Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 75

Chapter 75

Carmine felt like she was floating in darkness, untethered and cold. She would come in and out of unconsciousness, feel sound and light, but would go back to floating in nothingness. Until….

She saw a speck of silvery light that looked like it was coming from the end of an endless tunnel. The small blob of light throbbed as if beckoning her. It pulsated with every passing second. She drifted towards it, finding the tendrils of light seeping from the blob.

A strong voice from somewhere sounded, ordering her to drink a fluid. It was warm, like tea, thick like sand, and smelled like lemon and blood and fresh blooms. Maybe. herbs too.

After drinking it, she felt at ease. When she settled back, the silvery wisps of light again floated from the end of the tunnel and she felt like going there just to see what it was. So she drifted towards them. As soon as she touched them, the white light burst into a splash of colors so bright that they blinded her. They swirled around her and enveloped her tightly. She couldn’t do anything as she sl*pped into the conundrum of the lights until she was small.

She was standing in front of a tall woman with beautiful silvery hair that fell to her thighs and was floating around her. The color of her hair was as delicate and luminous as moonlight spun into strands. Her face was so familiar… it was the same she saw in the temple’s statuc… It was the same woman who helped her escape when she was running away from the Blue Moon pack.

Little Carmine gasped because her features looked a bit like hers. Her eyes were the color of silver, with light glinting from the edges. “Who are you?” little Carmine asked, noticing a small tear lodged in her eye. The tear rolled down from her eye.

“I am Selene,” said the woman as she kneeled down in front of little Carmine. She pointed behind her. “And that is my chariot.”

Carmine stretched her hand to cup the cheek of the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. “Are you my… mother?”

Selene’s l*ps curved up. She brought her hand to Carmine’s hair and stroked them. softly. “Yes, I am your mother.”

Carmine couldn’t help and with a squeal of a child, she launched herself on the woman, curling her little hands around her n*eck in a tight embrace. “Mommy!” she rasped.

Selene hugged her just as tightly, closing her eyes and sighing in relief. When little Carmine pulled away, she said, “I’ve seen you in the temple and in- in the car. Why

Chapter 75

did you leave me, mommy? Do you hate me?”

Selene shook her head. “How can I hate those I love? I love you, Carmine.”

“Then take me with you. I am… tired…”

Selene stroked her pink checks as a sof scame to her l*ps. “You have to go back, love,” she said. “Theo and Thor are waiting for you. They both need you.”

Little Carmine shook her head. “I don’t know who they are, but I want you, mommy.”

Selene chuckled. “You were born for a purpose, Carmine. You are rare.” She picked up her golden tipped hair. “There hadn’t been a female like you born in centuries. You can’t come with me, but when the time comes, I will come personally to take you back with me. To the place you belong. To my world.”

Little Carmine gasped. “Your world?”

Selene chuckled as she nodded. “Yes, it’s beautiful. Only moonlight falls on the flowers. over there. And only small children play in my lush green gardens.”

Carmine looked at her with longing. “I am afraid, mommy. I am alone…”

Selene leaned over to k*ss her cheek. “No longer. Alpha Theo is going to be there for you always. He will look after you more than his life. So, go back, love.”

“But- but people hurt me.” Little Carmine rubbed her chest. “There was a lot of pain here…”

More tears rolled out of her eyes as Selene k*ssed her child again. “No one can hurt your anymore. You have to fulfill the purpose you were born for. I will always be there with


‘Really?” Carmine squealed in delight. “Will you be there with me, mommy?”

Selene laughed, nodding. She picked up Carmine in her arms and made her sit in her silver chariot. “Would you like to see the world with me?”

Carmine nodded as Selene sat on her side. Together, they explored the night that stretched over the world. Many hours later, Selene brought her back. “Go back, my child,” she said as she placed her little feet on the ground. “Unite the world of werewolves. You will encounter some adversaries, but with Alpha Theo on your side, everything will be fine.” Giving her one last k*ss, Selene embarked her silver chariot and disappeared into the light, leaving behind a trail of wispy tendrils.

Her muscles cramped as she struggled to open her eyes. It was as if someone had sewn

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Chapter 75

her eyes shut. With a lot of effort, she pried her lashes apart.


Everything was blurry. She couldn’t make out through the haze in front of her. She blinked a few times, trying to focus in front of her. When her vision finally cleared, she saw soft lights flowing across the walls. Embers cra ckled in the fire. She turned her face to the right to see someone slumped in it. His dark hair was long and disheveled and he had stubble on his face that was at least three days old. When he rubbed his eyes and sighed, Carmine couldn’t understand the familiar feeling that tugged at her heart. Who was he? Why did she feel she could command him?

With every muscle in her b*dy protesting, her throat constricting, and her heart thudding like a violet storm, she moved, sitting up. Her hair fell over her face and she gasped, feeling like she had lifted a mountain. “Selene…” Her skin felt like it was heated..

“Carmine!” Shock etched on his features as he rushed to her. “You are awake.”

“Alpha Theo!” he shouted as he grasped her wrists.

Carmine tried to grab the man in front of her. “I want… water….” When he moved away, she launched herself towards a pitcher on the side table.

An arm folded around her waist, holding her still, and another curled around her breast, pulling her back against a very hard chest. Electricity zapped through her at the contact. She was enveloped with the smell of oakmoss and mist. She whimpered against this strange pull. “You don’t want to do that, Carmine,” a warm voice danced over her ears. “You need something more than water.”

“I am hungry… and thirsty…” All her muscles ached. Her skin was sensitive and heated.

The man behind her jerked his chin towards another table at the end of the room, where the man with dark hair rushed. He picked up a crystal flask and poured a potion. in a tumbler. He hurried back to her. From a distance, he gave her the tumbler.

“Drink this, Carmine,” the man behind her ordered. He took the potion from the man in front of her and put it on her l*ps.

“You can leave, Winn,” said the man behind her as she drank the potion.

“Her eyes…” Winn said. “They are… silvery.”

The man behind her stiffened. “What?”

Forgetting about the man who gave her the tumbler, she greedily finished the potion. It was delicious and licked her l*ps.

The man behind her co cked his head and looked into her



Carmine moaned when his stubble grazed her. When her eyes met the amber ones, she

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Chapter 75

couldn’t look away. “Mate…”

“Carmine, your eyes are silvery.”

His words made little sense to her. She found herself saying, “I need you…”


His chest vibrated with a rumble. “Leave the room, Winn. My Luna has awakened.

Things are about to get intense.”


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