Cyber Love
Chapter Eighteen

I closed my eyes, tiredness creeping in. I had texted Zeke to tell him I was going to bed and he hadn’t replied yet, maybe he had fallen asleep too. My whole body jumped as the doorbell went. Panic rippled through me. “Who the hell?" I asked myself, slowly getting out of bed. I stood at my bedroom door, my feet stuck to the ground. I felt my chest caving in and screamed as the doorbell went again. “Sasha!” I heard the voice and I ran to the door. Zeke was here? I pulled it open and ran into his arm, my head in his neck. “It's just me sorry," he whispered, his hand on the back of my head. I closed my eyes tight as I tried to fight the tears behind my eyes. I looked up at him as he moved me forward, closing the door. “What are you doing here?” I asked, my voice trembling but excitement running through me. My face dropped as I saw his own. He looked like a mess and his eyes were sad.

“We need to talk," he whispered and I swallowed my heart back into my chest.

“I’m confused we could of talked on the phone I’m not,"

“Sasha.” He growled and I started to panic. What the hell did he need to talk about to make this journey in the middle of the night? I walked into my living room, sitting on the sofa and dragging a pillow over to me.

“Zeke, you're scaring me,” I muttered as he sat down.

“Erm," was all he said looking up at me.

“Zeke, what is it?” I asked him, my brain foggy.

“I cheated on you." He spat out. I stared at him, hot tears splashing onto my hands and this was when my chest caved in. I grabbed my chest, adamant I was now having a panic attack. I jumped up trying to catch my breath and failed. “Sasha,” he stood trying to grab me and I did the only thing I could think of, I punched him square in the nose.

“Get out!" I spat at him as his hand went to his nose.

“Can you please let me explain?”


“Sasha please it's not that simple”.

“I don’t give a fuck. Get the fuck out of my home and never speak to me again!”. I tried to move past him and he grabbed my arms, slamming me against the wall.

“Baby let me explain it!”

“No! And don’t fucking call me that. Get off me!” I screamed trying to move left and right. I was failing to get away from him and I dropped my shoulders, exhaustion taking over.

“I went to a work party, I got completely smashed and this girl sucked my dick that’s it!"

“Fuck you!” I shouted in his face, his grip getting tighter.

“Sasha it was nothing I didn't even fucking finish."

“Oh I’m so sorry Zeke you didn’t come in her mouth! Move!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, trying to push against him.

“Sasha stop it or I’m going to hurt you!" I looked up at his eyes, terror filling mine.

“No I didn’t mean it like that, I’m stronger than you. If you push against me I’ll hurt you". His voice was still calm but his grip on me was just as tight.

“Please get off me, please le-"

"Not until you let me explain!" He shouted, inches from my face.

"No, just fuck off!" My voice breaking, my head dropping. We both looked up at a bang on the door.

“Police!” Zeke looked up at me, panic written all over his face. His hands let go of my arms immediately, dropping me like I burned him. “Police! Open up," the voice from the door came again. My stomach left my body and I was freaking. I looked back at Zeke who was sitting on the sofa, hands over his face. I opened the door to a police man around my age, the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen.

“Can I help?” I stuttered out keeping the door mostly closed.

“Yes we've had your upstairs neighbour call us regarding an altercation with a male?” his eyebrow raised up and I swallowed a breath. Fuck, Jean called the police? I was mortified. “Erm sorry, yes just a general argument it's okay now.” I stuttered out trying to close the door.

“Can I come in?” the officer asked, putting his foot next to the door.

“I would rather you didn’t,” I muttered.

“Where’s your boyfriend?” He asked and before I could say he had gone home the officer put his head in the door. “Mate come over here please". Fuck, fuck, fuck!

“It's fine I promise,” I whispered as the officer moved his head back.

“Let me just talk to him sweetheart”. I cringed at the stupid pet name as I felt Zeke behind me.

“Yeah?” He said, like he was over life at this point.

“What’s your name mate?” The officer asked. “Did you ask her name?” Zeke asked him and I closed my eyes. Zeke fuck sake!

“I will in a minute what’s yours first?” Zeke took a deep breath before replying.

“David Grant”. I kept my face straight but my whole insides was screaming who the fuck is David Grant? The officer got on his radio and turned around. I was completely freaking and my hand was shaking. Zeke felt it and grabbed my hand, bringing it to his mouth to kiss.

“It's going to be fine," he said, looking over at me. I nodded, not believing a word.

“Okay thanks David you check out. Miss, are we all okay? Did you need me to come in?"

“No we are fine, I’m sorry it's sorted now." I said trying to chuckle. The officer looked down at our hands and sighed.

“Okay not a lot more I can do. Please give us a call if you need us" he was talking to me and ignoring Zeke. The officer turned on his heel and I slammed the door, moving my hand from Zeke’s and placing my head on the door.


“Go away. Leave me alone and never talk to me again". I said slowly, my brain fried. “Wait" I said, turning to him. “Who the fuck is David Grant?”

“He's an old friend of mine, straight laced kind of looks like me so I use his name. If I gave him my name that's me back in prison”.

“Then why did you come?” I asked him, staring into his sad eyes.

“I needed to tell you to your face.” He shrugged.

“So when did this happen?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

“Last night.”

“I spoke to you last night," I whispered, my chest tight.

“I know and when I got off the phone to you my boss called me. They were having drinks and I went,” he shrugged.

“But you hate drinks". I couldn’t wrap my head around this at all. The whole thing was out of character for Zeke.

“I know I do, but I don’t know if I went, maybe I could talk to my boss and get him to move me up on the London list.” I burst out laughing, the tears streaming down my face. “So you did it for me?” I chuckled sarcastically.

“No, that’s not what I’m saying." Zeke’s voice was irritated but I couldn’t care less.

“Go on," I whispered, crossing my arms over my chest.

“I got there and had to catch up, people were on like six shots and before I knew it I was completely wasted. I don’t handle alcohol well and then they wanted to play a stupid game".

“In a bar?” I was confused.

“No, it was in some guy's house”. For some reason that tibid of information upset me more and I put my face in my hands. “It was basically truth or dare, it was pathetic now but this woman got dared to go into the bathroom with me". He trailed off and I looked up at him.

“You're right, it is super pathetic”. Zeke groaned, rubbing his face.

“We got into the bathroom whatever, I was trying to tell her I had a girlfriend and before I knew it my dick was in her mouth."

“You're full of shit". I spat out smashing my fist on his chest. “You are full of fucking shit!” I shouted in his face and he took it. Shaking his head.

“I’m not Sash, that's what happened. It was kind of obvious now that it was a set up as she was into me but she must have been down there for like two minutes before I sobered up and pushed her away”. My face was soaking wet and my lips bone dry.

“I don’t believe you. Did you kiss her?”


“Did you fuck her? You fucked her didn’t you?”

“I didnt fuck her no," his voice was firm and I couldn’t tell if he was telling the truth.

“Did you want to fuck her?” I asked, my own question stinging my chest.


“Would you if we weren’t together?”

“No Sash, stop with this. I fucked up big time. I should've never even gone there and when it was suggested for that dare I should've said no but I was slaughtered and missing you like mad. My dick was fucking rock hard when I went in there but only because I was thinking about you. It didn’t help the situation obviously because she thought it was for her.”

“Am I meant to be flattered?” I scoffed.

“You're really not making this easy”. Zeke breathed out staring into my eyes. I let out a sob, smashing my head back against the door.

“I’m not meant to. I didn’t do anything wrong.” I said with my eyes closed. “I’m going to bed. You can stay on the sofa but I want you gone by the time I get up. It's done”. I walked past him and he attempted to grab my arm. I flicked it off and threw my bedroom door open, I found a blanket on the top of my wardrobe and threw it at him, hitting him clean in the face.

“Sasha come on please let me fix this.”

“No," I said, slamming my door shut. I fell into bed, my whole body hurting. I rolled to my side in the fetal position and just cried. My heart had broken into two when I finally found someone to actually be happy with. My mum was right, what was I actually doing with my life?

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