Chapter 94 

Chapter 94 

Catherine’s eyes lit up with excitement, “Right, I’ve been waiting for you to call the shots. It’s about time we made a move. How do you want to proceed?” 

“First, I need to talk to my lawyer.” I truly had a heap of questions that needed professional legal advice. 

“When would you like to do that? I can arrange it for you.” 

“The sooner, the better.” I declared without hesitation. “After the meeting, I need to head back to Silverdale City.” 

By Tuesday, Catherine had arranged a private meeting at a small, upscale club with the lawyer I wanted to consult. For some reason, as soon as I stepped into the club, I felt a pair of eyes boring into me. But despite my cautious scanning of the surroundings, I couldn’t pinpoint anything unusual This left me feeling inexplicably uneasy 

When I reached the reserved room, Catherine was already there, casually chatting with a young man. That was just the way she was. She was completely outgoing and capable of striking up a conversation with anyone 

The man in front of me was in his thirties, with bushy eyebrows, a square jaw, and a pair of thin–rimmed glasses perched on his nose. His eyes were bright and steady, giving an overall impression of quiet confidence. He seemed like the kind of person you could trust. 

As I walked in, both of them stood up. Catherine introduced us, “Aaliyah, founder of Medsafe Liyah Inc. Meet Elbert from Goldman Legal Firm.” 

“Mr. Elbert!” I extended my hand and said, “Nice to meet you!” 

“It’s my pleasure. I am at your service.” Elbert replied, his smile revealing a gentle sense. 

As we sat down, I gave Catherine a surprised look and commented, “I don’t expect him to be so young.” 

“Don’t let his age fool you. Mr. Elbert is a well–known legal figure in Goldenvale Town. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. He’s reliable. Catherine added, in case I had any reservations 

“Let’s get down to business then.” I put down my bag and turned to Mr. Elbert. 

“You can skip the preliminaries. I’ve already briefed him, so get straight to the point,” Catherine suggested, always considerate and not wanting me to repeat the painful details. 

“You am to reclaim your property swiftly, leaving the other party with nothing?” Elbert asked, getting right to the point. 

1 looked at Elbert and shook my head, “Not just leaving them with nothing. I want every member of the Dawson family involved to face the full force of the law. And…I paused, then sat up straighter and added, “I might need to play a little dirty.” 

Mr. Elbert simply smiled in response. Taking his silence as approval, I shared some of my not–so–polished ideas with him and sought his opinion on how to proceed without breaking the law, “I don’t want to reclaim everything, only to end up in a morass of legal trouble. I have three young children. I cant risk their future,” I said sincerely. 

In truth, my courage stemmed from wanting to secure a better future for my children. 

“I understand ” Elbert looked at me with a deep gaze, “However, I must tell you that your current situation is not promising. Based on the information have, all the evidence is against you. You might be the one left with nothing.” 

What do you mean?” I was taken aback, furrowing my brow at Elbert, and asked, “Jaylan cheated on me, fathered a child outside our marriage, tried to poison me, and took over my company. How could I end up with nothing?” 

His words were a tough pill to swallow. 

Elbert looked at me seriously, “According to the documents I’ve obtained, Jaylah has a change of ownership authorization for Medsafe Liyah Inc. that bears your signature and stamp. It has already been announced and approved at a shareholders‘ meeting.” 

Taken aback, I quickly responded, “I never signed such an agreement.” 

Unhurriedly, Elbert presented me with a photocopy of the change of ownership document, “Here it is. You might want to take a look 


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