Dear Soldier, Put Your Gun Down
Chapter 64 Blow Her Up

The soldiers raised their weapons and started to approach her. All of them looked lustfully at Winona's body and wanted to strip her of her clothes.

She looked at the wrists of the soldiers and asked, "Did all of you catch the plague?"

One of the soldiers was startled and then looked at her as he asked, "Are you a doctor?"

Winona nodded and said, "You should still be having diarrhea in recent days. If you still don't get treated soon, even the second coming of Christ would not save you."

The soldier's expression changed and then dragged her as she staggered towards their camp, "Come with me!"

The camp was full of soldiers. Some were topless and others were lying on the ground. Their eyes lit up when they saw Winona like a starving wolf looking at prey. Some even reached to grab Winona's clothes and were kicked aside by that soldier as he said, "Fuck off, this woman can save our General.”

She was dragged to a tent and saw a bearded man lying on the bed. The soldier pressed his gun barrel to her head and threatened, "I'll release you if you can treat our General. Otherwise, I'll blow you up!" Winona walked to the man and felt his pulse. She pried open his mouth and looked at his tongue. Lifted his eyelid to look at his eyes. She was very familiar with his condition. Traditional medicine worked too slow to save this man's life. The only way was to fight the toxins with drugs. She thought of a way to kill two birds with a stone and said, "This man's too far gone."

Bang! The soldier fired his rifle into the air and yelled, "What the fuck did you say? Do you want me to kill you with the next shot?"

She replied calmly, "The medicine that he needs is in the hands of your enemy. But with your abilities now, there is no way for you to infiltrate your enemies' position to steal the required medicine. That's why I said that he's gone for sure."

The soldier pressed the rifle barrel to her forehead and demanded, "What the hell are you trying to do?"

Winona could not reveal her identity and calmly said, "I'm from Coscana and naturally will seek asylum with my army. If you send me to where they're located, I'll find a way to get the medicine."

She could not find Matt and his men on her own. The area was filled with vicious soldiers and thugs from different countries. In comparison, Cosmos's might was the best protection.

That soldier pondered for a while and then said cunningly, "First, write down the name of the medicine!"

Winona picked up a pen to write down the name of the medicine. The soldier then dragged her away to lock her up in a metal cage. Inside the cage were numerous young girls. Just outside the cage were men who were drinking and eating roasted meat.

A few men waved the roasted meat at them and said seductively, "Crawl out and I'll let you have some meat!"

There was a small door at the cage for them to use as a toilet. The soldiers toyed with those women and some of the girls were starved for several days. They could not endure the hunger and crawl through the tiny door like a dog to the amusement of the soldiers.

The men did whatever they wanted to their bodies and the girls only had one goal which was to eat a piece of meat. Winona closed her eyes as the men hollered in joy while the girls sobbed sorrowfully. This was the cruelty of survival!

The remaining girls in the cage wanted to follow suit. Winona reached out to stop them and said, "Don't go, endure for a couple of days and I'll help you leave this place!" "Why should we believe you?" They asked.

"What? Don't you know how you will end up if you do this?" Winona asked in return.

They quieted down. They knew that they would end up dead and no one wanted that. They had to hold on if they wanted to live.

On the third day, the soldier opened the metal door, grabbed her hair, and dragged her out, "You win. We can send you over but you must not forget your promise!"

Winona patted the dust off her body and pointed to the girls in the cage, "I want them with me."

The soldier saw her as a lunatic and slapped her, "You should be happy that I spared your life! How dare you demand anything more?"

Winona licked the blood off the corner of her lips and slapped him in return, "Okay, let's die together. After all, the plague had spread across your camp. Once it is too late, all of you won't escape from its curse!"

The two of them were in a standoff for a while before he nodded, "Fine. As you wish."

They brought over a truck and loaded up the girls. Winona sat beside the soldier as he drove.

"Are you really a doctor?" The soldier asked.

"Yes," Winona answered.

"I don't think so. You look suicidal." He mused.

"As a doctor, I am used to witnessing death. So, I do not fear death." Winona said calmly.

The soldier wiped his hand on his body and then extended his hand towards her. "Hi, I'm David."

She shook his hand and replied, "I'll remember you."

The truck exited the forest and drove for about an hour before stopping. In front was a demarcation line and they could see the encampment of Coscanian army at a distance. The soldier allowed Winona to walk by herself towards the encampment while he held onto the truckload of girls as hostages.

The demarcation line was made with wire fencing. She knew that perhaps Matt's men were hiding ready to ambush her. She raised her hands as high as she could and calmly walked forward.

A sniper already had her in his sights. His standing orders were to shoot anything that crosses the demarcation line, regardless of men or beast!

But the sniper hesitated and reported what he saw to his superior.

At that moment, Matt was looking down on the map of the defense zone. His finger pointed at Esnurg 's strategic peak and ordered, "Logan would focus all his resources here. I will personally lead this siege- and-capture mission!"

"Matt, I'll go with you!"

"Yes, now you have a family and we need to protect you. Otherwise, we'll be scolded by your wife!"

Matt softened when he heard them mention Winona. It seemed like his fatigue had momentarily vanished.

At this moment, Felix looked at the security monitor and remarked, "Sir, we noticed a Cosmos vehicle approaching the demarcation line, and thereafter a woman slowly approached the line."

Matt frowned, "Woman? They are actually using women to do their dirty work now? What are you waiting for? Fire!"

"Yes Sir!"☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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