Chapter 112 Lecture

Henry returned to the condominium with a grim expression.

When Crystal saw that, she asked. "What's the matter?"

Henry fixed his gaze on her.

+10 pearl's

She had already changed into a dark-colored dress with flower patterns and was wearing a champagne-colored suit, her coffee-colored hair resting behind her.

Henry gestured for her to approach him with a wave of his hand, and she sauntered toward him.

He placed his hand on her shoulder and asked, "I called Madam Anna earlier, and she told me it was your birthday a few days ago. How about I make it up to you on Saturday?" Crystal was pleasantly surprised.

He kissed her lightly for a while and said, "Send me to my office."

Something's bothering him. I bet it's related to that person in his heart. I don't think I should ask him about it, though. Crystal wrapped her arms around his neck and said, "I can send you to work every day if

you want."

Henry smiled. He patted her body lazily and went to the dressing room to change his clothes.

Crystal approached the Morning Dew and stroked it. Henry's a good lover, but he's not a good man. He dotes on me, but he refuses to love me. I'm glad I realized that early. Otherwise, I would be so enamored "Crystal." When Henry stepped out, he noticed she was lost in her thoughts.

Crystal sized him up and flashed a faint smile. "You're looking handsome today, Mr. Miller!"

Henry's lips curved upward.

During their ride to the office, they didn't speak a word to each other. It wasn't until he alighted from the car that he said, "I may be a bit busy in the next few days."

"I know... you're busy." Crystal was very understanding.

In response, Henry kissed her.

Crystal held the steering wheel and joked, "It's only a few days, yet we're acting like an old couple. Even kissing feels like an official affair now."

Henry was initially in a pretty bad mood, but when he heard that, he seemed to have come alive again. "Just wait. I'll take care of you once I've finished my work!"


Chapter 112 Lecture

+10 pearls

"I'll be waiting, then." Crystal smiled, then watched as he entered the building. It seems that the woman. the atomic bomb in his life, has really returned. Crystal didn't think too much about it.

She met Emelia at a cafe. When the latter rushed into the building, she removed her sunglasses. "It's so hot...

She emptied a cup of iced coffee in one go before settling down on a chair. "Ah, that's better.

After that, she started talking about the issue of finding a place to rent.

Crystal pushed a contract toward her. "I think this will interest you."

With a raised eyebrow, Emelia read the document in detail and was taken aback. Holy cr*p!A brand new building of four hundred square meters that only asks for five hundred thousand of yearly rent? How did she get so lucky?

She kissed Crystal on the cheek. "I love you, Crystal! It must've been difficult getting this contract!"

Emelia was single, but that didn't prevent her from imagining an erotic story between Crystal and Henry. Just imagining it excites me!

"It's not hard, actually." Crystal uncomfortably twirled her hair. "He gave it to me on his own


That news satisfied Emelia. "A woman has to plan for herself. Just staying with him mindlessly won't guarantee anything from him. You must obtain something more concrete for yourself from him, which you d She raised Crystal's total shares to forty percent, which the latter found fair.

They had a wonderful time drinking coffee and chatting with each other.

Emelia knew Crystal was good friends with Madison, so she asked, "What's going on with

Madison lately? Didn't her husband decide to turn over a new leaf? Why did I see him entering a hotel with Clementine again last night?"

Crystal was stunned and lost in her thoughts for a while. She stirred her collee slowly and said, "Perhaps Madison doesn't know."

As Emelia was an outsider, she didn't continue the topic.

However, it bothered Crystal a lot.

After she got into her car, she called Madison. Before she could say anything, Madison cut straight to the point. "You're calling because you're wondering about Zachary's affair with Clementine, right?"


Chapter 112 Lecture

+10 pearls

Crystal sighed.

With a tense, slightly

trembling voice, Madison continued, "There's nothing I can do. I know he's a terrible person who can't change, but I love him. Furthermore, my family relied on him for years. I know you look down on me for th Listening to that, Crystal didn't feel it was appropriate to advise her friend.

However, Madison was her best friend. She couldn't just sit by and watch. She invited Madison to drink and sing.

Madison drank a lot of wine as she laughed and cried. "Why are we both so unlucky, Crystal? We were cheated on because of Clementine! Why is she so powerful? I don't understand why men desire her whe Crystal thought about it and nodded. "She's lucky enough to always meet people who are willing to accept her."

Lying on the table, Madison muttered, "I

can't believe she managed to fool that b*stard Zachary! Do you know Clementine was almost beaten to death when she went to Robert's place last time? Also, she didn't seduce Henry. He didn't even look at In the end, Madison clutched onto the toilet bowl and vomited.

After she sobered up a little. Crystal hugged her and said, "You should divorce him, Madison." She's only twenty-

four years old, and she's beautiful. Zachary doesn't deserve her. It's better for her to stop and either advance her career or find a new man. Either option is better for her than this!

Madison was momentarily stunned. She mumbled, "I want a divorce too, but I'm not happy about it. I can't believe my years of relationship with him is incomparable to his relationship with a b*tch." Crystal's heart sank. She called Zachary, wanting him to pick Madison up.

To her surprise, he answered the call. However, he wasn't interested in doing as Crystal requested. "Stop butting into our relationship, Crystal. Just because I cheated doesn't mean she's free of any faults. No Crystal snapped, "If you can't handle her, then just divorce her! After that, you can hook up with any wyman you want. Why must you do it with someone we know? It's fine if you want to mess around alone, bu Zachary stared at the phone in disbelief. Is this really Crystal hy is

her temper even worse than my wife's? She is so fierce! What does Henry like about her? Does he like her scolding him and calling him a public restroom?


Chapter 112 Lecture

+10 pearl's

Coincidentally, Zachary was at a dinner with Henry.

Henry thought Madison was checking in on Zachary, "Is Madison pissing you off again?".

Zachary smirked. "It's your woman, Mr. Miller. She called me a public restroom. How about you lecture her a bit?"

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