Katy POV

My stomach knotted with unease as Diana hugged him out of the blue. Ace's jaws clenched, and he pushed her lightly away from him. Smiling tightly, he nodded. "Let's have dinner."

"Oh, come on, Ace," Luce said. "Why are you so uppity? Diana has won the first, and she is taking what is rightfully hers according to a certain demand in the morning."

Rebecca and her minions laughed because it was a jab on me. With a tight grip on my wineglass, I focused my attention on Ace since he was my calming presence. Else, I would have gone and ripped Diana's head off her torso.

Ace offered his arm to her. Diana took it rather pompously and walked under the temporary gazebo that was built in the middle of the garden. He pulled out a chair for her and she sat down. Then he walked to his side and sat. She leaned on the table by crossing her arms on it, showing off her cleavage. A little more leaning would have resulted in her tits spilling out. If given a chance, she could give him a blow job here.

Ace sat rather stiffly as he waited for the servers. He looked at everything and anyone else other than her. That was a relief. As soon as our eyes connected, a smile tugged at his lips.

"You know what?" Diana said to divert his attention towards her.

"What?" he asked with his brows furrowed.

"You look so handsome that I can't breathe!"

He jerked his head back. "Thanks. You look good too."

"Just good?" she asked, pouting. "I've won the first task. I was bruised and injured, but I did it all for you."

"Thank you," he replied nonchalantly. "I hope you are feeling better."

I laughed on the inside when her face fell at his bland answer.

The server came to pour them wine. I noticed that while everyone else was having dinner, their eyes were on Ace and Diana.

Ace wasn't speaking at all. It was as if he was waiting for the dinner to get over.

"When will you kiss me?" Diana asked, staring at him intensely.

"She's such a bitch!" Alicia hissed at my side. "She is trying to show everyone that he will kiss her soon."

I remained silent and sipped more wine. My instincts depended a lot on what Ace was doing.

Ace lowered his face and took a rough breath. "Ya, okay..."

Diana squealed in delight. "I promise, I'm going to make it the best kiss of your life."

Dinner was served, and Diana couldn't contain her excitement. She would glance at me every now and often to check my reaction.

I observed Luce and Rebecca and couldn't understand that if Luce wanted Rebecca to win, then how was Diana fitting in the equation. There was something that was terribly wrong here. Suddenly, a message flashed on my screen and I checked it.

Diana harped about her winning as they had dinner. It was surprising to see that Ace hardly ate anything and finished his dinner while Diana was trying her best to delay it. When Ace folded his arms across his chest to show he was done, she finally gave it up. In the end, she said, "Now about my kiss!" There was a glint in her eyes as she got up. "You can't deny me that!"

Ace's jaw tensed, indicating that he didn't like her suggestion. I knew he couldn't stay biased even under the spell. It was clear he didn't enjoy having other she-wolves around him. And that was a sign that the spell could be weakened.

He got up, and Diana followed suit, walking beside him. She fluttered her eyelashes and tipped her chin up. He craned his neck down. His eyes landed on her lips and I clenched my fists so tightly that my nails dug into my skin. Diana grabbed his shoulders, stood on her toes and brought her lips to his.

Anticipation rippled in the air as everyone watched them with curiosity. I had to stop Ara from taking over and killing Diana. I focused on our bond and tugged it.

Ace stood there, rooted to the spot,


as she seized his lips in a sizzling kiss. However, Ace quickly pushed her aside, wiped his lips, and stared at her with wide eyes, appearing shocked and disgusted. "Miss Diana, that was the most repulsive thing I've ever experienced. I saw you in the arena when you were fighting. You deliberately injured the omega girls even after they were defeated. Hence, using my right, I disqualify you from the Selection!"

Diana's mouth dropped to the floor as she snapped her head towards Luce and Rebecca.

And I sipped my wine because this was what I was counting on-Ace's instincts. I intentionally let Diana win the last match. I let her savor the sweetness of victory and enjoy her moment of triumph, just to see her come crashing down.

"What? Why?" Diana whined, flustered as hell. “I—”

"But this is a competition!" she argued, still whining.

Beau was ashen white as he stared from Diana to Ace to Luce.

Diana let out a loud sob and ran out of the garden, wiping her tears. Luce followed her, but Rebecca stayed back. She stared at me and I returned the favor back.

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