
Savannah burst into the room like a crazed demon. I’d sensed her presence the moment she’d entered the bar, but I hadn’t expected her to barge into my office unannounced.

My mate.

I’d spent the past week scouring old pack books and lore, seeking a way to break our mate bond without breaking our minds. I’d come up short and was gradually coming to terms with my fate: Savannah Caine.

I clenched my jaw, willing myself to be calm, but her proximity was like a punch to the gut. Never mind her outburst, the pounding of her heart, that sheen of sweat on her rising and falling breasts. Hell, that fucking sweet scent of hers was enough to drive me over the edge. Yet somehow, I fought for control.

“And who are you?” Andre Vassilez, the beta of the South Dakota pack, eyed Savannah with an interest that made me murderous.

Savannah took a step back, scanning the room with a look of complete horror. Her hair was wild and unruly, and exhaustion tugged at her features. “I—I didn’t know you were in a meeting.”

Her embarrassment was palpable, and her flushed skin only heightened my sudden arousal.

“I’m so sorry for interrupting. I’ll just step outside until you’re finished.” She backpedaled to the door and slipped out. I heard her slump against the wall and curse.

But even with the door shut, it was like she was still in the room. Her scent lingered, drowning my thoughts in desire. The images on the screen and everyone else’s faces had become meaningless blurs.

I knotted my fist and cleared my throat. “I think I’ve outlined our stance on the trade negotiations. Take a few days to think it over, but understand that we won’t budge. Ten percent, take it or leave it.”

Andre’s jaw ticked with irritation. This meeting hadn’t gone as he’d hoped, but I didn’t give a damn. If the South Dakota pack wanted in on our supply line, then they’d take what I offered them.

“This meeting is over.” I eyed Sam, indicating for her to get them the fuck out.

Her chair scraped across the floor as she stood. “Let me show you gentleman to the bar. Drinks are on the house, of course.”

Andre scoffed but knew better than to cross me. He stood and filed out of the room with the others. Sam raised her brow and gave me a look that said, Better watch out.

I could handle the redheaded she-devil. I was the godsdamned alpha.

“Send her in.” I turned off the monitor and slipped the transport contract into my desk as Savannah stepped into my office, wringing her hands.

“Jax, I—” Her flushed red lips stopped moving under the weight of my silent gaze.

Heat pulsed through me, and my muscles strained as I fought the irresistible urge to press her up against the wall and breathe in the rich scent of her body. It had been difficult staying away from her this past week, but that was nothing compared to what I was feeling now. Judging by the agony on Savannah’s face, she was struggling as well.

I leaned on my desk and dug my fingers into the sides as if somehow, I could use it to shield myself from her. “Ever heard of knocking?”

Anger flashed through her gorgeous blue eyes, and whatever reserve she’d entered with was redirected into fury. “Ever heard of picking up your phone?”

This was the woman I’d come to know, hotheaded and stubborn. So why did I want to taste those honeyed lips again so badly?

Because she is ours, my wolf pressed.

But it was more than that.

I owed her more than I could explain. When my packmates had been in danger, she’d found the way to free them from Dragan’s clutches in the Dreamlands. She didn’t shy from danger or a fight. She was a force of nature, and I was just a fool who had wandered out into the storm to see the tornado for himself.

Like the fortune teller had said, I had to find a way to tame her. Although all I wanted to do was get lost in her fire, I hardened my stance and expression. “How unbelievable is it that I might not be able to be at your every beck and call?”

She pinched her brows together with her fingers and closed her eyes for a second as a little of her fight faded. “Touché.” With a sigh, she moved around the table and chairs to the far side of the room, putting some distance between us. “Listen, I’m sorry for barging in. I tried to call, but you didn’t answer, and I needed your help.”

Now that she’d reined in her ire for me, the undercurrent of anxiety rolling off her was unmistakable, scents of fear, anxiety, and adrenaline.

Everything in the room sharpened in an instant as the haze that had consumed me disintegrated. Protectiveness swelled through every muscle, and I took a step toward her. “What happened?”

She flinched and moved back. “I’m fine, but I was attacked by three men on motorcycles. Shifters, by the look of them.”

Shock rocked through me as my senses went on alert. What was it about this woman that drew trouble like sharks to the scent of blood? I stalked around the table toward her. “Where? Explain.”

Worry flickered in her eyes as she slid around the table away from me. “In Indiana. I was leaving the dunes after a run, and they came up on me. They tried to get me to pull over.”

How dare they try to touch one of my pack?

Our mate.

Unbridled fury settled into my bones. “Can you identify them? I swear, I’ll hunt those fuckers down and snap their spines.”

Savannah put up her hands. “Take it easy, Jaxson, I’m fine. I just thought you should know, and I figured you might have an idea who these guys are.”

Rage and frustration swirled in my mind. How in the hell was I supposed to protect her if I had no idea where she was?

“What the hell were you doing running at the dunes? Alone? Gods, Savannah.” I turned, clenching my fists so I didn’t put one of them through the wall.

“Listen, I didn’t come here for a fight. Do you know who they might be or not?”

I scrubbed a hand through my hair and turned back to her. “Did you get a look at them? Were they wearing cuts or any distinguishing marks?”

By the way she knit her brows together, I knew the answer before she spoke. “I barely got a look at them. Just a glance of golden eyes and lots of tattoos.”

Memories of the bikers Gretchen and I had tracked down before this shitstorm had started rose in my mind. “That’s not a lot to go on, but I’ll look into it.”

It was nothing. There were several shifter MCs—motorcycle clubs—in Indiana and Michigan. Some were allies, others trouble, but the riders all had golden eyes and tattoos.

“Thanks.” Savannah watched me expectantly, and color rose in her cheeks. “I’ll get out of your hair. Sorry for interrupting your meeting.”

She moved to leave, but I closed the distance and placed my hand on the door. “Where are you going?”

Savannah stopped abruptly, torn between wanting to retreat and wanting to draw near my body. Her damp hair hung around her shoulders, and the scent of lake water called up memories of swimming together in a starlit pool, of laughing together.

How long had it been since I’d laughed like that with anyone?

Not since my sister died. Perhaps not since before then.

Her pupils dilated, and her pulse quickened. “I’m going home. I need a shower and sleep.”

Home. My irritation flared. She was a godsdamned werewolf now—her place was here with me and the pack. “You were just attacked. You should stay here until we can figure out what’s going on.”

Her eyes flicked to my hand on the door. “I’ll be safe at the LaSalles’, and I can’t raise any suspicions with my family. Casey is already getting nosy, and he knows something’s up. If they knew…” Briefly, her voice trailed off. “I just found them, and I don’t want to lose them.”

Letting my fingers slide from the door, I stepped up so that I was only inches from her. Her citrus sunshine signature surrounded me, bombarding my senses from every angle. She turned her head away, but I whispered, “But you’re not the same woman you were three weeks ago, and not just a LaSalle. You’re one of us now. Part of the pack. You belong with us.”

With me.

Her eyes pricked with tears, but she raised her chin defiantly as she stepped back. “I don’t know where I belong, Jaxson, or why I have a wolf inside me. Until I find those answers…”

Her voice caught, and she let the sentence die. But I could read the unspoken words. She wasn’t ready to face the truth that she was a werewolf. That she was one of us. That she was my mate.

The distance she’d created between us with that single backward step burned. I closed my eyes and nodded. “Fine. It’s your choice. Always has been.” Her breath hitched as I reached around her and opened the door. “I’ll look into the bikers,” I added. “But if you notice anything out of the ordinary, call me. I promise I’ll pick up.”

For a moment, she lingered. Her hand hovered inches from my chest, and I could feel the prickle of electricity spanning the gap between us. Then she slipped by me and into the hall. “Thank you. I will.”

I shut the door behind us and followed her down the hall with a hollowness in my chest.

For days, all I had wanted was a moment to speak with her about our mate bond. But it was clear that she hadn’t even accepted what she was. Until she acknowledged that, nothing else would matter.

So that was the first step. I had to make Savannah understand what it meant to be part of the pack. That we were her family.

Then maybe we could face each other.

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