253 Convincing her husband

Maverick sat on the bed with a file in hand. He lowered the file and looked at the woman eating dessert and pretending he was not there. He looked back at the file and suddenly smirked before he threw the paper to the bed. 1

"You can't be with us for five years?... Do you agree with that?" He asked.

"Ahem!" Jeslyn choked on the piece of cake she was about to swallow. "Ahem! Ahem! Ahem!!" She cleared her throat after coughing a few times.

"I- I was waiting for your opinion." She smiled while cursing Rex in her heart. The betrayer didn't do as promised. She knew it wouldn't be easy to convince this man and Valen that was why she got Rex invoked but he only handed the file to Maverick and ran away.

"My opinion? But you already signed the contract." He said while looking at her artistic signature. 1 "Ah, it was by mistake. My new manager has an overwhelming aura around her, so I got pressured and signed it without reading it. Hehehe..." She lied.

"Oh, her aura is stronger than mine, isn't it?" He raised a brow at her obvious lie.

Jeslyn hurriedly waved her hands. "N- no, no, that's not what I meant. I... ahem!" She got lost.

Maverick shook his head. "You are married with a child. What do you think of that?" How can he allow his wife to live in a separate place for 5 years? It's inconceivable!

Jeslyn swallowed. "I thought about it."


She was tongue-tied, not knowing how to continue for a moment. What else can she say other than to come clean? She knew he had seen through her since the beginning, so she got up and walked to the bed. Squatting in front of him, she held his arm and shook it a little before she started to explain:

"Plum, you are very rich, no doubt, but do you know that people will start to call me a gold digger? Some would say I'm not deserving of you and that I'm worthless and shouldn't be married to you. A lot of women would come at me and even hurt me publicly because they feel I don't have a backbone. Plum, no one will respect me."

"Does what people say matter that much to you? I thought you didn't care?" He asked her while looking at the cat expression on her face. His wife is indeed gifted in acting cute, helpless, and innocent. He knew that whatever she says wouldn't be her main reason but pride.

"Yes, and no." She continued. "We are humans, Plum." She sighed and sat beside him. "Even though we don't want to care, our hearts and minds do care. My heart, including yours, will automatically break -or grow heavy with fury if we keep hearing such words being uttered against me. You'll vent by killing some people but how many can you kill? There are approximately 200 million people living in this Country. Can you kill them all because they talked bad about me?"

"They can only air their opinions if I allow them." He stated.

Yes, who doesn't fear Maverick? Why would anyone curt death by gossiping about his wife in the open? It's an unarguable fact that tongues must wag no matter if she's richer than Maverick or more deserving of him than anyone else. Provided jealousy and envy exist, haters must exist, so he wasn't buying Jeslyn's excuses.

Jeslyn shook her head. "That's the quality of a tyrant. Listen Plum, I won't be the only one getting backlashes from the envious people. Our son would too. The world is sick and they find faults with literally everything, so our son might be bullied. When they have nothing to provoke him with, they could call his mother a gold digger. And trust Valen, he won't hold back. Then the world would say he is a problematic child."

Maverick nodded. She was right on that aspect. But he isn't scared of what the world would think of his son, and neither would Valen care. If anything, Valen would prefer that so no one would annoy him and let him live his life in peace.

"Also, you know me. My pride and dignity won't allow me to depend fully on you. I need to work and earn my own money too. I just want the idea of being a working mom and buying my children things. with my OWN hard-earned money."

Now she finally said what he wanted to hear. "Did you have to go through the long route? I was waiting for that."

"Hehe, I'm a good mother." She winked. "However, that doesn't mean I won't have eyes for your money. Your money is more enticing to spend. Hahaha..."

Maverick smiled and pulled her onto his lap. "From all you've said, you only convinced me with the last part...working-dependant-mom. Is it?" 1

"Don't put it like that, ah, make it a little dignified."

"Hmm... working mom who depends on her husband's money?" Maverick teased.

"Still the same thing" She lightly slapped his hand.

"Haha... greedy wife?"



As the couple's excitement and laughter echoed around their room in the mansion, Damien was having a sleepless night in the quarters.

He hasn't been able to see Kimberly since yesterday. That asshole, Maverick wouldn't allow him nor tell him how Kimberly was doing.

He was getting desperate and couldn't help it anymore.

"You bastard!" He threw the covers to the floor and got down from the bed. His room was brightly lit and everything was luxurious, just like a five-star hotel. "You must be sleeping soundly now while you left me to be wretched. Ugh! I just want to snap your neck, you heartless soul!”

"Careful with your words, Master, it might get us in trouble," Randy's sleepy voice drifted in from the

side room.

"Tch, go back to sleep and stop poke-nosing"

"You woke me up. It's late, you should let me sleep if you don't want to." Randy fired back.

"Don't come after me, else you'll pick your life on the road." Damien threatened.

With a face looking like a panda's and hair like a bird's nest, he walked to the door with his blue pajamas not well done.

Damien didn't know where he was going or what he was doing but he just found himself heading in the direction of Kimberly's sisters' quarters.

"Boss, where are you heading?" Randy asked as he walked behind him while dragging his coat to shield his body from the cold breeze.

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