Dear Soldier, Put Your Gun Down
Chapter 8 The Valorous Man on the Battlefield

When her back was turned, she saw that handsome face filled with amusement. It was Matt.

At this point, she really wanted to cut his brazen face to a pulp and gouge out his eyes with her sharp blade!

She had never been insulted as much as she had experienced in the past few days, not to mention he tried various ways to do that.

Holding her wrists with one hand and circling her waist with the other, he pressed himself against her body. "Be careful not to hurt yourself, sweetie." His voice sounded flirty.

She tried to bend her knee and attack his lower body but was trapped between his legs tightly.

"If you bust my ball, you will wreck your happiness for a lifetime."

He rubbed his crotch against her belly with wicked pleasure as he said that.

Erotic and violent, that was who Matt was indeed!

With her perfume in the air, he looked down and tried to kiss her, but she turned her head aside.

"I am hungry."

"Me... too."

Shocked, she glared at him.

In the end, Matt carried her in his arms downstairs, as he didn't have the heart to refuse her, "I'll feed you more and make you buxom so that you'll taste better later." Although she was starving, she had no appetite in his arms, given his crotch was pressed against her hips all the way.

Scooping up a spoonful of caviar, he raised it to her lips, "Open your mouth, and eat it."

She opened her mouth tamely, though she found any delicate food distasteful.

"Matt, I'd like to talk to you."

"Do not speak at the feeding time. Our talk can wait."

Having been forced to eat less than a half jar of caviar, a glass of warm milk, and a slice of beef toast, she felt like suffering.

After feeding her, he began to have his meal quickly but gracefully.

"Now, what did you want to tell me?"

"I don't like the way you treat me. I'm a human being, not your pet!"

Matt's hands were groping her up and down. "So do you like this? What about this?"

Winona decided to give up, as she couldn't reason with such a person. It seemed that she had to figure out another way.

After answering a phone call, Matt put himself in the army uniform and intended to leave. But he turned around at the door, "I'll give you a present in a few days. I'm sure you'll like it." Winona frowned, suspecting if he would send more sexy lingerie.

She had a good time in the next three days because Matt didn't show up all this time, but she had to hurry back since her wedding with Benjamin would be held in ten days. She must get out of this dangerous place as soon as possible, and she believed that with the power of the Larson family, she would surely get away from Matt, the vulgar monster. Though it was an underground palace, the sunlight and wind were the same as the outside.

As she was playing on the swing, a tiny white creature, looking like a wolf or a dog, ran over and licked her toes fondly.

"Where is your master? Have you lost your way?" She squatted down and fondled its fur in surprise.

"Do you like it? It's a snow wolf pup."

Against the sunlight, Matt, who looked so upright and handsome, walked over in his army uniform. The metal on his epaulet was shining, just like his eyes at the moment.

"Oh," she responded briefly and then continued to talk to the wolf, "Hey, what name should I give you? It's said that pets share their masters' tempers. Now that you've got a master who is erotic, violent, and raunchy, I'd like to name you Raunchie. Do you like it, Raunchie?"

Raunchie? Matt twitched his lips. "Fine, whatever you say." He thought to himself.

Noticing that she was in a good mood, he approached and touched her hair, "You won't feel lonely with it by your side."

Rolling her eyes at him, Winona teased, "The beast cannot understand what I say."

Was she indicating something? He frowned, rage in his eyes, "Winona, do you think I don't know that you want to get out of here and meet your fancy man? Well, I'm telling you, you got zero chance to do that. You married me, so you belong to me, body and soul!"

Against the cold wall, Winona felt a shiver down her spine even under the sun, as he looked exactly the same as a hungry wolf with his eyes blazing with flame.

He grasped her chin tightly and tried to kiss her face. But she pretended to vomit at the smell of the blood on him.

However, he didn't loosen his grip but stared at her with amusement, "Tell me, if a person performs surgery and sees blood every day, could she not stand the smell of blood?"

He looked down and kissed her on the lips, with his tongue rampaging in her mouth drastically.

She tried to bite him, but her jaw was pinched immediately.

"Hey, are you a dog or something? Why the bite?"

"You are the fucking dog yourself!”

"Well, the dog is fucking... you."

He continued to kiss her recklessly, but soon the kiss turned to be a contest, as she also glared at him and started to kiss him back. However, no matter how hard she fought and refused to give in, she was no match for him. After a moment, she fell against his chest and collapsed into his arms.

Her weight on him, she said breathlessly, "Matt, if you see me as your wife, you shall set me free."

"Hah, you cunning girl! So desperate to reap the benefit right after you let me taste your softness, huh?"

"I just don't want to be a useless person, and my hands have gotten accustomed to holding the scalper."

He held her hands, putting them onto his crotch, his voice hoarse, "You'll get accustomed to having close contact with it as well."

What a lecherous bastard! Mr. Matt began to behave like a hoodlum again.

Her eyes glowed, "So you agree with me, don't you?"

He smiled and rubbed her slender, delicate hands, "Your hands can only serve me in the future."

Early the next morning, Matt pulled her out of the bed and threw her an army uniform, "Dress yourself in ten minutes. I'll meet you at the gate."

After putting it on quickly and having her hair in a neat ponytail, she presented herself before him on time.

Looking her up and down, Matt furrowed his eyebrows slightly. Though the uniform was loose, it showed off her perfect figure, especially when the belt was around her waist. She just looked like a barbie doll. "You'll stay in the army camp and take care of the wounded."

How did it differ from being grounded in the underground palace? How was it possible for her to run away?

Taking his arms on her own initiative, she said, "Speaking of which, I haven't seen how valorous you are on the battlefield, my man."

Matt was pleased to hear that, especially when she mentioned "my man". The words seemed to tickle his heart constantly.

He held her hands and said gently, "Okay, you will know how intrepid I am both on the battlefield and in bed."

She was secretly rejoicing, as today was her last chance to escape. However, the pleasure soon disappeared. She did become a member of the field medics, only she was a private field medic for Matt. Matt, just like a king in the operations room, was giving out commands with resolution and mightiness.

"Bomb a hole in the northwest corner of Draiso Army, and destroy their ops room."

"Tell Samuel to lead the elite team of two companies and head off the commando force at Anceridge. Cut them from the middle and leave them in disarray!"

Just then, there was a squabble outside. Matt frowned and went out, followed by Winona.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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