Dear Soldier, Put Your Gun Down
Chapter 60 The Little Buddy Is All Yours

Matt was no longer gloomy when he turned around. He walked to her and hugged her soft body from behind, "I wish I could hold you like this forever."

Winona noticed something bad had happened, "Another urgent mission?"

He lowered his head to kiss her, "Let's shoot our wedding photos when I get back. It's all up to you where we will go."

Though Winona was reluctant to part with him, she knew better that he was a soldier on call who might sacrifice his life at any time.

She wrapped her arms around his waist, her head against his chest, "Matt, it's cool if I don't have a diamond ring, a wedding dress, or even a wedding ceremony. All I wish is for you to come back in one piece. All I want, is you."

Matt froze for a while upon hearing her words, and then he lowered his head and kissed her with great affection. Soon, the kiss deepened. He took off her underwear and held her up to his waist. His lips rubbed through her neck and down their way to her bottom. Soon, they triggered each other, let go of their emotions, and finally come together.

Winona had always believed that a couple could only achieve mutual orgasm and release their original desires when they became one spirit out of love.

She turned back and bit him hard on his neck. He took a deep breath, "Sweetie, is there a little wolf inside you?"

"I'm telling the women in your mission that you are occupied, and they have no chance! Yeah, I know there are women joining you this time."

He wore an evil smile, his weight on her. His kisses ran through her earlobe to her neck. Soon, the hickeys were all over her fair skin, either deep or shallow.

"Then I'm marking you as mine! Whoever touches you will die by my hands!"

He smirked as his erection was against her belly, "My little bubby is all yours as well. Would you like to exercise your rights?"

"Screw you!"

She intended to kick him away, but he caught her legs instead and put them on his shoulders, "So, you prefer this position? No rush, my love. Take your time. We'll try all the positions in the mountains, in the forests, in water, and even in your dreams! And I'll be the only one who's by your side!"

His lips on hers, he wanted more.

Winona had no choice but to try her best card. She looked at him tearfully, "Honey, I'm exhausted. You know I'm going to the hospital tomorrow."

Her trick worked. He lay down and had her in his arms, "Get some sleep then."

She couldn't help lifting her lips while his sigh echoed in her ear, "Sweetie, you know I love you too much to refuse, don't you?"

He was a man of arrogance, and he could be unreasonable sometimes, but he was a different person when being with her. He could compromise just for her, feeling like she could get his attention at any time. Her smile could easily accelerate his heartbeat while her tears would tear his heart apart.

"Damn, Winona, I won't get over you in my lifetime!"

He sounded helpless, but he knew he would do anything for her.

She slowly closed her eyes and had a sweet dream, in which she wore her wedding dress and a diamond ring designed by herself, embracing her charming husband on the beach. The blue sky and the sea of flowers were a perfect background for the photographer to take photos of their sweet moments. She would collect all the wedding photos and put them in the most prominent positions in the living room. Also, she would make them into an album, print them on the invitation card, and set them in front of the hotel where they would hold the wedding. Their wedding would cause a national sensation, and it would be as perfect as it was in her dream.

By the time Winona woke up, she was lying in her big bed in the manor. She knew it must be Matt. He had to leave in the middle of the night for his mission, so he sent her home during her sleep. A note was placed on the bed, and the handwriting looked vigorous and forceful, just like him. It said, "Sweetie, remember to eat on time and gain some weight. I'll fuck you harder when I get back." He was such a scoundrel. Winona smiled, valued the note, and placed it inside one of her jewel boxes.

She went to the military hospital as usual and put on her long-lost white coat. Ever since she became the director, she had spent less time in the operating room and only participated in major surgeries. Sometimes, she mocked herself that it was the upper class's priority. No wonder so many people had racked their brains to get promoted even if the price was to hurt others.

After she finished an operation and walked out of the operating room, her phone rang. She got a message from Matt, "Sweetie, did you miss me?"

She smiled and replied, "Humph! You wish! (Proud face emoji)"

Matt continued, "That sucks. Then grant my wish, maybe?"

She chuckled and replied soon, "Stay quiet in your isolated land. I'm gonna enjoy my date with the lovely boys."

Matt was annoyed, "Don't you dare! I'm driving the plane and blowing your dating place down!"

Winona could picture his annoying face right now, so she laughed, "That was a lie. You are the only one I want."

Matt was eased, "That's my good girl. I'll let you try my little buddy when I get back, and I promise its tenderness and refreshing taste."

Winona's face was burning, and she planned to scold him badly for his dirty words. But he sent another message soon, "I love you, and I miss you, all the time."

Her eyes wetted at this moment, so she responded fast, "I miss you, too. More than I could say." Unfortunately, she failed to send this message, presumably the mission had started, and his signal was blocked Winona slowly leaned against the wall, putting her phone on her chest, "Matt, please return safely."

For the next half a month, she hadn't received any of his messages, but she checked her phone every day as soon as she opened her eyes in the morning.

At breakfast, Karen served her a steak, a glass of milk, and a sandwich. Winona frowned slightly, "Why did you make so many?"

Karen looked embarrassed, "When General Snider left, he ordered that we should serve more food for you. If you become thinner when he comes back, Amber and I will have to pack up and get out of here." Amber looked at her with a beseeching look, "Mrs. Snider, please do us a favor and eat more."

Winona's mouth twitched. She could only eat them all.

After a full breakfast, Winona drove to the hospital. But in the middle of her way, she remembered it was the weekend, and she didn't have to work. In the end, she drove to the nursing home where Aileen was. Aileen lived in the VIP room, so she had to walk through a small garden with a fountain before getting there. When she reached the fountain, she saw a familiar figure in the reflection of the pool. The person held something unknown in hand and was about to stab it on her.

Winona sneered, turned back to grasp the woman's wrist, reversed the angle and thrust the thing into that women's body.


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