Chapter 63 

Logan pulled out a photo from the pile of documents, “This is her and Jaylan’s kid! Two years younger than your little Probert, currently attending Blossom Valley Elementary School. Marissa’s already a full–fledged housewife 

“Blossom Valley Elementary School?” I gasped. 

“Yes, the same school as Probert!” Logan affirmed, nodding. “Her kid is a grade below Probert!” 

A bitter taste filled my mouth, my heart pounding as if it wanted to shatter from the pain. 

“Absolutely outrageous! Catherine couldn’t hold back her curse. “That bitch” 

“She’s always been Jaylan’s behind–the–scenes strategist, his trusted aide. Logan slumped on the couch, “She’s the one among Jaylan’s many women that satisfies him the most!” 

“Of course, Marissa is a key contributor to Jaylan’s success!” Logan continued, Marissa’s ruthless, and she’s the greatest beneficiary. Once you’re gone. she’ll definitely take your place.” 

Logan was blunt, not mincing his words. I clenched the photo tighter, crumpling it, the picture distorting. 

I looked up at Logan, saying meaningfully. Then hand this information over to Zora, let her learn! The enemy of my enemy is my weapon!” 

Logan got the message, whistling in understanding. 

After a while, he turned to me, “Oh, right! Marissa is also pretty close with Jerome 

I was taken aback, quickly asked, “How close?” 

“When they were dealing with the old heads of the company, Jerome and Jaylan became quite close, and of course, Marissa was a part of it. Naturally. they had a lot of interactions.” 

“That bastard!” I cursed, “Keep an eye on them, see if they can be of use! I have to dismantle this Dawson team!” 

“OK” Logan gave me a thumbs up. 

“Allie, you’re right. If Marissa and Jerome do have something going on, that s our breakthrough. The Dawsons are nothing but beasts, a bunch of animals, Catherine raged 

“Another potential breakthrough is Jessica, she’s incredibly selfish, greedy!” I told Logan, “I need an opportunity for her to show her greed. She’s now in charge of the finances, if we don’t get her hands dirty, it’d be a waste!” 

Logan chuckled, ‘Absolutely, that’s a great ideal I’ve checked, Jessica’s husband is no good either, he’s long held grudges against the Dawson family, so their marriage isn’t doing well. Once Jessica gets her hands on something, she won’t be able to stop.” 

That’s ideal, we should definitely set this trap!” Catherine agreed. 

I muttered, “I really want to go back to the company!” 

Logan quickly responded, “Allie, it’s not the right time to return to the company It would only alert them! Plus, it’d be so awkward, you wouldn’t be able to do anything! 

“But I want to keep an eye on their internal affairs “I said frustratedly. They’re impregnable right now, I know nothing about what’s going on inside. The executives are all people planted by the Dawson family, like a firewall, I can’t do anything The old employees left are insignificant, I can’t rely on them 

“Why not plant someone inside? He suggested. 

My eyes lit up instantly, “Yes, if I had someone in the company, that would make things much easier.” 


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