In an instant, Amy was caught by a man and trapped in the president exclusive elevator. She didn't realize what had happened. Just then, she managed to wriggle free and slapped that man before she noticed his face.

"Mr. Car...Carter?" Amy said as she found out the man was Richard. There was a very clear mark of her handprint on his white, stern face.

Richard turned his head up with pride. He didn't want to talk to the stubborn Amy right now.

Amy stood still in front of him with embarrassment. She didn't know what she should do. What she was thinking now was the slap she gave to Richard. She slapped the president of HD Group! What should she do now?

"Mr. Carter, I'm so...sor...sorry,." Amy stammered as she didn't know how to explain to him. She thought it was a pervert.

"Humph." Richard snorted.

Amy looked at his perfect chin and hot Adam's apple, so hot that she couldn't help drooling.

He was really handsome! But he was utterly unpredictable.

The elevator sent them to the 20th floor. Amy got out of it first. She was so nervous that she almost couldn't breathe.

She stood at the door of the elevator, taking a deep breath. When she arrived at the office floor, her colleagues were stunned out of the blue, looking at Amy and Richard, speechless. Then they slipped into the office immediately.

Amy followed them back to her seat. She started recalling the breathtaking morning. If these happened every day, she might not able to stay for long.

Afterwards, she was busy working the entire morning. She got a lot of things to deal with, like taking office supplies for those in need, and making documents that others were unwilling to do with. But she found it good to be busy, for she didn't have time to think too much.

"Amy, I bought you a cup of coffee. Just take it." Hannah said, standing quietly in a pathway Amy always went through.

"No, thanks! I gotta submit the documents immediately." Amy showed the documents in her hands.

But Hannah didn't care about what Amy said, grapping the documents from Amy and placed them on the desk. Then she handed the coffee to Amy.

"I am just coming to you in your office, but they looked so weird. What happened?" Hannah surmised Amy was not welcome by her colleagues.

"Well, this morning, Gina came here. And she pulled me, and I..." Amy told Hannah what had happened this morning.

"That bitch! What did she want from you? She miscarried? You pushed her?” Hannah said with secret delight.

"No, I didn't push her. She fell down somewhat by herself. Then Matt appeared. And she was bleeding. I thought she might be abortive." said Amy as she was drinking the coffee. Suddenly she recalled the terrifying blood.

In fact, Gina cared about the baby a lot. Why did she fall down? Amy didn't push her and Gina didn't twist her ankle. How came?

Thinking of this, Amy found something tricky.

"Hannah, that's strange. I'm sure Gina fell down herself. Did she always want a baby? Why did she do that?"

"I have no idea. I think she might feel sorry for what she'd done to you? That's impossible. She's so shameless. Amy, is it possible that the baby she carried was not Matt's?" Hannah said. Hearing this, they looked at each other with shock.

"You mean the baby didn't belong to Matt? But how can we let him know about it? And how can we prove it?" Amy seemingly found a way to vent her hatred for Matt when she found that Matt might not be the baby's father.

"Well, I don't know. Andy was the only one that I know working in hospital. But I don't think he will help us. Forget it. And you didn't have a friend working in hospital, either. So, let it go." Hannah sighed. Richard wasn't used to ensconcing himself to eavesdrop. But today he broke his rule. He eavesdropped their conversation without missing a single word.

And after hearing their analysis, he thought the two ladies were quite sensitive.

Richard went back to his office, and called his assistant to deal with the issue in the way Amy and Hannah just talked about.

But Amy and Hannah would never imagine that someone just help them as they wished. They were just felt annoyed that they couldn't do anything because they didn't know anyone working in hospital. They just lost a chance to give Gina a blow!

Amy told Robin not to pick her up after work. So she left the office on time and walked to the bus station.

On her way, she saw Matt standing beside his car on the road with an angry face.

At this moment, she wanted to turn around. But Matt rushed to her in a few seconds and pulled her over.

"What do you want to do?" Amy said, staring at him with an angry look.

"What do I want to do? I want to ask you the same question. We divorced already! You are so malicious that you aborted Gina! You killed our baby! And now you treat it for granted?" Matt said furiously as he heaved Amy.

"You lost your baby, you should stay in the hospital and take good care of Gina. Why do you ask me? Can I give you a baby as compensation?" Amy tried to get rid of him. But no one helped her.

"Give me a baby as compensation? Very good idea! I didn't have sex with you though we had engaged for 3 years. Now you want to give me a baby, so I will help you make it happen." Then he got even closer to her to kiss her.

Amy never thought that Matt was that shameless. She turned her head aside to refuse his kiss.

But Matt was so masculine. Amy couldn't push him away and he nearly kissed her. Then Amy kicked him hard in the crotch.

But Matt seemed to have prepared for this, dragging her ankle with one hand.

"I like this post." Matt said in a lascivious tone. He pressed her hands on the car, and jumped her immediately.

Watching his lips approaching, Amy cried. If he dared to kiss her, she must bite him hard!0000

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