Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 77

Chapter 77 

In the tiny room, illuminated only by the soft red light of the embers, they lost track of how long they stayed on the bed. She was on her stomach, while Theo lay half on top of her. But Carmine didn’t want to move. The sensation of his weight on her thralled her. The rhythmic beating of his heart against her back enraptured her. 

Sometime later, she found herself nestled in his lap, feeling safe in his embrace. He was leaning against the headboard with his arms around her. She didn’t recall how they even got to that position, but he held her close to him, dragging trembling fingers through her hair. 

“How are you feeling?” Theo asked, his voice laced with concern. “Does your shoulder hurt?” 

Shaking her head, she said, “No, nothing hurts.” Her eyes went to her shoulder, and she gasped. 

“I don’t understand…” He expected the arrow would leave a brutal scar over there, but to his utter surprise, there was no scar. “The arrow had pierced you thoroughly, and the doctor had to cut the bone on the side to remove it. He stitched you up and said that you will take at least four weeks to heal. However-” His gaze locked with hers. “You have healed completely within two days! It’s amazing.” 

Her hand went to her shoulder where the arrow had pierced her. She scooped her hair to the side to see the place where it was lodged. But all she found was pale pink skin, as if just healed. “I was sure I would die… And then you didn’t take out the arrow at Winn’s insistence. You didn’t give up on me?” 

“I didn’t. How could I let you go, love?” He pressed a k*ss over the place where she was injured. With a shuddering breath, he said, “The signs of injury are barely there.” 

Her gaze met his, and she found him looking at the wound. She swallowed down her saliva as she felt through her bond what he was feeling for her. Theo had experienced a lot of misery over and over for many decades after his father had kicked him out of his pack and then after his mother died. He must have felt the same. Or worse. Because they were mates. ‘I love you,’ she said. Theo’s head jerked to her with wide eyes. 

“I could hear you,” he said, his voice merely a surprised whisper. “And I love you too.” 

She gasped. “Really?” 

He nodded with a ragged breath. “Oh Carmine!” he grabbed the back of her n*eck and pulled her to k*ss her l*ps. She closed her eyes and let him take his time. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead over hers. “You don’t know what I went through…” 

“I know,” she murmured affectionately. “Who shot that arrow?” 

Chapter 77 

His demeanor changed to aggression. “Shaman’s daughter, Ada.” 

Carmine narrowed her eyes as if remembering who Ada was. “Oh, my goddess!she rasped. “Ada was the girl who took care of me when I was at Kade’s lodge.” 

His l*ps peeled back as a snarl escaped him. “Yes, I know. And she was the one who drugged you to keep you from escaping that night.” 

“Ada drugged me?” Carmine’s eyes widened in pure shock. “No wonder I have a zero recollection of that night.” 

“Yes, she confessed that she did that so that Kade could control you!” he said rolling off him in waves. 


“When you 

find her, you are going to get her to me!” she hissed. “That whole family is so fucked up. Wait, she confessed?” 

“Whole family?” Theo asked, bewildered. 

She shook her head. “Yeah, Ada is Kade’s cousin.” 

“How is it that none of us couldn’t smell her as Kade’s family?” he mused. 

Carmine shrugged. “Maybe because she must have eaten something to hide her smell?” 

“No… there’s something else about her.” 

She cuddled up next to him. “Well, if you find her, you are getting her to me. Or have you already caught her?” 

He chuckled. “We apprehended her immediately. After she shot the arrow at you, she was trying to run, but my wolves captured her.” 

Carmine got up straight. “I want to see her,” she demanded, as a fresh wave of fury hit her. “I want to ask her a few questions and then kill her slowly and painfully.” 

Since when did his Luna become so vindictive? It was a wonderful change, and he loved it. But he gaped as he stared into her eyes. “Your eyes–they’ve become silvery.” There was a glint that spilled on the edges. A shudder of awe ran through him. 

She blinked several times, and her eyes turned back to their blue color. “Stop joking,” she smacked him on the chest. Though she remembered that the other wolf mentioned something about her eyes. 

“I am not,” Theo asserted, “I’ll have to show them to you next time when this happens.” He suspected her eyes became silvery when strong emotions swirled inside her. 

“Okay, but please take me to Ada.” 

16:32 Fri, 26 Jan 

Chapter 77 

“I will, sweetheart, but you are too frail at the moment. Please rest for a while and then I’ll take you to her.” 

She took a deep breath in and settled back in his lap. “What about the Shaman?” 

“He’s dead and currently hanging from the gate of my pack. With his guts around his 


Carmine flinched. “Goddess, that was harsh, Theo.” 

“No, it wasn’t,” he said tersely. “What I did was right. No man or wolf on this earth will dare to touch my Luna again.” 


Though Carmine flinched, she relaxed immediately. What Alpha Theo did for her was exemplary, and she approved of it. In fact, she was proud of him. “I want to meet Thor,” she said in a soft voice.” 

must be very anxious.” 

Theo swallowed thickly. “He was, when you were gone and then he would cry all the time when he came to know that you were injured, but now he is much settled because I have told him you are better. You can meet him, but I would like it if you are not as pale as you are now when you meet him. Otherwise, the rest is up to you. I want him to see you as a strong mother and not a fragile one.” 

“My baby…” she nodded as she murmured. “We both have gone through a lot, Theo.” 

“I know,” he replied, grasping her arms and k*ssing her temple. “I wish I was there with you during that time.” He closed his eyes and rested his chin on her head. “Now everything is going to be fine.” He rocked her gently in his lap. 

Suddenly, she jerked her head back. “Where’s Alpha Kade?” 

He gritted his teeth. “The fucker has escaped. He never came to fight against me. Instead, he sent his warriors. When we defeated them, we took over his pack and my wolves conducted a raid to search for him, but-” He shook his head. “He wasn’t there.” 

“Coward. Donkey!” Carmine cursed. 

Alpha Theo looked at his mate and then burst out laughing. “I agree.” He k*ssed her 

again and said, “There’s a question I am dying to ask. How did you heal yourself so well?” 



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