
My consciousness snapped back into reality, but I remained still, keeping my breath steady and my eyes shut, listening to the approaching footsteps. I recognized them to be Zora’s 

My hand, hidden under the blanket, clenched involuntarily, sweat pooling in my palm. 

Although I was lying with my back to the door, I could sense her standing at the foot of my bed. I could feel her faint breaths and the subtle scent of her perfume 

“Ma’am!” she called out softly 

I didn’t respond, didn’t move. 

The next second, she touched my shoulder, her grip heavier than expected. Thankfully, I was prepared for it, or else I would have been exposed. 

“Your are sleeping like the dead!” 

She muttered, her voice barely audible, but it echoed in my ears like thunder. It wasn’t a compliment, I could tell. Her tone was filled with disdain. 

My thoughts started to clear a bit. It was indeed Zora. 

Before I could confirm this thought, a terrifying scene unfolded before me, leaving me no time to react. A sharp pain shot through my scalp, causing me to moan instinctively I was on the verge of being exposed. 

I suppressed it, shifting my head slightly to show discomfort, but I remained drowsy, not fully awake 

But inwardly, I was falling apart. Injustice, anger, shock, a tidal wave of emotions crashing down on me, I wished I could cry, I was gritting my teeth hard. 

Zora, have I done anything wrong to you in these eight years? I treated you like a sister, and yet you treated me like this 

I finally understood Over the past few months, the needle–like pain that often appeared, piercing yet fleeting in my drowsy consciousness, I thought it was a dream 

Who would have thought it was a cruel reality happening to me? No wonder the pain felt so real, lingering even after I’ve woken up. 

Perhaps seeing that I still hadn’t woken up, her hand smacked my face, “Wake up! It’s time to take your medicine!” 

Her voice was far from the usual softness, it was downright chilling. 

I was bewildered. I couldn’t believe that Zora could have done this to me. 

It wasn’t until another smack landed on my face that I realized I couldn’t pretend any longer. 

I stirred, letting out a soft moan, slowly opening my eyes, looking out the window in confusion. What on earth was happening? How did Zora, who seemed so gentle and honest, turn into a wicked woman? 

Zora’s voice rang out again, her tone had returned to its original softness, “Ma’am, time to wake up. It’s time for your medicine. 

“Uh. “I sighed, composed myself, and slowly turned over staring blankly at Zora who was standing at the foot of my bed, my eyes a little misty 

Meeting my gaze, her smile faltered for a moment, then she said softly, “Ma am, did you sleep well? Do you want me to help you sit up 

I didn’t take my eyes off her, I kept staring until she looked a bit tense, swallowed, and looked away I then sighed in an aggrieved tone, Zora, I’ve been thinking, do I have some senous illness that you all are hiding from me?” 

She nonchalantly adjusted my blanket, and said dismissively. “Ma’am, you’re over thinking Everyone gets sick. You’re just worn out from childbath You!! be fine after some rest 

“Maybe, but why do I feel weaker each day? appreciate your hard work” 

sleep is so heavy, it feels like I’ve slept a lifetime All I do is sleep and take medicine ail day Zora, 

“Ma am, please don’t say that it’s not hard, it’s my job!” She looked at me. “Sleeping helps you heal, don’t be scared! I’ll get your medicine, it’s most effective while hot! 

She swiftly turned and walked out i slowly sat up, staring blankly in the direction she left itouched the spot on my scalp where I’d been pricked quickly thinking about how I could dodge the impending dose of medicine 

When I pulled my hand back. I saw a trace of blood on my fingertips It was a small amount, but bright red 

I wiped it away without changing my expression 

Soon, Zora returned with the medicine and handed it to me. “It’s still hot take il 

i merely hummed in response, not taking the bowl Instead. I raised my hand to the spot on my scalp that d been pricked, then looked up at Zora “Zora, can you look at this? it hurts here” 

Chapter 6

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