Dear Soldier, Put Your Gun Down
Chapter 55 I’m Hungry

Winona went upstairs with Frederick and came down after a while. In a trance, she almost missed a step going downstairs. Fortunately, Matt held her in time.

Seeing her like this, he was anxious. "What's wrong?"

She forced a smile, "Nothing."

His expression was somber, "We are husband and wife. You can tell me everything."

She bit her lips, her eyes red. Finally, the secret she just got seemed to have offered her a reasonable explanation for her doubts.

He was a little angry, feeling like she still regarded him as an outsider. But her face made it hard for him to blame.

She held his arm, her voice broken, "Matt, let's go home."


He stooped to pick her up and went straight away, knowing clearly that Frederick had used the secret to exchange a chance for Lilian to survive. And the secret was like a scar in Winona's heart. If she didn't want to talk about it, he wouldn't ask because he couldn't bear to embarrass her.

At this time, a large number of reporters had surrounded the villa. As soon as Matt appeared, they rushed over.

Matt frowned slightly, and then covered Winona's haggard face with his suit. He walked as he shouted, "Back off!"

He was born a ruler. His strong presence frightened them, and they made a way out for him involuntarily.

He carried her through the crowd, opened the car door and sat inside, cool and fast. His intimidating aura stunned people around him, and they didn't come back to their senses until the car was about to leave. The reporters hurried to catch up.

Some courageous ones patted on the car window urgently as they asked, "General Snider, a few days ago, the head of Cosmos released the news that you have been killed. He even posted a DNA report. Is it their plot?"

"Didn't you destroy Cosmos three years ago? Why did it show up again?"

"He's so rampant, and he had spread fear to the world. General Snider, do you have any countermeasures?"

Matt slowly downed the window, showing his handsome profile to them, and sneered, "I eliminated it before, and I'll do it again."

He then raised his hand as if he had held a gun to the camera, and then he shot.

At this time, Logan was watching the TV broadcast. Hearing what Matt said, he smashed the goblet in his hand, his blood pouring. But he didn't seem to feel the pain, gnashing his teeth, "Matt Snider, you killed my family maliciously three years ago! I'll settle with you this time for what you did!"

He picked up his phone and uploaded the video with a weird smile. Matt was clever enough to know that he had worked with Lilian, which made her useless. If so, why should he bother to keep her secret? Moreover, Frederick was Matt's mentor and also the one who had been promoting Matt and supporting him all these years. If the conflict between them was magnified, how would Matt survive in the military and political circles of Coscana?

The internet was such a magical thing. Less than three seconds after the uploading, there were already 30 million views. Whether Lilian was forced or not, what the netizens saw was a slutty woman who knelt and enjoyed her time in the video. The netizens left a lot of messages in the comment section.

User A: Damn! This is the lady cultivated by a decent family? I'd say she is more coquettish than whores.

User B: Tsk, tsk, tsk. It's hard to believe that she pretended to be elegant and pure all this time. She's so damn disgusting.

User C: Wow, I love her moan. She just triggered me! I have to download this as one of my materials.

When Matt saw the video, his face became gloomy. It looked like he was wrong about Lilian before, and it was the right time for him to see her as a different person. Although Winona had promised to let her live, it didn't mean he would let her off the hook easily. Lilian was like a bomb in Bolwich, and he wouldn't be relieved to have her around.

He then told Felix, "Spread the news that Lilian has AIDS."

Felix took a deep breath. With both the sex video and the exploding news that Lilian had AIDS, she wouldn't stay in Coscana with dignity. Besides, would the AIDS Quarantine Station let her go if they knew about this? Even if this message was fake, Felix was confident that Matt would make it true to the outside world. If so, Lilian was very likely to spend the rest of her life in quarantine with other infected people! Bravo!

Matt turned his head to look at Winona, who was absent-minded at that moment, held her in his arms, and asked, "Are you satisfied with the result?"

She smiled reluctantly, "I know you are doing this for me. Thank you."

He pointed to his face, "I prefer a doer, not a speaker."

She raised her head to kiss him on the cheek, but he turned his face sharply and kissed her lips unexpectedly.

Seeing them from the rearview mirror, Felix couldn't help sighing that he had so much to learn.

Back on the manor, Winona went upstairs without eating much. She took a bath and lay on the bed, losing in her thoughts.

As soon as Matt entered the bedroom, he saw the beautiful scene in front of him. Winona was lying on her side in a pink nightgown, her long hair spread out on her pillow, her shoulders slightly exposed, and her slender legs bending a bit. Her perfect figure was shown perfectly before him. Even the bedroom was filled with the fragrance of the body wash, probably because she just finished the shower.

He lay beside her, running his hands on her body, his voice hoarse, "What's the brand of your body wash? It smells so good."

She could feel his erection against her ass, but she pushed him a little further annoyingly, "I don't want to do this today."

He stopped and bit her fair and delicate shoulder softly, "Sure, but you'll have to double the price tomorrow."

He took her in his arms, didn't ask further, but patted her back, "Sleep tight."

At this moment, he looked so considerate and gentle that her eyes wetted. She turned back and kissed his lips, "Honey, good night."

The kiss seemed to have ignited his desire, but he tried hard to restrain himself since she wasn't in a good mood today. Finally, after Winona was asleep, he got up slowly and then went to the bathroom for a cold shower for half an hour.

He looked down at his little fellow and cursed, "Come on, shithead. Why can't you be a fucking good boy for once?"

Matt was depressed about why he couldn't resist her charm even if he had been chaste for years. Her gaze, her movements, and her soft kiss could easily seduce him. Probably he had loved her too much to live a life without her.

At this time, he heard her blurred voice outside the door, "Honey, I'm hungry."

His penis swelled instantly. Damn, he couldn't control it anymore. In the end, Matt kicked the door open and strode his way out.‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒

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