283 The fight- riling oldest brother up

The sound of the door opening interrupted Brian's few minutes of sleep as he slowly opened his drowsy eyes to gaze at Piper before turning his attention to the door.

Brian's eyes widened when he remembered something and immediately bolted from his seat and rushed to the bed. He grabbed the duvet and immediately tossed it on Piper's naked body, just in time before Feng Long came into view.

"What are you doing?" Feng Long asked, looking skeptically from Brian to the sleeping Piper.

Brian refused to utter a word and walked back to his seat.

Fang Long placed down the tray of food and glanced back at Piper, then he caught sight of her clothes beside the bed.

"You-" Anger instantly washed over his face and he rushed to Brian, wanting to punch him but Brian kicked him before his pouch got to meet his face.

"I've been meaning to beat you like a child for a long time. Now that you've presented yourself to me, you're welcome." With that, Brian pounced on Feng Long like a wild cat and the two got into a wild and fierce fight.

Piper who was sleeping frowned at the loud sound of things falling. She slowly opened her heavy eyes to see the two fighting, no, Brian punching Feng Long like a punching bag.

She immediately sat up, "You two, I stop" but her voice was weak. Trying to shout sent her temple throbbing. She hissed as the pain in her head got intense.

Piper looked down at herself. She can't leave the bed like this, so she wrapped herself with the duvet and started to push herself towards the two who were ready to kill each other.

"Brian... Feng Long..." None of them replied. They were too engrossed in their battle royale to notice Piper holding her head.


Brian's punch froze in the air and he turned to look behind him, only to see Piper falling towards the edge of the table. If she hit her head on, it would bleed, so Brian let go of Feng Long and ran at full speed to catch her.

Luckily, he did but he didn't manage to save himself, so he fell with his rib hitting the leg of the

wooden chair.

Brian hissed but instead of worrying about himself, he was more concerned about Piper who seemed to be unconscious.

"What happened to her?" Feng Long panicked.

"Piper, Piper," Brian patted her cheeks a few times but she won't wake up.

"You idiot, get us out of here! she needs to be at the hospital!" Brian groaned.

"I- I can't, my brothers' men are everywhere. You've been kidnapped!"

"Then get her drugs for fever!"

Feng Long shook his head. "We have no medications here." He looked remorsefully at Brian, internally blaming himself for everything.

"You don't mean for her to die, right?" Brian raised a brow.

"I'm sorry, Brian. I'm helpless."

"Hehe..." Brian chuckled. "Get me your phone," he ordered.

Feng Long didn't protest and simply handed his phone to Brian.

"Pray that nothing happens to her," Brian grabbed the phone from him as he made the unspoken threat.

Brian keyed in the number he intended to call but before the call could connect, a few guards barged into the room and pressed Brian to the ground, then Feng Long's oldest brother got down the stairs and walked over to Feng Long whose face looked ashen.


A heavy punch that sent the young man falling to the floor greeted his face.

"Take him back to the city. His holiday is over."

"Oldest brother! Please, please, forgive them! oldest brother, please don't harm them! I'm sorry!!"

The oldest brother turned his head to look at Feng Long who was resisting. "Then, do you want your mom to be used as the sacrifice? you're free to choose. Your mom or them?"

Feng Long froze. His mother was the person he loved the most in this world. Even though she was mentally unstable, he still loved her. His dream wasn't to become an actor, he was only fulfilling his mother's dream. She wanted to be a famous actress but after she married his father, she was told to leave the entertainment industry and focus on giving birth to a girl but instead, she gave birth to him.

Even though she wasn't the first nor the second wife who couldn't give Chairman Long a female child, the whole family picked on her and finally drove her crazy. She was the sixth wife, yet, was made to carry the burden of every other wife.

Feng Long is the last child, even though he was liked by all, his mother was hated by all, out to protect his mother by all means.

so he

goes all

So how could he be made to choose? He looked at Brian who was oddly calm and then, the unconscious Piper before turning around and walking away.

"Fengfeng, if any mishap happens that our captives are rescued, don't blame me for my retaliation." "You don't have to worry, oldest brother," he replied with even more coldness before walking out through the staircase.

Brian sighed. "Don't hurt your sacrificial lamb, let me go." He ordered.

Oldest brother waved at his men to let him go and after that, Brian took Piper's shirt clothes from the floor and looked at the Oldest brother Feng in the room.

"I want to believe that you have respect for women, so I'd like to ask you and your men to turn while I dress her up."

"You don't need it. She won't be wearing clothes as a sacrificial lamb anyway, so what's the point?" He asked coldly.

"Oh, my bad for thinking you're worth something," Brian smirked.

"What do you mean by that?" Oldest brother Feng frowned.

"I meant what I said, you are a piece of shit!"

"Bang!" He sent a blow to Brian's face in anger.

Brian felt his teeth go sour and a fishy taste in his mouth, still, he laughed out loud. "Only an insecure weakling uses their fist at every altercation. It's a shame you're the senior son of the Feng family, no wonder the family prefers Feng Long. He is calm and collected. At the same time, calculating and would probably be the head. Hahahaha..."

Brian's intention was to rile him up and cause conflict amongst the Fengs while also buying his people more time.

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