285 The talk show

A thunderous round of applause and screams that contested with the sound of claps were heard from the excited audience.

After the noise died down, the host continued. "Hahaha... of course. But Jeslyn, you mesmerize me. This is the first time I've come across an artist who has a big dream like yours and I'm impressed and I guess your fans are too,"

"Yes, we are!!!" Came the audience's excited screams.

Jeslyn blew them a kiss before she continued her answer. "...As for my leap in success, hmm... of course, it wasn't expected. I was shocked and I believe most viewers saw that..."

"You mean this?" The host cut her off and a shocked photo of Jeslyn was brought up on the screen behind her.

It was an unaware photo taken while Jeslyn was on stage... precisely when she saw Valen and her husband walking in.

"Hahahaha..." the audience laughed.

Jeslyn was startled by the picture before she also burst into a fit of laughter. "Hahaha... oh my God, that's a horrible photo of me..."

The interview continued after a short fun.

"We also noticed a little unusual spark between..." the host turned to the camera and explained.

"Ahem! I'm scared to say this, hope he doesn't get mad... haha... sorry, Mr. Chaos, it's the fans' curiosity..." he said with a bow to the camera. The host was scared of losing his job. Who knows, Maverick might get angry over his playful questions and make a call that would destroy him. Jeslyn smiled and made an 'O' expression.

"Oh, you mean the handshake?" She turned to look at the audience and spread her hands in the air. "Y'all saw I didn't initiate the handshake, right?"


"Good. Could I have said no? It's Alpha Chaos we're talking about. Would you have said no if you were in my shoes?"

"Of course not!" They replied.

Jeslyn turned to the camera, and then to the host and made a baby face, "see?"

The host laughed out loud. She's so cute!

"That's right. So, do you mind sharing with us the secret to which you captivated the son?"

"Oh, I think my face is enough as an answer to that. Hehe," she winked.

"Ouch, please don't do that to me," the host held his chest dramatically like he'd faint anytime soon.

"Hahahaha....." Everyone laughed it off.

"And the last question on the list is... how did you become Superstar Celestine's student?"

"My teacher posted about wanting three persons to be under her sometime again, I think it was a sensation for a while on the internet..."

The host and the guest nodded. They saw the post and it was taken down in less than thirty minutes.

I was one of the lucky three."

The happy show ended with the host asking for a handshake. Not only did Jeslyn gladden a lot of fans' hearts, but she also won many over.

The competitive and toxic fans then started to compare Jeslyn's talk show and Christine's talk show. They went as far as making memes with Christine's words that were taken out of context.

That became a lot of fun for most jobless people online for a long time... until another drama pops up.

Meanwhile, because Jeslyn was dominating the internet doesn't mean she blocked others from being on top too.

The other person who was also trending alongside Jeslyn was Piper's case.

Jeslyn saw the news regarding Piper on her way to the talk show this morning and meant to ask her husband when she returned because her Assistant told her about the call Manager Sarafina put through three days ago, but Jeslyn never saw Piper, so she thought the girl changed her mind.

However, being stopped by Manager Sarafina on the road was something she didn't expect.

"We can't discuss something like this on the road, so I'd say, let's find a place to talk this out," Jeslyn suggested.

Manager Sarafina didn't object and got into her car to follow Jeslyn.

Even though Jeslyn was going everywhere in the company's car, it didn't mean Code 5 and the others. weren't following her around.

At a coffee shop along the road...

Jeslyn was staring speechlessly at Manager Sarafina who just told her what happened.

"You said Piper was on her way to see me and then went missing?"

"Yes," Manager Sarafina replied.

"But-"Jeslyn frowned. How's that possible? "Are you sure she didn't go on a vacation?"

She shook her head. "Piper isn't such a careless person. She would leave me hints if she wanted to do anything. I'm literally her servant, so there's no way she wouldn't have called me to come pack her bags or book her ticket if she was going somewhere."

Jeslyn sighed. "Have you spoken to her family- her mother, brothers?"

"Her mother seems to believe that her daughter went on a trip..."

Jeslyn subtly rolled her eyes. It would be surprising to her if that witch cared.

"As for her brothers, they aren't people I can reach out to. The Xu and the Lus..." she sighed.

"I'm sure the police won't be sleeping on her case. They'll find something soon."

It was obvious that Manager Sarafina had no idea who Jeslyn was. After their meeting, Jeslyn returned to the dorm but instead of resting, she called Code 5 to help her leave the dorm.

While Code 5 was hacking into the CCTV footage, Jeslyn disguised herself as a clumsy Assistant. The disguise materials weren't difficult for her to find because has a wardrobe filled with them.

No one was in the room because she sent her Assistant home.

The company gave her an Assistant but Jeslyn preferred the girl to live away from her at the moment as she is sharing the Dorm room with Lolita anyway.

Fearless Entertainment would never give all artists or trainees a separate apartment or too much luxury, unless they've started to make enough money that can pay for the kind of luxurious lifestyle they want. Although Jeslyn just started, her potential has been seen and the company was getting things ready for her.

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