291 Old Man Feng

At the parking lot...

Standing in front of Maverick, who was about to enter his black car, Code 10 reported his findings.

"Boss, we couldn't find her. I sent the earring we found to Inspector Fin for a fingerprint scan."

"Leave it be," Maverick said without interest. His brows were furrowed as he stared at his new phone which he just concluded a call with.

"Yes, boss," Code 10 answered but in his mind, he prays his boss would be able to handle Jeslyn's anger if she finds out her husband is not interested in Piper's case.

Unbeknownst to Code 10, Rex has taken over the matter with Piper's disappearance, which was why Maverick seemed not to care.

Moreover, there's something more important that needs his attention right now.

Maverick shifted his gaze from his phone to Code 2 who was standing beside the front passenger seat of the car. "Get the men ready," with that, Maverick entered the car with Code 10 and Code 2 in front. Code 10 has no idea what the problem was but Code 2 does, so without further ado, he pulled out his device that could summon the men under him.

Rex was seen getting down from his car in front of a big wine mansion.

With a few men behind him, he strode towards the house in front of him.

All the guards standing around the house pointed their guns at him but didn't dare to shoot... who doesn't know the blue-haired Rex? The guards didn't have the courage to court death.

"If you don't dare to shoot, lower those toys. Seeing them might get me angry," Rex said languidly with a sweet smile plastered on his ever-handsome and youthful face.

The guards slowly lowered their guns, but were standing at alert, in case Rex and his people suddenly

starts a war.

"I'm not here to eat, bring me to Feng Gu," he instructed.

Feng Gu is oldest brother Feng... the one everyone thought would be the next family head.

One of the guards standing close to the mansion's door, pressed on his two-way walkie-talkie earphone. He gave a report to someone and a few minutes later, A bulky bald man, wearing black shades, opened the front door to the mansion and stepped out.

"Young Master Lu, please," he gestured with his hands for Rex to follow him to the back of the house where there's a garden.

Behind the house, an old man with white hair was seen playing 'Go' alone in the lush garden with fine greenery accompanied by the sweet smell of flowers.

Rex was startled when he saw the old man. His intern said he traveled, so what is the old man doing here?

"I never thought you'd come," the old man said with a calm voice as he placed a white stone on the board. He didn't raise his head but was sure that Rex was here.

Although Rex felt nervous, he didn't cower nor let his fear show. "The old man's cars are still very active but your children's eyes are blind," Rex replied while walking towards the man in a lazy and tired



The old man wasn't fazed. He continued to play his game in silence for a while before he "This old bones haven't played a great game for a long time, I would like to taste your skills."

"Old man Feng, this Young Master is a very busy person and is not in any mood to play games," Rex sat in front of the old man who still hasn't raised his head since.

"This old bone is afraid that Lu Yangzhou will grow mad if he knew you rejected my offer," the old man continued, not wanting to take a 'no' for an answer.

He was trying to blackmail Rex with Rex's grandfather. He thought that by bringing Old Man Lu into this, he could compel Rex to do his bidding. It's been a long he played this game with someone and wanted to try it with Rex.

"Ah, I thought only the children have eyesight problems, even the old man is deaf and blind... too bad-"

Sounds of cracking guns interrupted Rex. The old man raised his hand to stop his men that were hanging around him.

Rex hissed in annoyance. This is why he hates talking business with old people. Stupid guards are always the first to interrupt with their busybodies. Does it look like he wants to kill this old man? Can he even kill the old man even if he wanted to?

"My men are hot-blooded," the old man smiled and put down his hand.

Rex chuckled, "Old man Feng, why do your words sound like a threat?"

Telling Rex that his men are hot-blooded sounded like the old man was trying to warn Rex that if he ordered Rex's death, the men behind him won't think about Rex's background before they kill Rex.

"Hehe, Young Master Lu jokes too much... what brings you to my abode, Young Master?" the old man finally raised his head. His eyes were white like a blind person's.

Rex's heart thumped when he saw those white emotionlessly eyes. They gave the vibe of a blind man, at the same time, a sorcerer.

Even though Rex wasn't comfortable staring at the man's eyes, he still did because Maverick had told him in the past to never cower in front of this man or show any fear. The reason is not known but Rex. is an obedient man, so he follows everything Maverick said without questions asked.

"Your family has what belongs to us, Lu brothers and we want her back," Rex replied, holding the old man's eyes with his before he codedly shifted his gaze away.

"Oh? Young Master Lu seems to like jokes a lot," he replied and shifted his gaze back to the Go he was playing.

"Call your children to send Piper back. With every hair that leaves her head, your children would be asking for war.

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