Dear Soldier, Put Your Gun Down
Chapter 31 Sensational

Winona had rubbed Matt up the wrong way by keeping him in the dark of the secret concerning Aileen and the true reason why she married him. Knowing Matt was a headstrong man with a huge ego and how much he loathed being deceived and betrayed, she did not expect his forgiveness.

Matt brushed some fallen strands of her hair back gently and said, "Usually, I won't hesitate to get rid of people who dare lie to me. But now, I'm willing to give you a chance to be completely truthful to me. You'd better treasure it because that's the only chance I'm offering you."

He was warning her to stop lying or he would not go easy on her.

Calmly, Winona met his gaze. "I suppose you've already known most of the truth.”

His brooding eyes stared into hers icily. "Still, I want to hear it from you."

"Fine. The truth is, I've never trusted you completely right from the beginning. I'm worried that you might use Aileen to threaten me into doing things one day..."

Matt banged his fists hard on the car window. It was easy to imagine how much force he exerted as he left a gaping hole on the window made of bulletproof material. "Matt, your hand is bleeding."

Winona tore off a part of her dress so that she could bandage his bloody hand. However, he rejected her help by brushing off her outstretched hands brusquely. Pinching her jaw with his fingers, he glared at her and demanded, "Continue your story!"

"Before you asked me to be your wife and forced yourself into my life two weeks ago, we were total strangers. In my view, you might be having a hidden agenda although you've been insisting that you aren't after anything but my heart. I just can't help feeling suspicious about you."

Tears welled up in Winona's eyes as she got emotional. Having always had her life in her grasp, she found it hard to acclimate herself to a brand-new life in which Matt was the one in charge. To make matters worse, Matt was mysterious and unpredictable. The idea of letting someone like him have a say in her life had left her a bundle of nerves.

Matt's anger dissipated right away seeing how wrecked Winona looked. He felt a pressing urge to draw her to his arms and poured his heart out. In reality, he had been carrying a torch for her for years ever since they met each other for the first time on a fateful afternoon. Her beautiful face had etched on his memory from then on, and he had never stopped keeping up with her life. The moment he ran into her again, he was thrilled. Every single cell in his body yearned to be with her.

"Your worry is unnecessary. Listen, there's only one thing you need to keep in mind-you're my wife, so you must love and trust me!"

Winona cried even harder when she heard that. Matt, who was at a loss, warned, "I'll kiss you right away if you don't stop crying immediately!" Suddenly, her face broke into a smile. She cupped his face and pressed her lips on his.

Sunlight traveled into the car and delineated the contours of their face. Their deepening kiss immediately ignited a burning desire in Matt's body. "Herman, get out of the car."

Herman wisely instructed the driver to park the car behind a bush in a deserted park. Then, they left Matt and Winona alone and retreated around 30 feet from the car. Standing ramrod straight, they scanned their surroundings to make sure no one would disturb Matt and Winona.

Meanwhile, a traffic officer was enjoying a bowl of instant soup while watching the surveillance footage of the park. He perked up when a car parked behind a bush caught his eye. Immediately, he put down the bowl of soup and made the camera zoom in on the area. A glint of excitement surfaced in his eyes. A couple of days ago, the chief of the department had urged him and the rest of the traffic officers to curb the rising cases of indecency acts on public roads. The traffic officer, who was certain that this was one of those cases, reported his sighting to the chief delightfully.

The chief was overjoyed to hear that. "Well done! Now, bring the rest of your team to the park and besiege the car. Be careful not to alert the people inside the car too early."

The traffic officer was in high spirits given that it was a chance for him to shine and get promoted.

Half an hour later, Herman sensed something was amiss when he noticed several squad cars approaching them.

He decided not to disturb Matt and ask for his advice, knowing that would surely trigger his wrath. After some contemplation, he made his way to the squad cars to liaise with the traffic officers.

A traffic officer on probation was the first to get out of the squad cars. He strutted toward Herman and pointed at him snobbishly. "What are you and your friend doing in the car? Can't you guys just get a room? We have a civilized society here in Bolwich! We won't allow you guys to mar the reputation of this great city by your sordid behavior!"

Herman frowned at him. "I'd like to speak to your superior please," he snapped.

"Dude, you're trying to sound like a big fish, aren't you? I'm not sure whether you can still sound so arrogant after this. Guys, take pictures of the couple in the car and have them published! We must show everyone that we traffic officers aren't a bunch of pushovers!"

Immediately, several traffic officers started making their way to Matt's off-road vehicle with cameras.

Herman dashed over and kicked their cameras off their hands. "Do you guys have any idea who's inside the car?" he growled.

Eager to show his integrity in front of the chief, the traffic officer on probation replied, "That's beside the point! This area belongs to the government, and anyone who does an act of indecency here is considered to be a law-breaker! Guys, snap away at the shameless couple right now!"

Suddenly, one of the windows of the off-road vehicle was opened to reveal Matt's extremely sullen face.

"A-General Snider?"

Never in the traffic officer's wildest dreams did it occur to him that Matt would be inside the car. His shock was justified considering that Matt was the first man who was given a Medal of Honor by the government of Coscana.

The traffic officer collapsed on the ground in horror. While all the traffic officers were still stuck in a state of shock, Herman and the driver got back into the off-road vehicle.

Meanwhile, the chief broke out in cold sweat. "What happened just now stays between us. Anyone who blabs will be fired!" he warned his subordinates.

Winona's face was burning with embarrassment. She did not expect her steamy session with Matt in the car would attract the attention of the traffic officers.

Matt appeared unfazed. "Herman, it's about time the traffic officers get a new chief."

"I'll make a trip to the Ministry of Transport tomorrow."

Hearing that, Winona eyed Matt with surprise. She always knew he was powerful, but she had no idea he could get a government servant sacked so effortlessly. A man like him must be the target of hatred and jealousy of many. Suddenly, the mysterious person who had been secretly helping Sharon crossed her mind.

"Matt, do you have any idea who might be the culprit who slung mud at you?"‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒☐

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