Cyber Love
Chapter Five

I kicked my front door open, I had my keys in one hand and some noodles in the other. It was finally Friday night and I deserved it after the week I had.

“Sasha!” I looked up as I saw my upstairs neighbour Jean's face. She was an older woman and had lived here longer than I’ve been alive. I put my food down by the door and moved closer to the stairs.

“Hey Jean you okay?”

“Yes this came for you today, one second." I heard her attempt to walk down the stairs and I caught her half way, she had a huge brown box in her arms and I looked at her puzzled.

“Thanks Jean" I said, grabbing the box off her and waving as I went into my flat. I kicked my shoes off, dropping the box in my tiny hallway, it taking up the majority of the space. I had no idea what it was and using my keys, I ripped the box open.

"Oh my god," I chuckled. I pulled out an oversized brown Teddy bear and burst out laughing. "What the hell?" I asked myself, flicking open the tag attached to its ear.


Hope he cheers you up. I’m sorry I’m a dick

Zeke x

I laughed through tears that he managed to get a shop to write the word dick on a note and this made my heart smash into my chest. I put my new friend under my arm and quickly grabbed my food. I threw on a new tank top, removed my uncomfortable as fuck jeans and got into bed, my food container in front of me, my friend next to me. I texted Zeke, excitement crashing over me.

S: ‘I’m home. I got your teddy, you didn’t have to do that.’

I took a bite of food and nearly screamed when my phone rang, he was video calling me. I answered, holding my phone up before sputtering out.

“I’m eating sorry", I spoke, covering my mouth.

“Good, you didn’t eat yesterday, no?” I looked at him and he was on his sofa now, no shirt and black tracksuit bottoms on. He looked fucking gorgeous.

“I had a sandwich.”

“Wow a sandwich” Zeke rolled his eyes and I gave him the finger.

“Thank you for my gift." I said, grinning at him.

“You're welcome. Let me see him." Zeke laughed and I pulled the teddy's face in front of my phone.

“He can keep you company now, you don't have to be an introvert." Zeke said, laughing. I laughed, still stuffing food into my mouth.

"I will always be one of them." I smirked. "I'm going to call him Ezekiel". Zeke rolled his eyes. "That's a stupid name." He breathed out.

"I'm ignoring you. I don't deserve Ezekiel". I smiled at him.

“Of course you do don’t be stupid. How was your day?”

“Stressful, I'm glad it's Friday. You?”

“Yeah thank fuck its Friday, I’m over that place."

“Why?” I asked, staring at him.

“Can I be honest with you Sash?”

“Always” I replied, my heart jumping.

“Making money the legit way is boring as fuck," he stretched out the last word and I covered my mouth giggling.

“Oh I’m sorry you have to pay taxes and shit now."

“Mate, that's the worst. Can I ask you a question?” Zeke was staring at me as I put my empty food container on the floor. I nodded, still finishing my food.

“After what happened to you, how are you so nice to me?”

“What do you mean?” I had no clue what he was talking about and cuddled Ezekiel as he explained.

“Like what happened with your dad, I thought you would hate anybody who breaks the law". I took a deep breath in, it was a good question and I hadn't even thought about the connection.

“It's not the same though is it. If you said to me your crime was murder it would be different but what you sold weed?”

“Cocaine mostly," Zeke replied bluntly.

“Yeah it's different. I don’t know,” I shrugged. I really didn’t know.

“Is the guy in prison?” Zeke asked.

“Yeah he got twenty three years. He left his DNA everywhere and I bit him so that helped." Zeke looked at me, his mouth wide open.

“You bit him?” I could tell he wanted to laugh so I chuckled slightly to let him know it was okay.

“Yeah to get him to fuck off. His DNA was in my mouth and he had a previous conviction, he pleaded guilty.”

“I bet he did shit. Okay topic change," I laughed as Zeke got comfortable on his sofa, laying down slightly.

“Yes please,” I said softly.

“Let me get in bed one second." Zeke said as I watched him stand up and go up some stairs. I grinned at him as he got into bed, pulling his covers up. “When are you coming to see me?” his voice was dark and it made me excited at his touch.

“Whenever you want,” I giggled out. The thought made my heart skip a beat but I wasn't sure if it was because of the fear, or the arousal.

“What are you going to do to me when you see me?" Zeke raised an eyebrow. Oh he wanted to go there?

"What do you like? You didn't really answer me the other night". My shyness wanted the ball in his court, but I did feel a bit more confident tonight. I wiggled under the covers, throwing my duvet over my head. There was emptiness to the left which brought the light in, making my face bright on the screen.

"I would love you under my covers like that to be fair. I know your pussy is tight". I put my hand over my face at his words, my said pussy throbbing. "Sash, am I turning you on?" I looked at my phone, Zeke was laying on his side, his beautiful face directly at the camera. My silence prompted him to speak again. "Come on, I love that you're shy but you have to help my hard on get release here". I giggled like a maniac, Zeke was starting to make me feel more comfortable, my insecurities slowly bubbling away.

"You are actually, your voice is turning me on". I whispered.

"Oh good, tell me." He paused, moving slightly. "Your pussy is tight, isn't it?" I nearly squealed with excitement, needing to be touched.

"How would I know?" I laughed, my cheeks hurting from smiling.

"Put a finger inside of you, then you can tell me". His voice was completely serious and I felt the hairs on my arm stand up. I wiggled in my spot, moving my tank top strap down. "Am I going to see them breasts?" Zeke asked me, his breathing slow. It was then I realised what he was doing.

"Are you touching yourself?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, I'm waiting for you to join me. You want to see him?" I bit my bottom lip, nodding. I looked at my phone as Zeke's face came out of view. I took a sharp breath in as his dick came into focus, his hand rolling down and back up. I could see his dick twitch and I had to fight back a groan.

"You're massive", I breathed out.

"I'm not" he laughed, his face coming back into view. "I could hundred percent cum to your face but I would love to see you". His voice was sweet and I pulled my other strap down, pushing my top to my stomach. "Fuck" he moaned out, biting his own lip. My pussy was soaking and for some reason I told him.

"You're making me so wet", I whispered, staring at his face. I watched him laugh, his eyes closed.

"Sash, fuck" was all he responded with, opening his eyes. I could see his arm move faster and my hand went down to my knickers, slowly stroking my clit. My leg was already twitching and Zeke smiled, knowing what I was doing.

"Let me see". He spoke quietly and my face went bright red. This was way out of my comfort zone but I wanted to do it anyway, for him. I sat up, holding my phone between my legs. "Can you see?" I asked loudly.

"Yeah, but why have you got knickers on? Take them off". It was a demand and it made my pussy clench. I put my phone flat down, wiggling out of my knickers. The cool air felt amazing on my wetness and I picked the phone up, putting it back where it was.

"Sash fuck, I need to get my hand off my dick. I'm going to fucking blow." I giggled, I couldn't see him but his voice was still turning me on. "Do you have a dildo?" I threw my head back at his question. He had no shame.

"Yeah," I muttered.

"Get it for me, I want to see you push it inside of you." I thanked the lord I lived alone and turned the volume up on my phone. I reached for my bedside cabinet, getting my dildo out of the draw. I put it in front of my phone, chuckling at Zeke’s groan.

"Put it in you please". His voice sounded desperate and I smiled before slowly pushing it into me. The feeling made me moan out, my hand around my phone hurting. "I want to hear how wet you are, move it quicker". Zeke spoke, my eyes slamming shut. I pushed the dildo into me quicker, really wishing he was here right now.

"I want you here", I moaned out.

"Soon, you want me to touch your clit while you take that dildo?"

"Fucking hell." I breathed out, the feeling taking over me.

"Actually, I can fuck your mouth while you take that dildo". Zeke’s voice was low and I guessed he was touching himself again.

"Zeke fuck!" I called out, my whole body tightening. My orgasm was arriving and my body was so consumed by it, my shyness didn't exist. "I'm cumming" I groaned.

"Fuck you are. I can see your pussy tightening". Zeke definitely had a way with words and I groaned from my chest, my orgasm exploding.

"Sasha!" Zeke growled as I threw my dildo to the side, bringing my phone up to my face. Zeke’s eyes were closed, his teeth across his bottom lip. I caught sight of his gold tooth, making me want to burst again. Suddenly his face came out of view and I watched his dick pump cum over his hand. Fucking hell it was sexy as fuck.

"Sasha man, shit." He spoke softly, his face coming back into view. I smiled at him shyly and he laughed. "Nope, not allowed to be shy anymore," he laughed again.

"That was sexy as fuck" I confessed. Zeke smiled at me and I needed him here.

"Yeah it was," he grinned, his eyes looking tired. "I'm going to be thinking about that all day tomorrow, I need a picture tomorrow".

"Of what?" I asked, laughing.

"Your tits, your pussy, your pussy and your tits. I really don't care. Actually," he stopped and I sat up further. "I need to see that arse of yours. Send me a picture". I rolled my eyes, he really did push me. I went to talk and he jumped in.

"Put a thong on and get in front of the mirror." I laughed at his demands, even after he had cum.

"Okay, I will wear a thong tomorrow." Zeke shook his head, his beautiful smile across his face.

"Not tomorrow, now". He winked at me and breathed out. "No Sash, you can't be shy anymore. You're sexy as fuck and I need to see you". I just nodded, my face going bright red. "Promise me?"

"Yes, I will do it now". I laughed, defeated.

"I'm about to pass out, speak to you tomorrow?" His smile still on his face.

"Yes" I purred, ready for what tomorrow would bring.

"Night" he whispered.

"Good night". I pressed the red button, rolling onto my back. I had never done anything like that before and Zeke’s reaction made my heart beat faster. I got up out of bed, in the hunt for this thong. I normally didn't wear stupidly uncomfortable underwear but found one at the back of my underwear drawer. I took off my top, slipping my thong on. I went to my full-length mirror. I had seen enough models to know how I needed my backside to look good and sat on my knees, my back towards the camera. I must have taken about eighty photos before I found the one I liked. I got back into bed, obviously taking this thong off. Before my mind could get involved I sent Zeke the picture I liked. I closed my eyes, worried he had now fallen asleep. I grabbed my phone off my chest as it vibrated, opening up his response. My heart was in my throat and I giggled when I read his message.

Z: 'Instant hard on. How are you so fucking sexy?'

I went to reply as another message popped up.

Z: 'I'll show you mine.'

I quickly typed a response, I knew exactly what I wanted to see.

S: 'I want to see your face'.

I watched my phone, waiting for some sort of response. A smile covered my whole face as his message popped up.

Z: 'Way to make me feel like a perv. Night baby,' and attached was a picture, I nearly squealed in excitement. It was Zeke's face and chest, he was smiling and I was blown away by his beauty. I stared at the image and his soft looking lips. I really wanted to kiss them as he touched me.

"Jesus" I said out loud, throwing my phone to the side.

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