Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening (Carmine and Theo) by Misha k
Claimed by the Alpha Luna’s Awakening by Misha k Chapter 66

Chapter 66

A day was left for the wedding and more than Carmine, it was Theo who was nervous. He was pacing the boutique as Winn, Tusker and Sloane were selecting his dress. “I should’ve married her as soon as I came here!” he gritted his teeth. He gave a pointed. glare to Joseph who was helping his team out. “And you-” he barked at Joseph. “Don’t you f ucking ever meet my wife! If you have to talk to her, you will talk to her from ten feet away. Do you get me?”

Joseph raised a discerning eyebrow. “Carmine is my friend and a lamb,” he stared back, refusing to stand down in front of a beastly man. “And I find you to be such a wolf. Frankly, I am scared for her. You will devour her and my poor lamb will be left with nothing!”

Theo’s eyes popped out as his demeanor changed to something so ferocious that Winn, Tusker and Sloane winced. With clenched fists, he growled, “You have no right to call her lamb. The only person allowed to call her lamb is me! I will snap that n*eck of in two if you think of using any endearment for her!”


Winn was ready to hold his Alpha back as others paled but Joseph rolled his eyes. “Get lost, Theo. Just make sure that you don’t hurt Carmine or Thor, else you know who will be coming to hunt you down.” Saying that he went back to assessing the dress, leaving a very bewildered team of wolves and a very, very pis sed Alpha. Little did Joseph know that he was talking about hunting the most powerful wolf in North America.

“Please sit down, Alpha Theo,” Sloane said softly. “Let us just get this suit tailored for you. We don’t have much time left.”

“That’s right,” Joseph added with an exasperated breath. “Stop going devilish every time.

I talk about Carmine. Hush!”

Theo jerked his head back at Joseph’s admonishment as others stifled their laughter.

“Why don’t you add a dash of pink here,” Joseph said, pointing at the seam of the


“What? No!” Sloane countered. “He’s straight!”

While the men in the room blushed, including Theo, Sloane waved her hand at Joseph who had narrowed his eyes and was deeply thinking about an alternative.

An hour later after Sloane was satisfied with the outcome, they left. While Winn rushed grumbling, he wished he had thousand hands to do two thousand jobs in less than twenty-four hours, and that he had an Alpha who was considerate enough for his Beta, Theo went straight back to Carmine.

“I hate Joseph, and that’s it!” he declared, putting his hands on his waist. “He is


Chapter 66

prohibited from calling you lamb from now on.”

Carmine shook her head. “He’s never called me ‘lamb’ And cool it, Alpha Theo. I’m marrying you, not Joseph.” She was looking at the jewelry she was supposed to wear with her wedding dress.

He clenched his teeth, trying to tamp down his jealousy as he strode to her. Then he turned her towards him and k*ssed her l*ps, cupping her face in his large hands. She curled her arms around his n*eck, her finger going to his hair. When he removed himself, he rested his forehead on hers. “I don’t like it when anyone talks about you so lovingly. You are mine.”


chuckled and stroked his silky hair. “Joseph is a friend you can’t be jealous of. He was with me when you weren’t. Together, we built this business. Thor and I are his only family and he came after me, leaving everything behind because he says that he doesn’t know what else to do.”

“Why do I see admiration for you in his eyes?” Theo growled. “I also sense that he loves

Carmine’s eyebrows shot to the roof. “I think what you mean is concern, not love. He’s

like my older brother. We’ve been through thick and thin. Just give him time, okay?”

Theo pulled her close to his chest and hugged her tightly, burying his face in the crook of her n*eck. He inhaled her scent to calm his frayed nerves. “I don’t know…” He picked

the end of her braided hair that was golden and worried them in his fingers.


She stroked his back lovingly and said. “Alpha Theo, I will not be seeing you for an hour before the wedding, okay?”

He pulled away from her like he got a heart attack. “Why? I said that I don’t believe in such traditions.”

A soft smile came to her l*ps. “But I believe. I want us to have a happily ever after and if this small tradition will ensure it, I will go for it. Besides, it’s just an hour.”

He sighed. “Okay…”

A soft knock on the door disturbed them. “Alpha Theo?”

It was Tusker. Theo frowned. Tusker had never disturbed him like this. Not once. He opened the door. “Tusker?”

Tusker bowed to him and said, “Alpha Theo, Alpha Kade’s mother, Ivy Marshall is here.”

Theo’s mouth dropped open in shock as Carmine paled. “What’s she doing here?” he

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asked, his tone coated with menace.

“She says

that it is urgent for her to meet you. And she’s here along with Luna Ruby.”

Theo didn’t like it at all. He hated the woman who had thrown out his mother who was the true mate of Alpha Chris Marshall. Hated was an understatement. He loathed her from the bottom of his heart. He suspected that it was because of her that Kade was like this. “Ask her to sit in the library.” Then he turned over his shoulder to see Carmine. “Do you want to accompany me?”

A shudder ran down her spine but Carmine knew that she had to overcome this fear else she would never be able to face Ivy. “I will. Give me a moment.”

Tusker left and Theo closed the door. He walked to her and held her by her waist. “You don’t have to go, love. I feel terrible in Ivy’s presence and if she does anything will not hesitate in killing her. She’s a nuisance.”

40 you, I

With a shaky breath, she shook her head. “No… She’s past and I have to put her behind. And please don’t do anything today. I want our wedding to be perfect.”

He stared at her with admiration in his eyes. “That’s like my Luna.” He k*ssed her temple and then together they walked to the library hand in hand. When they reached the corridor that led to the library, he halted. “Are you sure, Carmine?” He could feel. her increased heart rate.

“I am. Let’s face her.”


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