
I entered Eclipse from the back. It was just past nine p.m., and the line out front wrapped around the corner. It’d be a five-figure night, enough to cover the losses from returning the confiscated shipment to the LaSalles.

Casey LaSalle was getting on my nerves, and I would have sicced my wolves on him by now if I didn’t have to tiptoe around the ridiculous situation with Savannah. It was more and more like having one of my wolves held hostage.

Actually, that was exactly what it was.

I cracked my neck as I strolled down the hall to my office, then dropped my keys on my desk. Savannah’s signature tickled my senses, and I couldn’t help but slip into the bar to see how she was handling her new job.

The bass of the metal band tonight pumped through the walls, and I greeted one of my servers as I stepped into the morass of bodies. Blue sparks sprayed off the drums with each beat, and orange flames cascaded across the stage as the bassist strummed his guitar. I scanned the room and settled on the bar, and then white-hot anger flashed through me.

Savannah was pouring drinks and wearing the white T-shirt I’d given her earlier. It skimmed over her busty chest and curves in ways that sent blood pumping through my body. Her hair was pulled up and half-braided, and as she slid three shots across the bar, she flashed a demure smile to the guys who were watching her like hungry animals.

Damn it to hell. This had been a mistake.

It had been the perfect way to keep Savannah within arm’s reach. Here in the heart of our den, she was surrounded by my people. Not even a drug-crazed lunatic would try to take her.

Still, I hadn’t planned on her becoming the center of attention.

I cursed under my breath, and the crowd parted around me as I strode to the bar, my fists ready to connect with the fuckers who were watching her a little too closely.

One of my bouncers stopped me on the way. “Things are getting a little rowdy, boss. Want me to call in backup?”

My attention was focused on Savannah, who’d spun around and was reaching up to grab a bottle of Patrón off the top shelf, with her ass cheeks and long legs on full display under those black high-waisted shorts. My jaw ticked, and murderous thoughts raged through me.

“Yeah, sure, whatever you think,” I said, stepping around the bouncer.

Savannah poured a generous serving of tequila into a lowball glass and handed it to a very interested man in a black button-down. A vampire, judging by his pale skin and signature. As she slid the drink toward him, he brushed her hand, and though she smiled broadly, I smelled her displeasure.

Her eyes drifted up and caught mine, and she froze. “Jaxson.”

I stepped up to the bar next to the vampire and gazed down at him, letting my signature loose so that he and every other asshole in this place was aware of me and what was mine.

The vampire gave Savannah one last, quick glance before getting up and leaving. I watched him snake off, then stared down the three shifters who’d been ogling her earlier. They shrank away, too.

Savannah slid a whiskey on the rocks over to me, scowl included. “Did you just deliberately chase off some of my customers?”

“I wanted a spot at my bar. And don’t worry, I’m a better tipper than those pricks.”

She reached down and grabbed a bottle from below the counter and waggled it at me. “You’d better be, or I’ll start pouring you bottom-shelf stuff.”

For the second time that day, I laughed—such a rare thing these days. “If you knew what kind of hooch was in that bottle, you wouldn’t threaten me like that.”

She slapped two shot glasses up on the bar. “I’m brave. I’ll try it if you do. I’m used to moonshine.”

I covered the shot glasses with my hand. “No doing shots with customers or at all while you’re working. There are bikers hunting you. You’re safe here, but you’re also on display, and I need you sharp—not whiskey blind.”

She dropped the bottle back into the well. “Are you really worried about the bikers in here, or just the other customers?”

With a wicked grin, Savannah headed down to the far end and leaned provocatively over the bar to tend to a couple of assholes. Darkness wound around my heart, choking my thoughts.

“This was definitely a mistake,” I muttered as I watched her make their drinks.

There was a laugh to my left, and Sam reached over and topped up my glass. “You were the one who offered her the job.”

“I was a fool.” I polished off the drink, left a stack of cash, and headed to the front to check on the bouncers at the doors, but mainly to distract myself.

Spending the night staring at Savannah Caine was only going to get me into trouble.


Jaxson stalked out the front doors, his power and energy trailing in his wake. The crowd surged around him like a wave.

“He’s trouble,” I whispered to my wolf as I did my best to ignore the women who’d inserted themselves into his path, hungrily watching him like they wanted a taste.

Could I really blame them?

Just watching him clear the bar so he could get my attention had set my mind in a muddle. I shouldn’t have flirted. Not until I got my shit straightened out, which seemed every day less and less likely to happen.

I sighed in exasperation and took another drink order. What was it about him that short-circuited all my neurons?

Even if I couldn’t keep my thoughts straight, at least I was making a killing on tips. It had only been a few hours, but I’d already earned four times what I’d make at the Tap House in a night.

If I could work here a few times a week…

“Hey, sweet thing.” A guy in his thirties slinked up to the bar, followed by two other men. His signature smelled like sickly sweet chewing tobacco and licorice. “Give me a few vodka shots, would ya?”

I surreptitiously scanned his ink and froze. Among the slew of designs, was a wolf skull with two arrows through it, but no sign of a two-headed wolf.

My breath slipped out as my shoulders relaxed. I set three shot glasses down for him and his buddies, and filled them to the rim with well vodka, because I could tell that was the kind of guys they were—bottom-shelf.

“Ten bucks,” I said, turning.

But the man grabbed my wrist and leaned forward, holding up a fifty-dollar bill in his other hand. “How about a fifty for a little taste of heaven?”

I yanked my hand out of his iron grip, my wrist stinging, and took his money and made change at the register. I slammed the bills down in front of him. “Not interested. And if you ever touch me again, I swear to God, you’ll regret it.”

He watched me closely, his jaw twitching, and then he chuckled and left ten bucks on the bar. “We’ll see about that.”

He slithered into the crowd with his sidekicks, and I couldn’t help but feel sick to my stomach.

“You okay?” Sam asked, grabbing a couple of martini glasses from behind me.

I left the tip on the counter. “Fine. Just some assholes getting a little handsy.”

“Seriously? Who?” Sam scanned the faces who filled in around the bar, looking like she wanted to fight.

I smiled and squeezed her arm. “Don’t worry, I handled it.”

The work was a whirlwind, and the hours zoomed by. I had to pass off most of the fancy cocktails to Sam and the others, but after I’d learned where everything was, I hustled fast enough to keep up with shots and server tickets.

Jaxson mostly roamed the edges of the unruly crowd like a pacing lion. Whenever I found him, his eyes were on me. It made my neck and thighs flush with heat every time, so I just tried to keep my own eyes on the bar.

As the night wore on, my tender feet began screaming in protest. I brushed a sweaty strand of hair behind my ear. It was getting hot with the mass of bodies crowded into the space tonight. I needed to sit down, even if it was for two minutes just to pee.

I caught Sam’s attention. “Hey, can you handle the bar for a minute? I’ve got to use the ladies’ room.”

“Of course. Take five, I’ve got this.” Sam shot me a smile and took another round of orders.

I slipped into the crowd and made my way to the bathroom. The music was no less pervasive in there, and the bass settled in my bones. I splashed some cool water on my face and neck and stared at myself in the mirror.

My skin was flushed with heat, and a dozen strands of hair had fallen out of my braid. I examined my clothes and admired the effect of the tight top pulled over my chest. I might look as disheveled as if I’d run a marathon, but at least my girls were still doing work.

There was a red speck on my shoulder. Shit. My cut. I dabbed it with a little water, and when that did absolutely nothing, I just pulled my braid over my shoulder and hoped no one would notice.

My phone read a quarter past one in the morning. No wonder my feet were killing me. Rinsing my hands again, I rushed back toward the bar.

People were jumping around, and someone bumped into me, knocking me into another. A pair of hands skimmed over me and gripped my waist, steadying me as I lost my balance. “Easy there, sweet thing.”

His hot breath dampened my neck, and that tobacco licorice stench made me gag. I tried to shove him off, but he didn’t let go. “You smell…fuck. You smell real good.”

He pulled me closer, sniffing.

“Get off of me, asshole!” I elbowed him in the ribs and spun around to knee him in the balls, but he moved aside and grabbed my throat.

His eyes flashed amber, but before I could react, a shape moved between us, and I heard the man’s wrist snap as his hand was yanked from my neck.

The air burst from my throat, and I stumbled backward into the crowd as two shapes dropped to the ground.

The revelers parted, revealing Jaxson crouched over my assailant. His fist rose and fell like a hammer, pummeling the man’s face into a bloody mess. I’d never seen him like this. His eyes burned with golden light, and his body rippled with fury.

Oh, my God, he’s going to kill the guy.

“Jaxson! Stop.” I stepped forward and gasped as blood colored his fist.

Three bouncers pushed through the crowd, and it took two of them to pull Jaxson off the unconscious man. Shouting, the guy’s friends picked him up, and the third bouncer escorted them to the door.

Jaxson jerked out of the bouncers’ grips and turned toward me, his expression dark and furious. Shivers raked my skin, and a heady mixture of fear and arousal swept over me as his wolves pulled him away.

I couldn’t discern my thundering heart from the drumming of the music, and I suddenly felt overheated and overwhelmed. A loud whistle cut through the commotion, and I turned toward the bar. Sam waved at me, a concerned look cutting her face.

Jostled left and right, I made it to the bar, and Sam slid me a shot of whiskey. I grimaced as it burned my throat. She poured a few more drinks and glanced at me. “You okay?”

I took another shot and nodded, my hand shaking.

“It’s getting crazy in here,” she said, opening a couple beers. “You should go to the back and check on Jaxson.”

“Are you sure about that?” I’d never seen that look on his face before, and it scared the shit out of me.

Sam nodded. “You’re the only one who can knock some sense into him. Trust me, he needs you.”

I sighed. “All right. Text me if things get too wild and you need backup.”


I slipped around her and accidentally kicked the bin of empty glass bottles, which was almost overflowing. “Want me to dump these in the recycling?”

She glanced down and frowned. “Would you mind? That’d be great. It’s just out back.”

Sam looked exhausted, and I could sense her agitation. She commanded the bar, but tonight was more hectic than I’d seen the place, and I could tell that Jaxson’s outburst had unsettled her, too. “No problem, just take it easy and text me.”

I could still hear the heavy metal ringing through the walls as I walked down the hall to Jaxson’s office. The glass bottles clinked as I set the bin down outside of his door and knocked.

“Come.” His voice carried through the door, and I was terrified what I would find on the other side. With a deep breath, I opened the door and stepped inside.

Jaxson was sitting in his chair, elbows on his knees as he cleaned off his bloodied knuckles with a white washcloth.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his gravelly voice sending prickles over my skin.

The room was dark except for a single desk lamp. It cut his face and features with hard light and deep shadows, emphasizing his muscles.

I couldn’t decide if I wanted to run or to climb into his lap and let him consume me.

What the hell was I thinking? The man’s hands had been covered with blood—and very little of it had been his.

My wolf snickered. I don’t blame you. He’s a powerful beast.

Oh, God.

Feeling flushed, I finally found my voice. “I’m fine. Are you okay?”

The way Jaxson looked at me made me want to melt into the walls. His presence was crushing, yet irresistible.

Before I could breathe, he was on his feet—just inches from me, sliding his hand behind my neck. He gazed down, his golden eyes smoldering as his molten heat drilled into me. Fuck. Me.

“I said I wasn’t going to let anyone touch you,” he growled.

I licked my lips. “You were looking murderously at every man I served.”

His pupils dilated, and a sinful smile ghosted his lips as he traced his thumb over my cheekbone.

“Have I frightened you? You’re shaking.” His hand slipped around my waist, and I shivered with need.

“Am I?” I said breathlessly.

“I told you my wolf was possessive.” He lowered his face and traced his nose along my neck, breathing me in. “And so am I.”

The feminist part of me wanted to tell him to fuck off, but the other half? Right now, the other half wanted to bone the werewolf king.

“Jaxson…” I slid my hand up and grabbed the back of his head so that I could look at his face. I was trembling. Not from fear, but from the sheer weight of emotions that were washing over me. Fear. Lust. Desire. Uncertainty.

They were nothing compared to what I saw on his face. This man was awash with feelings, all conflicting and warring against each other. Did he hate me or love me?

There was a crash from outside, and he froze.

Just like that, the spell was shattered. I was in the arms of a man who, minutes before, had beaten someone unconscious with his bare hands.

A pounding fist shook the door. I quickly released Jaxson and stepped away. He regarded me closely, his eyes trying to bore into my soul. The pounding continued.

“Are you going to answer that?” I asked, my pulse hammering against my chest.

As if waking from a tortured dream, Jaxson tensed and glanced at the door. He looked down at me and growled. “Tony is going to take you home.”


He cupped my face with his hand. “Trust me, I know when the bar isn’t safe, and that’s now. Tonight, I’m your boss, and this discussion is final. You will go home, and Tony will give you a ride.”

He stalked out of the office and shut the door, leaving me alone in the single light of the lamp. Low voices muttered outside. One of the bouncers mentioned a brawl that had broken out inside the bar.

I dragged my hands through my hair. This night was going off the rails. Jaxson’s overbearing protectiveness was hot in the moment, but how was I supposed to deal with a guy like that?

Possessiveness and domineering were typically not my speed, but…

A knock sounded at the door, followed by Tony’s voice: “Savannah?”

I popped through the door and nodded to the sandy-haired man, who was one of Jaxson’s right-hand men.

He ushered me through the unruly crowd and out the front into the cool night air. One of the pack vehicles was already waiting.

I turned back. “Wait! My tips!”

“Sam will hold your share,” he said gruffly. “Now get in.”

I was pretty sure that whatever Tony’s actual job was, he absolutely hated “Savannah duty.”

Though not one to typically walk away from a fat stack of cash, I growled at Tony and reluctantly slipped into the passenger side and buckled up.

He was totally unfazed by my glare.

I leaned back against the seat as the Jeep pulled away, a little relieved, to my surprise. Jaxson was right. I had no desire to head back into Eclipse with the crowd all riled up. That, and my dogs were barking after four hours on my feet. I also smelled pretty sweaty, though I was too tired to care if Tony noticed.

It was time for a soak and bed.

Suddenly, the Jeep screeched to a halt, and the seatbelt dug into my chest. Gasping for air, I looked up as Tony cursed and hit reverse.

A white van had pulled out of the alley onto the one-way street ahead of us, blocking our path.

Tony hit the brakes again as a truck screeched to a halt behind us. The assholes had locked us in.

Neither vehicle moved, and my heart went haywire as I looked between them. “We’re trapped!”

A bunch of burly figures barreled out of the vehicles. Shit.

Tony grabbed for his phone as an explosion hit the side of our ride.

His head ricocheted off the wheel as I slammed into the door, and the world spun.

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