274 Piper's sorrow

"Ha, it seems you both parted on bad terms. I'll be waiting for you whenever you wish to open up." Pink changed the topic. "I heard she made her first kill."

"Yeah, so I heard too... She killed her son's teacher without flinching. Alex, your daughter is a monster. Hahahaha..."

"She lives with a heartless demon and her parents are evil people too, so it's natural." She said lazily.

"Indeed." Yellow nodded.

There was gloom hovering inside the car and with their sad conversation, it felt like an important. person will be dying soon.

At Madam Caroline's house...

Piper walked downstairs from her room and went to get a slice of cake from the fridge before she came back to sit in front of the TV.

She had involuntarily seen Jeslyn's news on her phone a while back in her room. No one can avoid not seeing Jeslyn's news right now because she is the hottest trending topic right now, so a lot of people are bound to know about her.

Jeslyn's success is indeed hateful. Although Piper no longer has malicious intentions towards Jeslyn anymore, she knows that with this success comes heavy hatred and jealousy. Especially now that a lot of smart people have started guessing what Jeslyn and Maverick's relationship is.

It was better that they didn't reveal who Jeslyn really was, else, in a few days, news of her death would have been the next trending topic.

Good thing Celestine immediately lied. Even though she had been on top of the chain for many years, Celestine still remembers how toxic and dark the entertainment industry is.

While eating and watching what was being shown on the news channel she was watching, she sneered.

On the news was one of the Lus talking about his expectations of seeing Maverick back in the family


"This family seems to be living under a rock like my mother. They think they can force my brother to do whatever they want... Tsk. Tsk. Tsk... So dumb."

She took another bite from the piece of cake and drank some juice.

"Hmm, the Lu family might win this time because of my brother's wife." She frowned. Remembering what Jeslyn did for her, she felt a sudden pang of guilt which disrupted her happy mood.

She heard that Jeslyn was the one who spoke to Maverick and forced him to give her blood. Ever since then, she stopped hating Jeslyn and felt grateful. But because of pride, she hadn't gone and thanked Jeslyn. 2

"Should I go? Won't she disdain me? She might think that I'm finally coming to thank her after seeing

her potential, isn't it?" With the spoon covering her lips, she shook her head.

"I heard she's a nice person, so she won't treat me that way, right?... Forget it, I'll see her tomorrow at a quiet place, with that, there'll be little to nobody around if she decides to get angry and embarrass


Piper took her phone from the couch beside her and called her manager.

"Fina, please arrange a meeting with Jeslyn for me... tomorrow. Thank you." She dropped the phone afterwards and smiled, thinking about the expression that would be on Manager Sarafina's face right


Indeed, Manager Sarafina was astonished to hear Piper tell her thank you and please!

The last thing anyone would expect from Piper was the use of those keywords. Even though she has been quite the gentle and nice lady these days, that doesn't mean that her rude and narcissistic personality doesn't flare up once in a while, so Manager Sarafina made sure to not fall too deep for Piper's recent changes.

Not long after, Madam Caroline barged into the sitting room with a tabloid and threw it at Piper.

"Didn't I warn you to stay away from that pauper? What is the meaning of this?!"

Piper took the newspaper. On the front page was a photo of her and Brian, kissing. Her grip on the tabloid tightened but remembering that her mother was still there, she folded it in two and gently placed it beside her juice on the table.

"That's a scene from the movie, what are you getting mad about?" She rolled her eyes.

"Piper, I dare you to lie to me one more time! Is that pauper the reason you refused to go out with Feng Long? Is he?!" She yelled.

"Mom, please! Don't start this today, I'm exhausted and need some rest." She got up with her cake and juice, ready to leave but her mother wouldn't let her.

Madam Caroline slapped the plate of cake away from Piper's hold and the shattering sound of the plate reverberated in the quiet sitting room.

"Mom, what exactly do you want? Haven't you done enough? You played my life to whatever angle that pleased you, isn't that enough? I'm not a child anymore, Mom, please! let me live my life on my

own terms!"

"What life are you talking about? The one I gave you?! Do you know what that boy is?... Piper cut her off. She had heard the last line for five years and already knew where she was going.

"He's a pauper like you kept saying- Although he was able to attend the same school as me; a wealthy heiress. And Mom, don't you think you are being too much?..." She withheld the ugly words that were about to roll out of her tongue.

What pauper attends one of the best schools in Country M? Schools in Country M no longer dare to give scholarships after some scholar students were killed by some rich brats who felt they were being insulted.

Even though Brian's origin is unknown, he was far from being a poor person but Madam Caroline doesn't want to see that. The only person she wants her to be with was Feng Long because his family was influential and has something that she desperately needs.

Once Madam Caroline gets her hands on what she wanted, she would throw the Feng family away like she always did.

Madam Caroline took a deep breath to force her angry heart to calm down. "Go in there, change out of this casual nonsense, put on something to make you look ravishing, and head out to go meet Feng Long."

"Haha, Mom, sometimes, I wonder if I'm merely a toy for your progress." She closed the space between them and touched her mother's chest. "Is there still a healthy heart in there?..." She pulled her hand back and fought the tears that were seducing her eyes.

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