told you this before, you will be mine forever and ever, even after you die. I won't give you up no matter what."

Winona wanted to cry, but she held her tears back and withdrew her hand, "I'm not sick. I just... wanted a life of my own."

He stared at her with red and swollen eyes. His chest was heaving as if he was trying to suppress his anger. He tried to calm down and then he said as composedly as he could, "You can live however you want, and I'll be by your side."

"Okay! I don't want such a high-key life. I don't want to be the center of people's attention and the source of people's gossip. I don't want to be worried about you night and day. Is that possible?" "Okay, if you don't want to live like that, then I will resign from the army! I'm willing to do anything as long as it makes you happy."

At this moment, Winona was flabbergasted. The army meant a lot to him. He worked hard for today for more than ten years and achieved his glories. This was his dream and yet he said that he would give it up for her. Emotions were surging in her and it was about it break her last defense in her heart since every unreasonable thing she said just now was just her putting up an act. She wanted to force him to give up on her, but instead, he promised her something so grand.

She opened her mouth, but words didn't come out.

He hugged her, "Winona, I love you."

Soon, a female doctor came by to do a checkup for Winona. "Other than her stomach, everything is fine. It should be okay if she eats regularly in the future."

Matt's dim eyes sparkled and brightened up. He paused briefly and said, "Okay, thank you."

"Matt, I told you that I'm not sick."

"Okay, then we will hold our wedding on the same day. You'll miss the examination to be a combat medic on the base, but there's always a next one so no need to worry."

"Matt! Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what I told you last night..."

He gritted his teeth and said, "Shut up! I said the wedding will be held on the same day!"

Suddenly, his phone rang. It was from Anton Cruz, "Matt, we found that person. But she doesn't believe us and is now hiding deep in the woods in the mountain. That place is a labyrinth, but we can't just set a fire to force her out, right?"

"Alright, I'll be right there!"

He stood out and was about to leave. He then turned around and said to Karen when he was at the door, "Winona isn't feeling well recently. She can't go to work or see anyone, understood?" Karen trembled. She knew that Matt was ordering her to watch over Winona and make sure she stayed home, otherwise, she would be in trouble.

Karen and Amber followed Winona everywhere. Winona said helplessly, "I'm tired, can you guys stop following me around?"

Someone already switched out the bed in the room. Winona laid down and rested for a while, after that she stood up and walked to the dressing table, taking out the L'amore Fino Alla Fine. She could leave if she wanted to, and nobody could stop her.

In the night, she climbed down the wall with the drainage pipe swiftly. She then flipped cleanly and got over the wall. After that, she hailed a cab and headed to the President's Office.

The car sped through the rain in the dark. Neon lights shone on her face and there was a stream of light on her face. She touched the L'amore in her bag and was determined to get her revenge. So what if he was the president; it didn't matter to her!0000

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