287 Visiting her husband (2)

Upon entering one of the offices, one would think it was the CEO's office with how luxurious it was,

but no.

Code 5 walked to the flat wall and pressed his hand to it. In no time, a scanner scanned his palm

before saying

[Welcome, Code 5.... Opening in... 5...4...3...2...1... Please step into the elevator]

The door opened and Code 5 walked into the elevator, however before Jeslyn could take a step forward, the elevator door started closing.

Code 5 pressed the open/close button and the door stopped closing.

"Why is it so stressful? Is there not a direct elevator to his office?"

"There is, but it's only programmed for Boss alone," he replied.

Jeslyn sighed. It's normal for her husband to be extra careful but isn't this over the top?

Well, she hasn't yet seen what's 'over the top'.

Code 5 pressed the Cloud icon- one of the five buttons on the elevator. Cloud icon, Dark smoke icon, Red alert icon, Abort icon, and the open/close button.

The cloud icon is undoubtedly 'Cloud 9's representation; where Maverick's office is.

The Dark Smoke icon is 'Shadow 9's representation; the most dangerous place in the company.

Red alert icon; as the name suggests, is for an emergency.

And the abort icon is to return the elevator if one changes their mind along the way.

The elevator shook a little after Jeslyn got in, before heading down.

Down? Jeslyn thought with a frown. Wasn't it supposed to head up as it is called 'cloud?'

"Why is it heading down?" She asked.

"It's heading up. It's an illusion to make your brain and body think you're going down."

"Ohh... so smart," she smiled proudly. Her husband is the best!

"That reminds me, there are 230 floors and the other elevator has them, so what's the use of this one since it's still heading up?"

"That elevator doesn't get to the 230th floor. The numbers will mislead you, thinking you've arrived at the top floor but no, it only stops at the 228th floor," he replied.

All this information is known to a handful of them. Maverick doesn't trust, but lets the chosen ones know everything they needed to know, but with a huge price.

Their life and death are controlled by Maverick as the few of them have a chip planted close to their hearts. Trying to forcefully take it off will explode the chip, automatically shattering the heart and killing the culprit.

There's no way to uninstall the chip as it was an exclusive skill, belonging to Maverick.

Maverick's rules used to be a little lax before Valen was born but after the incident that happened with Code 4, Maverick became a heartless demon and inserted a self-destructive chip in all his people. Thirty minutes later, the elevator suddenly stopped and a ding was heard.

Stepping out of the elevator, what greeted them was a foggy passageway. Jeslyn froze. What is this?!

They got out of the elevator and Code 5 stopped her from moving forward while he walked a little further away from her to retrieve something.

When he returned, he handed Jeslyn blue goggles. "Ma'am, you'll need these," he said.

His voice jolted Jeslyn's mind back from the shock she was in and she took the goggles from him, looking at them weirdly.

"What are these," she asked.

"Laser detectors," Code 5 replied.

"You mean there are lasers... there?" She pointed at the foggy passageway in shock and Code 5 nodded.

"Can't they be deactivated? Are you kidding me?!" Is he joking with her life?

"Only if the Boss permits it." Code 5 replied.

She stared at him in surprise. "Then, what are you waiting for?! Get him to deactivate this thing!" She


Code 5 shook his head. "If he's in his office, he would have seen you've arrived and would have deactivated all the mechanisms and even would have allowed you to take his stress-free elevator. But because he didn't do those means that he's not in his office," he explained.

Code 5 wasn't one to talk too much but knowing Jeslyn, she won't make things easy for him if she's not satisfied and he has no billionaires of dollars to give to her for annoying her.... Jeslyn's appetite for money scares him.

"So, in other words, we're supposed to bypass the lasers to get to my husband's office?" She asked pitifully and he nodded, then added;

"Not just the lasers, there are other mechanisms after this... more dangerous mechanisms."

Jeslyn took a deep breath and took off her sunglasses before wearing the laser detector goggles. She only wanted to see the lasers. When she wore it, she was expecting to see tiny red lights along the passageway but no, there was nothing there. No lasers at all!

"There are no lasers. Or is this not working?" She took the goggles off to inspect it.

Code 5 dug into his pocket and brought out a smooth tiny pebble and flung it forward skillfully with his fingers.

Try looking at it again."

Jeslyn wore the goggles and just when she focused her gaze on the path ahead of her, "Ahhhh!!" A

scream that was enough to startle birds and send them flying everywhere, tore through her throat. The red crisscrossed lasers weren't something a human would dare enter... not her, no way!! "Let's return," she turned around, wanting the elevator to open so she could run away.

"It will take about ten minutes for the elevator to be ready to take us back... ma'am, I'll help you cross over, don't worry ab-"1

"Nothing you say will change my mind. I'm not going through those damn things unless your Boss returns and deactivates them." 1

"Yes, Ma'am," he said and stood aside.

On the twentieth floor....

Maverick just concluded a conference meeting with the board of directors and was heading out when his phone rang. Glancing at it, was his wife who hasn't spoken to him since her debut. "You finally had my time," he mumbled before answering the call.

"Sugar plum, where are you?" Her sweet voice sounded.


"I'm at your company..."

Maverick paused and turned his head in Code 2's direction. "Where are you?" He asked her but his eyes were glued onCode 2.

"I'm stuck, can't get through the laser mechanisms to your office," she pouted. It was supposed to be a surprise visit but now... 1

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