Cyber Love
Chapter Eleven

"Arghhh this is so fucking annoying!" Zeke shouted, throwing his PlayStation controller to the side. We were in his living room, attempting to play our normal game. I tried so hard not to laugh, he really wasn't that good at it. I usually went easy on him too.

"Zeke, we can play something else!" I laughed, looking over at him.

"No, I'm going to get good at this game. I'm going to be better than you". He laughed at the end of his sentence.

"Keep dreaming," I teased, running my hand down his face.

"Have you spoken to your mum?". Zeke suddenly asked, the question throwing me.

"No," I said firmly.

"She hasn't tried to call you?" I looked over at Zeke, his face confused.

"Nope. Liv hasn't spoken to her either." I shrugged. Zeke moved closer to me, his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

"Weird. What's her fucking problem?" I burst out laughing at his bluntness. Putting my head on his shoulder.

"She misses my dad, but we all do. I don't think she is ever going to get over it". I looked up at him, his brow crossed.

"I don't get it. I get she's grieving but she acts like she wouldn't have done the same". I shrugged, I had no idea what was going through her head.

"Maybe she wouldn't".

"That's what parents do though, no? I don't have kids, well that I'm aware of." Zeke laughed and I turned my body to him.

"Not funny," I said firmly. Zeke pushed my shoulder, still laughing.

"Sash, shush."

"You're a whole?" I asked, adding a chuckle to my question.

"How? I've been in prison for fucking ages". Zeke’s smile was huge, pulling me back to his body.

"I was meaning to ask you, when you left prison and before you met me did you sleep with anyone?" Zeke looked down at me, it was a stupid question but I was being nosy.

"Are you asking if you are the first person I had sex with since being released?" He grinned at me.

"Yes" I laughed.

"No". He said firmly. I nodded, trying to ignore my jealousy. "I was in prison for six years Sash, I fucked the first woman I saw". I moved again, slapping his chest.

"Eww Zeke". I pulled a face. "A random person?"

"Persons." He laughed. I let out a breath, I didn't need to ask that. "A couple of women I know, I don't do nightclubs or bars, or friends actually so I don't meet random women". He chuckled and I looked down.

"I think that's worse". I tried to laugh.

"Why does it bother you?" His face moved to the side and he looked confused.

"I don't really know," I whispered, I didn't know why it bothered me. I just didn't like the idea of knowing Zeke had slept with other women, my insecurities coming back.

"Don't let that bother you. Sometimes people just have sex to have sex." He shrugged. "I know that's not your thing but it's okay if someone just wants to have sex." I looked at him closely, Zeke was roughly the same age as me but had clearly lived more of a life then me.

"Am I just sex?" I asked, trying to control my voice. Zeke moved his head back, before shaking it.

"Yeah, I'm going to move to London just for someone I fuck. Sash shut up," he laughed and I felt stupid. I don't know why I asked that.

"Sorry, I'm being stupid. I just feel like I'm proper punching above my weight with you." Zeke slammed his head back on the sofa, laughing.

"Baby stop. I just got out of prison, live in a house my mum bought me, play video games all night, every night and see probation once a week. I'm not a fucking catch". His voice was high and it made me smile.

"You are". I whispered as he moved me closer to him.

"You are beautiful, sexy, smart and funny as hell. I hear you talk shit like that again and I'm going to punish you". Zeke’s voice got dark and I giggled, our bodies touching.

"You promise?" I purred, surprised at myself. Zeke groaned, moving me on top of him. My legs went round his waist, rubbing myself over him.

"I fucking promise." Zeke grinned, his hands up my top. The feeling made me ticklish and I giggled into his neck. "Are you wearing knickers?" Zeke asked me, his mouth on my jaw. I put my arms around his neck, pushing myself closer to him.

"Nope" I laughed, moving my hands to the back of his head. Zeke groaned, grabbing my chin.

"Fuck Sasha, you have been sitting next to me the whole time in just a T-shirt?" I laughed at his face, one hand cupping my breasts.

"I'm getting ready for bed," I smiled. Zeke licked his bottom lip, sending me wild. "God why are you so fucking sexy?" I asked, putting my head in his neck, licking up to his earlobe. Zeke moaned in my ear, the sound making my pussy throb.

"Sasha, I love it when you talk like that. You turn me on like crazy". I giggled into his ear, my hands still on the back of his head.

Zeke’s hands were now on my waist, his grip tight. I kissed his jaw, Zeke pushing me forward.

"Shall we go upstairs?" I whispered kissing Zeke’s eyebrow.

"No, I'm fucking you here." I squealed, Zeke’s hands running up my spine, grabbing the back of my head. He pushed me onto his lips, as his tongue entered my mouth I completely crumbled. He tasted amazing, his tongue cool on my own. I gripped my eyes shut as Zeke pushed his tongue deeper into my mouth. He pushed my T-shirt up with his free hand, pulling away from our kiss to pull my T-shirt off me.

"Fuck! Sasha I can't get over these tits". I grabbed the back of his head as he kissed along my chest, biting just above my nipple.

"Zeke, you feel so good". I mumbled, throwing my head back.

"Wait till I get in you then," he whispered on my chest. I was completely naked, straddling him and I ran my hands up his T-shirt, feeling his beautiful body.

"Why have you got clothes on?" I laughed, remembering what he had said to me. Zeke said nothing, instead ripping off his T-shirt, pulling down his tracksuit bottoms and boxers. I moaned out as I felt his erection against my soaking clit. I couldn't tell if the throb I felt was me or Zeke and I giggled as he lifted me up, his dick touching my entrance.

"Zeke," I breathed out, staring at his gorgeous face.

"Ride me hard baby," he muttered, pushing me down onto him. I grabbed his neck with both hands, his dick taking my breath away. I grinded on him fast and hard, Zeke grunting as he grabbed my side.

"Ow" I spoke, bouncing on him. Zeke moved his hand, looking up at me. "No, I like it". I whispered, before gently kissing his lips.

"Oh!" He smiled, replacing his hand. "You like it rough?" I nodded, biting my bottom lip. "Then rough you will get madam". I laughed at him, my legs starting to hurt. He stood up, still inside me. I grabbed his shoulders as he pushed me against the wall, plunging into me, his knees slightly bent.

"Zeke, fucking hell!" I screamed. My head smashing into the wall. His hands were on my waist, using me to push into me. I felt like I was going to explode, his dick pulsing deep inside. Zeke’s head was at my neck, biting me as he ploughed into me. I could barely breathe, my chest rising with my breaths. My pussy was tightening around him and Zeke’s groans told me he felt it too.

"Your pussy is insane baby." Zeke breathed out, looking up at me. He winked at me and I giggled, watching him lick his bottom lip again. I closed my eyes, my head against the wall.

"Look at me while I cum inside you".

"Zeke! Fuck!" I screamed out, his words helping my climb up to orgasm. I looked down at him, our eyes fixed.

"I'm about to cum Sash," Zeke groaned, his pace getting even faster. My head fell onto his, kissing his forehead. My orgasm slapped me in the face, my body tightening.

"Arghhh!" Zeke called out, his grip on my waist burning my skin. Zeke fell into my chest, my cheek still at the top of his head. Suddenly his head moved back, my own dropping.

"Erm" he whispered.

"What?" I giggled.

"I came inside you. Shit!" Zeke dropped me down, his hand on my face. "What time is your train tomorrow? We can get the morning after pill". Zeke rambled. I put my hand on his chest.

"It's okay, I'm on the pill". I told him honestly. I don't know why, I hadn't had sex in years but at this moment I was glad.

"Oh thank fuck" Zeke laughed, kissing my cheek. "Sorry, I shouldn't have done that". His eyes scanned mine.

"I don't mind, do you?" I asked him.

"No, but I like to pretend I'm responsible. Your pussy is just too much". He looked completely spent and I laughed, his arms going around me. "Are you sure you want to go home tomorrow?" He chuckled.

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