251 Bullying Damien you hadn't

"So? Since when did I become my brother? Like my sister-in-law said, don't get family involved in men's fights. If you hadn't touched my cargo, you would have had one less enemy and if stretched your fang to my sister-in-law, you would have also gotten three less enemies." 1

"What do you

mean three less enemies?" Talking with these unreasonable Lus was stressing him out.

"Ah, my brother will avenge his wife, I will avenge my sister-in-law, and she will also avenge herself. Hehe... you didn't think we'd let you go scot-free, right?" Rex glared maliciously at him.

"Chaos," Damien turned to look at the lazy looking Maverick. "Wh-"

"My wife and brother are angry. What can I do?"

"Oh? So you don't want to get involved?" He asked.

"No, but rest assured, you're still useful so you won't be killed."

"Maverick!" Damien shot up. "For how long are you going to continue treating me this way? You made me the person I am today! It's all because of you!! I turned a villain just so you could see my heart-"


you also fallen in love with my husband? Don't you dare!" Jeslyn's voice boomed from the door. 1

Everyone turned to look at her. She was striding towards them in a fit of rage.

"I'm not gay." Damien cut in and sighed.

"Good for you..." she took a deep breath and turned to look at her husband. "Why did you order them to not allow me to take the car?" She was wondering why her husband didn't come for them, it happened that he already instructed the guards not to let her leave. Such a controlling bastard!

"You are upset and you aren't in disguise."

Jeslyn touched her face. That's right but... "Why do you care? Weren't you good at hiding my enemies from me? Did you do that because you two are in love? And you even brought him home!!" She screamed. 1

"Ah..." Rex didn't know if he should laugh or pity his brother at this point. But one thing was certain... he was loving this chaos!

"Ahem," Maverick cleared his throat and got up from his seat. He walked to stand in front of Jeslyn and held her by the shoulders. He lowered his height to stare into her angry hazeleyes. "It's not what you think."

She flung his hands off her shoulders. "What do you know that I think?!" She pointed at Damien. "That beast killed my grandfather and caused my mother to die. He separated Valen from me and made it so that Mulan could treat my child like a robot. As if that wasn't bad enough, he brought in Vera who almost burnt me with chemicals and pushed my son down the stairs. Maverick Lu, what else is there to understand?!" She spoke calinly like she was trying to understand her husband. Her heart hurt that he wasn't as angry at the enemy as she was. How could he?

Maverick pulled her into an embrace. "You are right to be angry. He deserves your anger..." then he

pulled away and returned to stare at her in the eyes... However, I'm the biggest culprit." "What are you talking about?" Jeslyn frowned as angry tears caressed her orbs.

"I drove him to that extent. So I should also be punished, Candy floss."

Damien and Rex looked on in shock and surprise. Did Maverick just defend Damien?! Why???

"Wh-what do you mean?" Jeslyn stuttered in disbelief. She knew her husband was defending her enemy. She suddenly felt the surge of disappointment and bitterness at the bottom of her heart. Her eyes slowly started to tear up.

How could he do this to her? He knew how much she detested those people who ruined her life, yet he is protecting the mastermind. Why?

"Floss, you trust your husband, don't you?" Maverick asked her quietly. Silently enough for only her to hear.

Teardrops slowly fell from her eyes as she stared into her husband's emotional eyes. They were slowly turning red and she has no idea why. The veins on his forehead were popping out and she believed he was suppressing his emotions.

"Plum, 1- I..." she fell into his embrace instead of answering and burst into tears. She couldn't stop or hold back the tears. The person who caused her so much misery was right here with her but she can't do anything to him. 4

Maverick carried Jeslyn in his arms and went out.

Rex finally got hold of himself and exclaimed. "Waaa! That was a rollercoaster. I almost cried at the beautiful- huh? Why are you crying?" 1

Damien was shocked and raised his hand to his checks. Indeed, he was crying.

Damien couldn't deny that he felt envious and jealousy for those two's relationship. Jeslyn felt betrayed, yet she has an unwavering trust for her husband. Will there ever be someone who would love and trust him so much to believe that he didn't really mean to be this kind of a person? He also crave love, why does no one see that?

He wiped the tears and smiled. "I guess that's called a tear of anger?"

"That's certainly not a cry from anger. You look sad and have a longing expression on your face... Say, evil Damien, have you started to feel emotions?" Rex smiled. This was the perfect time to bully this devil. "Fill me in, I might be able to help you, you know." Rex winked. Once gossip is involved, Rex no longer has enemies.

"Since your brother left, mind telling me which hospital Kimberly was taken to?" Damien ignored him. He was here for Kimberly in the first place. "Eh? Who is Kimberly?" Rex frowned.

"It seems you don't know. Leave it be." Damien turned and was about to walk away when Rex ran to stand in front of him with his hands wide open. "Don't be like that, frenemy. Who knows, I might be of help to you. My sister-in-law listens to me. I

can speak well of you so she'll forgive you, you know?" Rex winked. He wasn't going to but he wants to hear this juicy news by hook or by crook.

The almighty Damien has changed?! Of course, Rex can't miss the opportunity to know why and how!

"Tell that to someone who doesn't know you. Get out of my way, gossip monger." Damien brushed him out of his way and walked forward.

"Very good. I'll help my sister-in-law to seek revenge against you instead. I heard that your human trafficking agency is being monitored by Fin and I happen to have some interesting evidence that will undoubtedly get you hanged. Should I give it to that stubborn Fin? He'll be very happy. Haha..."

"You imbecile!!!" Damien groaned.

"Hahahaha... now, now, frenemy. Come back to your seat and tell me all the gossip. Who is Kimberly and why is my brother ready to protect you even if it means going against my sister-in-law? Also, why does it look like you've changed?" 1

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