Cyber Love
Chapter Twenty Four

I could barely breathe as I laughed so hard my chest hurt.

"Zeke get off me!" I laughed, trying to push his face off mine.

"No can do Miss, I believe you have a pussy to be eaten."

"Oh my god Zeke really?!" I screwed up my face. "You're so nasty".

"Yeah pretty much," he laughed, finally getting off me and pulling down my tracksuit bottoms. I giggled as Zeke kissed upwards on my thigh, his hand pulling down my knickers. His other hand went up my top, stroking my stomach. It was such a nice feeling it made me wiggle on the spot. I took a breath in as Zeke's tongue ran over my clit. I put my hand on the side of his head, closing my eyes.

"My god," I breathed out, Zeke’s tongue moving up and down my clit, making my leg shake. The feeling was overwhelming and I put my hand over my face. I was nearly there and as Zeke put a finger inside me I squealed, the feeling of being overwhelmed not going anywhere. Zeke suddenly stopped, pulling down his own bottoms and boxers. I looked up at his beautiful dick, I got to see it everyday now, not just through my phone.

"Zeke, you're so fucking sexy" I whispered, watching him pull his top off, over his head. Zeke just growled, getting in between my legs, moving his tip across my clit. It made me shudder and I smiled at him, his eyes dark.

"Sash, I'm never going to get sick of this feeling," he said as he pushed into me. That makes fucking two of us. His pace was quick and rough, completely filling me, like his dick belonged there. One of his hands went to the side of my neck, the other firmly up my top. My clit was tingling as he continued to thrust into me, I wanted to shut my eyes to try and deal with my orgasm wave, but I needed to see his fucking gorgeous face.

"Zeke!" I shouted, grabbing his wrist that was next to my face. He looked down at me, a huge smile on his face.

"You cumming for me?" He whispered, I just nodded. Utterly helpless beneath him. It hit me before I could try and talk. My hand around his wrist baring down.

"Fuck!" I shouted, raising my head slightly. Zeke got quicker, the sound of our hips connecting filling the room. I felt his body get tense over me, the hand on my neck tight.

"Cum for me Zeke" I purred, trying to help him along. I gasped as he smashed into me one last time, his head going back.

"Sash fuck!" He shouted, the whole street hearing him. We were both sweating as Zeke pulled out of me, laying down next to me. My chest rising and falling quickly, I turned my face to him and he was grinning.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked him, my voice a mess.

"Let's go into our living room and play PlayStation".

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