Dear Soldier, Put Your Gun Down
Chapter 49 Hubby, You’re Amazing

As much as Winona yearned to carry on, she knew they should not use up all their energy or they would not be able to make it out of the yacht alive. The yacht was filled with Logan's people who were tough nuts to crack.

"Wait a minute. Are your men here with you and ready to ambush Logan's men?"

"Don't worry, I can handle them all by myself."

"I beg your pardon?"

Winona squirmed her body and tried to sit upright. Is Matt out of his mind? Now is not the time to play hero!

Matt, who refused to let her go, pressed her body down on the floor. "Be a nice girl and stop moving around. Let me take you to paradise."

She could not believe he still thought about sex when their lives were on the line. Exasperated, she snapped, "Paradise? I think we're on our way to hell! We should try to escape now!"

"Do you think we will survive with the yacht full of Logan's men?" he asked.

Winona looked deeply shaken because of what he said. "What's your plan?"

Matt, who thought she looked adorable when she was anxious, couldn't help teasing her. "In fact, I don't mind dying a romantic death with you here."

Annoyed by his frivolous remark, Winona balled her fists and tried to punch him. To her dismay, both of her wrists were clasped by him. "Don't worry, silly. I've never made dumb decisions in my life," he said. Hearing that, her curiosity was piqued. She couldn't help wondering how Matt was going to tackle Logan's men who were all physically trained and armed.

"Do you want to hear about my plan?"

"Yes. I can't wait."

"I'll tell you everything after this."

He lowered his head and pressed his lips on hers, giving her a passionate kiss filled with longing. When Winona started begging for his mercy, he stopped and allowed her to rest.

Lying next to each other on the bed, they held each other's hands with their fingers interlaced. The cabin was quiet enough for them to hear each other's racing heartbeat.

Just then, Winona cracked up. "Matt, it seems like you're the one who's taken the aphrodisiac."

He made love to her with unbridled passion just now.

He held her close against his chest and said, "It's been days since I last touched you."

At the thought of how roughly the bunch of brutes treated Winona just now, Matt seethed, "The bunch of animals is going to be punished later!"

"What have you done?" Winona asked.

He gave her an inscrutable smile and replied, "Take a good rest tonight. You'll know it when the time comes."

Despite the dangerous situation they were in, Winona managed to fall into a peaceful slumber because she felt safe in Matt's arms.

Just hours before dawn, Matt roused her from sleep. "Winona, please get dressed. It's time to go."

She opened her eyes, still feeling slightly groggy. It was bedlam outside the cabin-urgent footsteps, the deafening sound of guns being fired, the voice of men cursing crossly, and the sound of women weeping helplessly could be heard.

"What's going on?"

"I'll tell you later."

Matt covered her head with his jacket and escorted her out of the cabin. No one noticed them amidst the chaos.

A beam of intense light was directed at the yacht from several ships sailing in its direction. A couple of men were yelling in a foreign language at the yacht with a loudspeaker. At the sight of the ships, everyone on the yacht plunged into the sea out of panic and tried their best to claim the jet skis scattered on the sea nearby.

Thanks to his agility and his ruthlessness, Matt successfully claimed one of the jet skis. Then, he carried Winona from the yacht and put her on the seat. "Hold onto my waist."

Obediently, she pressed herself against his nicely muscled back and enjoyed the warmth radiating from his body.

Matt ignited the engine of the jet ski and brought it at full tilt toward the shore. The movement of the jet ski left a beautiful trail of waves that glimmered under the moonlit sky. "You attracted the attention of those two ships, didn't you?"

"You're such a clever girl."

"Who were the guys on the ships? Why were Logan's men so frightened to see them?"

"This area is the nest to many powerful underground gangs. So, I gave a tip-off to one of Logan's rivals telling him that Logan was having a party on the yacht with a small group of his men. Do you think his rival will let go of such a great chance to finish Logan off?"

"That's quite a terrific idea."

"You're impressed by my brilliance, aren't you? Sometimes, a problem can be better solved by a clever tactic than by sheer violence."

Meanwhile, Logan and his bodyguard's jet skis were approaching the shore too. Logan appeared disheveled and rattled.

"Who exposed our location?" Logan asked.

"Those who were invited to attend the party are our business partners. We've worked with them for years, and I don't think anyone of them could have sabotaged us. There's something fishy with this matter." Logan clenched his fist and banged it hard on the leather seat of the jet ski. The fact that the lucrative deal had fallen through was devastating to him. To his chagrin, he was forced to let his rival have the valuable stocks stashed on the yacht too.

At that juncture, Logan looked up and noticed a jet ski speeding toward the shore some distance away from him. Agitatedly, he commanded his bodyguards, "See that jet ski? I want you guys to catch up with it!"

Immediately, Logan and his bodyguards charged toward the jet ski. Anger and excitement glimmered in Logan's eyes when he recognized the rider's face. "It's Matt Snider! Go get him!"

Logan should not have taken so long before realizing that Matt was the culprit behind the incident. After all, his wife was taken hostage by him. The thought just did not come to Logan's mind during the pandemonium earlier.

"Boss, is that Matt Snider? Would he show up alone?"

"Don't forget that I used to work for him for years. I'd be able to recognize him even if his body was charred!"

The closer Logan got to the jet ski, the more certain he was that the rider was Matt and the woman sitting on the pillion was Winona.

"Get me a gun!"

"Boss, we didn't have time to take any weapons with us just now..."

"Get out of my way now, dumbass!"

Logan heaved himself forward to ride the jet ski himself. "I want that jet ski to be crashed into pieces!"

Soon, a dozen jet skis were closing in on Matt's. Sensing danger, Matt reminded Winona, "Hold onto me tightly."

Just then, one of the jet skis was charging toward them at a high speed. Matt leaned his body forward and veered his jet ski sideways just in time to avoid the collision. Water splashed all over Winona and him after he completed the move.

Before long, Matt and Winona were surrounded by Logan and his bodyguards.

Logan sneered, "Matt Snider, you're doomed!"

Winona tightened her arms around Matt nervously when she heard that. Matt turned around and gave her a reassuring smile. "Do you believe me?"

She nodded solemnly, "Yes!"

He pecked on her forehead and promised, "I'll keep you safe."

Holding Matt close against her chest, Winona said, "I know you will. Matt, it's the strawberry season now. Shall we visit the farmers' markets together after this?"


"Matt, I love you."

It was a shame that Winona's voice was drowned in the sound of waves.

As Logan's bodyguards neared them, Matt revved up the engine. To everyone's surprise, his jet ski took off from the surface of the ocean, glided past Logan and his men in the air, and landed back on the sea. Exhilarated, Winona kissed the back of his neck. "Matt, you're amazing!"

"I'd be thrilled if you could call me Hubby!"

"Hubby, you're amazing!"

"I'd appreciate it if you could say it when we're in bed."

Two red blobs coloring her cheeks immediately. She couldn't believe Matt was still in the mood to make lewd jokes. Suddenly, Matt slowed the jet ski to a halt. With a bleak expression, he urged, "Winona, get off the jet ski now!"¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶

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