Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 70

Chapter 70

Using the door located at the back, Carmine left the main hall. As she walked through the empty dining hall, her eyes scanned the area for the guard who had given her the message. She had no doubt about the guard’s genuineness, judging by the way he spoke to her. As she exited the dining hall, she traversed a lengthy corridor and veered left towards the washroom.

When Kade presented her with the n*ecklace, she could sense Ruby’s humiliation, and despite her lack of fondness for Ruby, her message intrigued her.

Upon reaching the washroom, she noticed the absence of any individuals outside. She opened the door lightly and saw that Ruby was standing there in front of the mirror. “Ruby?” she said, when their eyes met in the mirror’s reflection. The sight of Ruby’s red-rimmed eyes took her by surprise, indicating that something had deeply affected. her. “I read your message,” she said. “And came here. What is it you want to say?”

Ruby mouthed ‘go, shaking her head slightly. Carmine jerked her head back. “What the hell? What is going on?”

The door behind her abruptly closed with a loud bang. Carmine jumped to see who was there. Her eyes widened when she saw Ivy was standing there with her hands crossed across her chest. Catching a movement out of the corner of her eye, she glanced back and saw Kade exiting a stall. His movements were calculated and facial expression exuded malevolence. The air thickened with tension as Carmine backed.

“What the hell is this?” Carmine said through clenched teeth. Her heart rate spi ked as she looked accusingly at Ruby.

“Run Carmine!” Ruby rushed to her. But before she could even reach Carmine, Kade grabbed her hair and yanked her back. Ruby screamed, “Kade!” With his fist wrapped around her hair, he pressed her back to his chest.

“Did you think I wasn’t keeping

Leve on!

bi tch?” he hissed at Ruby. He let out a sinister chuckle. “See what you brought me? What a lovely present.”

“You are insane!” Backing away, Carmine seethed with rage. “Alpha Theo is going to rip you into pieces and then burn you if he comes to know what you are going to do!”

Kade raised an eyebrow in amusement. “I agree Theo would do that, but how would he know what I have done?”

Shock blasted in her chest when she realized Kade was about to abduct her. She turned and rushed towards the door, but Ivy grabbed her and pulled her back. The two fell to the floor. As Carmine fought to free herself from Ivy’s grip, her senses were overwhelmed by the suffocating scent of the cloth pressed against her face. Carmine

Chapter 70

struggled, thrashing her head and limbs to get out of her clutches.

“She’s strong!” Ivy snarled. “Do something, Kade!”

Ruby kicked Kade to slow Kade’s movement, but in a fit of anger, he smashed her head against the counter. The impact was so devastating that it caused her head to split open, and she let out a piercing scream before collapsing to the ground, unconscious, blood. pooling around her. Perhaps she was dead, but Kade hardly cared. He approached Carmine and kept the cloth pressed on her nose.

Carmine struggled, but her vision tunneled. As she thrashed against her captors, the exertion required to move felt akin to lifting and hurling a colossal rock. Her breath became slow, and she gasped for air. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she desperately tried to escape their tight grip.

“You defied me at every turn, Carmine,” Kade said, peeling his l*ps back. “I am going to take you to a place where no one will ever see you!”

Carmine’s eyes drooped, and she shook her head slowly. Her breathing became heavy. “No…” she whispered, her voice barely audible, as if it was carried away by the wind. Soon everything became blank, and she fell into deep darkness.

Nightmares of wolves with golden eyes chasing her haunted her. She wanted to get out. of the dark jungle through which she was running to escape them, but the jungle was unending. She looked around desperately, but there was no sign of an exit in sight. “Theo!” she shouted. “Thor!” They didn’t answer. Her voice reverberated through the dense jungle, attracting an increasing number of wolves.

“She isn’t well…” a faint voice sounded from somewhere.

She whipped her head and saw that another wolf with amber eyes was stalking towards her. Frantically, she turned and sprinted in the opposite direction, only to collide with an imposing black iron gate. “Open it!” she shouted, banging on it with her fists. “Open it!” No one opened it. The wolves behind her came closer. Suddenly, they pounced on her. With a shriek, she fell to the floor, curling into a ball.

‘Silver is affecting her…” the voice came again.

The wolves started devouring her. “Help me…” Carmine sobbed as pain shot through her and then everything became calm.

Hours later, she peeled open her crusty eyes, trying to see if she was still in her nightmares, but the smell of mold and damp said something else. Her throat felt parched, as if it had been sanded with rough grit. She licked her l*ps, hoping to get some water. Her eyes went to her wedding dress. She wasn’t wearing it anymore, but she was in a chemise.

Chapter 70

25 Jan

“Where am I?” she murmured as she tried to pierce her eyes through the surrounding darkness. A beam of light caught her attention as it streamed through a cr ack. Dust motes danced lazily in that streak, marking the damp and still air of the place she was. in. It appeared to be some kind of man-cave. She was sitting on the cold ground. Mold and fungi infested the walls.

Taking a deep breath in, she scrambled forward, only to be yanked back by her constraints. “Ahh!” she cried as pain sizzled on her wrists and ankles. When her gaze went to her shackles, her eyes widened. They weren’t the usual silver chains. They were chains made from bones intertwined with silver. “Goddess!” she rasped. “What is this?”

Fear crawled down her spine like a giant tarantula. She desperately tried to free her wrists from the shackles, but with each wriggle, they only grew tighter. They tautened so much that the bones started digging into her flesh. Gasping for air, she stopped, and the chains loosened. She could hear Ember hissing at the feel of the chains.

‘What is it, Ember?’ she asked her wolf, who whimpered in pain.

“These are chains made from the bones of ancestors, mixed with silver, Ember said. ‘Kade must have dug out the b*dy of one of his ancestors to make it for you. Because simple silver chains can never keep me confined.”

A s ob worked its way up and tears rolled out. ‘What do we do now?” Kade had done. something so nasty to her shackles that it was beyond imagination.

‘Find a way to get out of these, Carmine, Ember said, hissing again in pain. ‘I’ll do the


“Theo!” she shouted as hard as she could. Her shoulders slumped, and she started


The door creaked open, and she narrowed her eyes to see who it was.

“Carmine,” Kade’s voice resonated in the space, sending a sinister chill down her spine.



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