Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Carmine stared at her phone, totally confused by the conversation she had with Mr. Wilson. She directed her gaze towards the computer where the property was displayed. It was beautiful, and it was very cheap at just thirty thousand dollars. There was no way she was going to leave that offer. It suited her pretty well, but she was wondering about how she would move there so soon.

She switched off the computer and went to her bed. However, she couldn’t really sleep well. Dreams of the little cottage, the golden eyes of a man whose face appeared in and out of fog, haunted her. By morning, she made a decision. She was going to go buy the property and move to the Gold Moon town. The Blue Moon pack was two hundred. miles from there, and there was no way that she would ever get in touch with Alpha. Kade Marshall. She would keep a low profile. She reminded herself that she was doing it for Thor. With how her boy was growing, she was sure that he would shift as soon as he hit puberty or before that. He wasn’t like the other shifter pups. There was much more in him that the eyes met.

“Thor, hurry and get dressed!” she called him from the kitchen as she packed his lunch box.

“Mommy,” Thor came to her with his little fingers buttoning the shirt.

She laughed when she saw how he had buttoned them up all zigzag. “Yes, darling?” she knelt on the floor and buttoned his shirt properly.

“What did the taxman say? Do we have to sell our house?” He asked, c cking his head and rounding those beautiful amber eyes that matched the golden tips of his hair. She sighed, wishing she knew who was his father.

Carmine’s expression changed to that of nervousness. “It’s nothing that mommy can’t take care of.”

“Mommy, when I grow up, I will become very rich and powerful and I will take care of you, I promise.”

“Aww sweetie!” Carmine hugged her son. “You worry so much about me.”

Thor hugged his mother tightly. When he pulled away, he said, “Last night I had a dream.”

“What dream?” she asked, getting up to ready his school bag. She loved to hear his cute. stories. This was the best phase,,according to other mothers she socialized with. Children invented stories according to their dreams to match reality.


“That you are getting married to a man with golden eyes?”

She jerked her head back. “Really? You have an imaginative mind!”

“Mommy, the man was a wolf.”

She gasped. “Thor, you better wear your shoes. We have to reach your school in half an hour.” His words surprised her. He had never, ever said that to her. His dreams were of wolves or food or fairyland, but her marriage- A shudder passed down her b*dy. She would never marry because all she wanted was to focus on her son.

They reached his school soon. As soon as Thor was out of the car, she stepped out and warned him, “No bullying others, okay? Stay low and stay calm. That way, you

attract attention.”

“I never bully others!” he shot back at her angrily. “Unless others are after me.”

Carmine rolled her eyes. “Okay… just stay calm, promise me.”


He pouted his l*ps and nodded rather sullenly. Carmine held his hand and as they walked to his class, she couldn’t help feeling that she was being watched. The hair on the back of her n*eck rose. She took a deep breath in and ment ally berated herself for overthinking. She was actually very exhausted.

Back in the office, Joseph was preparing an XL sheet of their previous returns. “When did you come?” she asked, keeping her purse down, surprised that he was already in the shop.

He rose to his feet to fetch black coffee for both of them. Picking a bag of pastries, he came back to her. “Hungry?”

“Very!” Carmine chuckled as she took the coffee mug and red velvet pastry. She sat down and looked at him, wondering how would she break the news.

“Something’s bothering you?” he asked, sipping his coffee. Joseph was like a big brother who knew her very well.

She pursed her l*ps as she shifted in her chair. “I am planning to move.”

“What? Why? Is this about the taxes?” Joseph asked. “We can deal with it. You can move into my house if things go that bad.”

She shook her head. “No, Joseph… It’s more difficult that you think it is.” She looked around her shop. “I have to sell this and my apartment to pay the due amount. After that, it will leave me with very little and it won’t be enough to sustain in this big town.

So I have decided that I will go to a smaller town where I can start agains

“Carmine! You are being ridiculous!” Joseph rebuked her. “You can’t-” He was cut off

Chapter 7

when the bell rang. He stopped, alarmed. Who could be here so early in the morning? It was only 8 AM. His gaze went to Carmine, and she shrugged. “Can you check who’s


Carmine went down with her coffee. As she was walking towards the main door, she could see a tall man with broad shoulders standing on the outside with his back turned to her. She opened the door and said, “I am sorry, we are clo-“The man turned towards her and her mouth snapped shut. He was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. He was so tall that she had to crane her n*eck up to see his face.

The man’s skin was like perfect marble, stark against the black shirt and trench coat he wore. His features were chiseled and those eyes… amber….. Otherworldly… His eyes. couldn’t distract her from the rest of his face, which made him look like some kind of a fallen angel.

He had a square jaw and his aura was so domineering that she felt like submitting to him. Suddenly a thought ran through her mind-what it would be to have a man like him by her side. To have him want her badly that

Under her intense gaze, his brows drew together. She noticed they were like bold. slashes across his chiseled face. He took a step towards her, invading her personal space. She felt hypnotized, rooted to the spot.

She collected her sc att ered thoughts, shoving the stup id notions from her mind. “We are closed. Please come after two hours.”

“Carmine Jones?” he said in a deep, throaty voice that made her toes curl.

“Y-yes? The way he said her name, it was like the words enveloped her in a warm hug on a wintry day, filling her heart with joy. But wait. How did he know her name? Was he another guy from tax authorities? Nervous, she took a step back, clutching the door’s kn ob with a sweaty palm. W-who are you?”

He regarded her with his furrowed brows for a heartbeat and said, “I am T. Wilson.”

Carmine’s mouth dropped to the floor.



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