Dear Soldier, Put Your Gun Down
Chapter 68 Let Me Satisfy You

Deep in the forest, Matt's bronze skin was covered with a layer of sweat and glistened as the sun rays shone on it.

Winona's delicate fingers gently ran along his lips and then down his Adam's apple, his chest, his v-cut abs, and then towards his crotch. She then grabbed his penis firmly...

"Hmm... haven't had your fill? Seducing me here? Do you want some more?"

She quickly begged for mercy, "No, no more. You're killing me."

He lowered his head and whispered into her ear, "Then I'll make sure to send you to heaven."

He had been starved for too long and now feasted on her every erotic zone. Now she did not even have the strength to move her finger and slumped on the car. She looked up at the majestic trees and the occasional bird flying by.

The two of them lay there and allowed the warm breeze to caress their body. The fragrance of the grass and flowers and the scent of his male hormones put her in a daze.

"Girl, did you miss me?" Matt asked.

She answered nonchalantly, "Of course not."

"Looks like I did not satisfy you," Matt replied mischievously.

She quickly begged, "Hey, I missed you, I did, alright?"

He raised his hand to point at her gunshot wound and frowned, "Which idiot hurt you?"

He looked like he was going to kill whoever did that to her. She quickly explained, "It was just an accident."

He lowered his head to kiss her wound tenderly, unlike his usual fierce ways. His tenderness caused her heart to tremble.

"Silly girl, you must never risk yourself, do you understand?" Matt said.

"Aren't you doing the same?" She asked in return.

He grinned, "Unlike you, I have nine lives."

She raised her hand to feel his face, "Every single one of those lives belongs to me. That's why you've got to be extra careful."

He looked at her solemnly and noticed that her eyes were exceedingly beautiful. They were so crystal clear that he could see his reflection. He murmured, "Winona, do you regret being with me?"

He knew that his choice of military profession would be fraught with dangers, especially at his current appointment. He practically lived on the knife's edge but he had no choice. If he did not, then others would trample all over him.

She laughed and held her hands around his neck, "What a nag. Why do you always ask me this question? What would you do if I were to say that I regretted?"

"I'll fuck you to death!" Matt teased her.

"Damn you. I knew you'd say that." She rolled her eyes.

He embraced her tightly and lovingly. He wished that he could squeeze her into his own body. Each time he saw her being injured or risked her life to get to his side, he would ask her the same question. It was also a question to himself. If he loved her, then how could he let her live in fear and anxiety? But he could never let her go!

She looked up into the sky, the flying birds and green tree canopies, and sighed, "How beautiful would this place be if there isn't a war here?"

"Yes, it's even more beautiful at night. There are stars everywhere." Matt said.

"Can you see meteors?" Winona asked.

"Frequently," Matt answered.

"Wow, then it should be beautiful," Winona remarked.

"Would you like to see some? I'll accompany you," Matt said.

Her stomach began to growl and she blushed awkwardly. He chuckled and picked up his clothes to cover her. He jumped off the car topless and asked, “Want to come with me to hunt? The rabbits are tasty." "Sure!" Winona accepted.

He carried her off the car and smacked her bottom. "Then we'll see who is the first to catch one. The winner will have a prize!"

She quickly buttoned up the shirt. His shirt was large but was barely long enough to cover her bottom. Her long slender legs were exposed and he was aroused just by looking at them. But he only had himself to blame as he had torn up her clothes.

He wanted to remove his pants for her but she glared at him, "Hey, are you done? Let's hunt!"

He quickly helped her put on his pants and said, "Be a good girl. I won't be able to do anything with your legs exposed."

She chuckled when she saw how helpless he was in her presence.

He was mesmerized by her smile and felt that nothing in this world could match her beauty.

He grabbed her face and passionately kissed her. Her stomach growled again and she said awkwardly, "Matt, I'm going to die of hunger if you don't get me something to eat soon!"

He tenderly tucked her hair behind her ear and said, "Okay, I'll make sure you're well-fed."

She held onto his waist and said, "Then we'll have a competition on who catches the rabbit first. No guns allowed!"

He smiled at the idea that she was trying to compete with him in hunting. When it came to hunting, no one could beat him. Even if it was using his bare hands, he would be able to catch eight to ten rabbits. Since she was so motivated, he did not want to demoralize her and said, "Okay, if I win, you must satisfy me tonight."

She frowned, "Change the bet."

"Then I'll satisfy you tonight!"

Winona was speechless.

Winona managed to take a Victorinox knife from his car earlier on. Since the rule was no guns allowed, using a knife did not violate that rule. She was very confident with herself. She was adventurous and liked the outdoors. She also liked to watch survival programs, and was familiar with catching small animals.

She walked several steps and then said, "Matt, are you afraid of losing to me that's why you restrict me with your pants?" His pants were long and baggy and restricted her ability to run.

"Do not take them off!" Matt bent down to tear part of the pants off and then tied a knot at her ankles and said, "This will prevent insect bites."

She looked down at him tying the pants and found his actions endearing and cute. She could not help but giggled with satisfaction.

The two went on their separate ways but he was worried for her. He had caught a rabbit and went to look for her. He saw her squatting and setting traps and then she hid behind some tall grass. She would occasionally peek over the grass to see if the trap had caught anything. Her actions were so adorable.

He threw his captured rabbit onto the ground and it ran straight into her trap. Winona jumped up in joy and said, "Haha... I've finally caught you!"

Except when she jumped up, the knot which was holding up Matt's pants became undone and the pants fell off, exposing her fair and slender legs. Matt could not resist further, dashed towards her, and pinned her onto the ground. He announced next to her ear, "You've won. So now I've got to serve you your prize!"0000

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